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Excellent Computer Related Practical Jokes....

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Well I thought of this one day in my basement and tried it... it worked.... although I'm sure lots of other people have though of it already...Step 1> Take a screen shot of someones desktopStep 2> Set it as their backgroundStep 3> Hide all of their icons, either delete them, or hide them in a folder, etc...Step 4> Hide task bar by draging it downIts so funy, they go to click on an icon, and all they do is click the desktop... I love it...This one got done to me:First of all, make sure its a public computer place, with row upon row of computers.Step 1> Find two computers side by sideStep 2> Take the mouse cord from the right machine and put it in the left, leave the mouse by the right machine so it looks like it's still plugged into the right machineStep 3> Do the same, but reverse the sides, left goes to right, etcStep 4> Do step 2 and three for each key board. Its pretty funny when two people sit down and begin controlling the others computer....

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In my computer class they do this all the time. It's pretty funny. One day there was a kid clicking on his desktop for a good 5 minutes before the culprit finally burst out laughing. :)

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Here is one. I haven't tried it but it could work.


1.Take a screenshot of their desktop.

2.Open note pad and create a simple webpage with the background being the desktop.

3.Use Javascript to make it so that when the click on the body and alert comes up saying they have a virus.

Sample Code

<script type="text/javascript">function fakeVirus(){t=setTimeout('alert("You have a virus!")',5000)}function clickVirus(){alert("You have a virus!")}</script><body onload="fakeVirus()" onclick="clickVirus()">

4.Save the file.

5.Open up the file.

6.Turn off EVERYTHING from the browser until it just shows the background picture.

7.Leave the computer alone.


When he comes to his computer pop in there and ask him whats wrong.

Next, ask him if he wants you to get rid of it.


If he says yes then tell him to leave the room and clean up all your dirtywork.


If he says no laugh extremely loudly and tell him what you did.

There ya go.

Edited by coolcat50 (see edit history)

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thats even better.... I actually want to try that now...That would be very interesting and mighty funny.....

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Yay!I've just done this:Step 1> Take a screen shot of someones desktopStep 2> Set it as their backgroundStep 3> Hide all of their icons, either delete them, or hide them in a folder, etc...Step 4> Hide task bar by draging it downOn my brother and he was trying to click the icons for ages. It was hilarious.

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Lol, I did that a couple of times a while back. its a really good joke. Nobody expects it. Another joke I did in school a while back was with the netsend command. I would send jokes or funny warning messages to peoples computers. I would scare the people, the message was something like, we have been monitoring and we know you have been accesing restricted sites or something like that, and that they shouldnt move because they were going to come for them. LOL, you should see peoples faces after this, they would close every window and sit and pay attention to the class and act like everything was alright. This got me in to trouble once, though. A huge goth kid wanted to beat me up, it was really funny because he said he was watching us and that he knew that we had turned his computer off. What this guy did not know is that his computer had the sasser virus and that his computer turned of by itself because of it. I guess he noticed it since he still had the problem and we werent playing with netsend anymore. I had a couple more jokes, but I cant remember them at the moment, If I do, I will sure be back. The netsend joke does not work on most machines anymore since that command has been disabled with windows updates, its a shame, it was really fun, you could also communicate with friends like if it was a chat almost.

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i have a better one :) this always baffles the school admin at our school, because they don't know what's going on.

what you do is...

our school admin have blocked anything in the way of editing the computer's preferences... command prompt, regedit, right clicking on taskbar and stuff. but one thing they forgot to fix was internet preferences. so what i do is, i go to this wallpaper:
Cool Wallpaper

and i right click, save as desktop background

this works at school

then what i do is end explorer.exe (taskbar, desktop and all of that), leaving only the wallpaper!

then you stand aside and watch the techers puzzle over what happened!

another good one is the old bsd trick

if you have a computer with windows 95 or 98 installed, or know someone who does, then do the following:

-open windows explorer
-type in C:/con/con
be amazed!

that's how simple it is. a three-step blue screen of death.

either this, or you create a webpage which automatically refreshes to this location, such as this one (this is one of my webpages)


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i have a better one :) this always baffles the school admin at our school, because they don't know what's going on.
what you do is...

our school admin have blocked anything in the way of editing the computer's preferences... command prompt, regedit, right clicking on taskbar and stuff. but one thing they forgot to fix was internet preferences. so what i do is, i go to this wallpaper:
Cool Wallpaper

and i right click, save as desktop background

this works at school

then what i do is end explorer.exe (taskbar, desktop and all of that), leaving only the wallpaper!

then you stand aside and watch the techers puzzle over what happened!

another good one is the old bsd trick

if you have a computer with windows 95 or 98 installed, or know someone who does, then do the following:

-open windows explorer
-type in C:/con/con
be amazed!

that's how simple it is. a three-step blue screen of death.

either this, or you create a webpage which automatically refreshes to this location, such as this one (this is one of my webpages)


Dude, thanks for that post, I've used that wallpaper.

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Well, heres some technical stuff for freaking out computer users...we require 1 normal picture of say nature, car, flower etc... put it as the 1st frame image in gif animator.then for the next frame put a picture of some wiered guy/gal/ strange species which looks horrifying. Then set the animation timeout for larger seconds. save your animation as a gif fie and you can keep sending it to your friends via mail or you can as well place the same as a desktop wallpaper in your friends computer. This simple technique require that either your friend is a soft guy or a weak hearted person or a scared guy. Believe it or not the effect is too strange.

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1. Take some transparent tape, take out someone's Ethernet cable, put the tape over the head, then slip it back in. Walla: a network issue that your coworker won't figure out anytime soon. ;)


2. Create a shortcut leading to shutdown -s -t 10 -c "Windows has detected an error in the boot sector of the system and must shut down to conduct repair procedures. Please close all running programs and save your work." and disguising it as something ordinary as the Internet Explorer icon leads to some fun and frustration too. This causes your unknown victim to try to run Internet Explorer only to be met with a message and a 10-second countdown to shutdown. :P


3. Slightly disconnect USB input devices and make people wonder why their mouse or keyboard isn't working. Better yet, if they're still using PS/2 devices, switch the keyboard and mouse (plug the keyboard into the mouse port, mouse into the keyboard port).

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Well, you started all of this as a joke, and here we are, you created some of very well know viruses ;) . Maybe this is how people created viruses, by trying to make jokes. This is an idea I am not quite sure.

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Hey this is some funny stuff, maybe i might try some of this out one day. I wish i had thought of this a year ago when attending a course. I think i'd have difficulty laughing too soon though.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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I had this prank done when the desktop got inverted and my friend had no clue as to what to do. All I did was to create a macro to run the command as scheduled times, preferable when he would be busy doing his project work.First of all get a macro creator program and record the steps to invert the screen (or any other prank). schedule the prank in any suitable time and wait for the fun to begin.

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