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I hate the people that dis rap and hip-hop. I listen to a lot of rap and I'm been listening to it for most of my life. And I like talking about the new songs and stuff. Then some idiots start talking and saying rap is crap and rap stands for retards attemption peotry and all of that BS.And there are some types of music I dont like but I dont go around talking crap about it.

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I hate the people that dis rap and hip-hop. I listen to a lot of rap and I'm been listening to it for most of my life. And I like talking about the new songs and stuff. Then some idiots start talking and saying rap is crap and rap stands for retards attemption peotry and all of that BS.
And there are some types of music I dont like but I dont go around talking crap about it.

yah i agree but not in a i love rap and you cant dis point of view but that every thing ar form of music, for example a lot of the kids in my school love rap and hip hop but when some one says something related to or listens to other stuff like rock or country, they say "that white people crap." people have their opinion and thats all it is not afact. but really think about would say stuff like that about other forms of music, cause in your cas that would be a just deserve (you know what goes around comes around)

I don't really like rap, but I don't go around saying it.
No offense dude, but it does suck. :)

perfect example he think it sucks but you dont and i dont just like that i could easily say most country music sucks

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I also hate people that like to dis music just because its not the style of music they like. I feel like those people are locked in or idiotized to the genre that they like and even though sometimes they hear a song from another genre and like it, they wont accept it. I know lots of people like this, In fact I used to be one, but as you grow up you abandon your loyalty to only one genre and realize that there is a whole world of music out there waiting to be heard. I really like the philosophy that pandora had about the way we like and listen to music. Its not the genre that makes us like it, its all the elements in it combined that compose the song. Thanks to pandora I discovered new genres and music styles and artists that I had never heard of.... Too bad its restricted in my country and I cant listen to it anymore. Now the #1 thing I hate is territorial restrictions.

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I don't really like rap, but I don't go around saying it.


No offense dude, but it does suck.

There is no big music genre in the world which sucks. No matter what it is- there will be at least one shining example of a good song in your opinion.

I'm fine with people's personal opinions, I used to nhave the same. I hated rap with a passion until I was introduced by some friends to actually good songs, and was reminded of thingsm I heard in my child-hood. There's just such a large range, from Afroman (Comedy) to Scarface (Not comedy).


I hate the people that dis rap and hip-hop. I listen to a lot of rap and I'm been listening to it for most of my life. And I like talking about the new songs and stuff. Then some idiots start talking and saying rap is crap and rap stands for retards attemption peotry and all of that BS.

You shouldn't take what they say to heart so much. If someone doesn't agree with your music taste, how do imagine yourself percieving their's. Whilst you may not say it's 'Crap' to their face- you'll definately think it. The only difference between you and the 'hater' is the fact that you choose to control your opinion as it's not as strong.

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I hate the people that dis rap and hip-hop. I listen to a lot of rap and I'm been listening to it for most of my life. And I like talking about the new songs and stuff. Then some idiots start talking and saying rap is crap and rap stands for retards attemption peotry and all of that BS.
And there are some types of music I dont like but I dont go around talking crap about it.

I used to like rap back when people that did rap had actual talent. Today it's all samplers and pretending to declare that you live in some poor environment when you've never had anything less than a stainless steel spoon in your mouth. Anybody can be a rapper or hip-hop artist these days - it takes out the specialness that music and artists have and turns it into mass-produced redundant slop. Anyone can take a clip from a song, add a drum beat and recite a poem about smoking crack, but it takes something special to synchronize two electric guitars perfectly with the rapid beat of a drum and to sing while doing it, or organize tens of violins, cellos, trombones, timpanis, and people in a choir, or to actually synthesize your own sounds from a sound chip and organize them onto a tracker with only letter names to guide you (or do what the guys at BBC did with the original Dr. Who theme and sample one sound from one instrument and repeat it by using strip of cassette tape labelled for each note, plus some radio equipment that really had to be tweaked to make some good sound). It's the only genreof music I have to say I really dislike.

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