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Question About Changing Hosting Type.

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I was wondering if it is possible to do the following thing with my Xisto account.Since school has come by again I keep finding it harder and harder to keep my credits up because a lot of nights I don't even get to look at the computer. I also have noticed that I am not really using Xisto for hosting a lot of websites but more files and such not.I was wondering if I am able to downgrade my account for the time being to the account with the "One text ad" version. But a question on that, that I have is: if I host an image with my account that way and put the image on a site it doesn't try to add an ad does it?

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as far as I know, the ad block is only added to 'pages' on the qupis account, not images.Mod velma is likely your best source of information about qupis accounts. I suggest a pm to her.

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Well I messaged Velma asking if it could be done but no reply from her yet.I don't want it to be a permanent thing and I will still post in threads on the forums but I just can't afford for my hosted items to be brought up and down.

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Qupis and Xisto, although they are members of Xisto Corporation, are not related in hosting plans. Therefore you do not "downgrade" when you start a hosting service with Qupis.If you open an account with Qupis, every HTML page will show Xisto's one-line text ad (although they appear as graphics).So, for each and every page you create for HTML and a browser view, it will contain this single ad line--including iFrames.What you should not use Qupis is for storage purpose. This is clearly stated in TOS. You may not use Qupis as a storage place for any other website--including Xisto. Qupis account must function as a regular website with activity that does not stop for more than 30~50 days. Otherwise your account will be deleted without notice.

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I do not use it solely as a storage place. I have just noticed that I have been hosting a lot of images there I suppose. I actually use myDataBus for online storage.So I guess that answers my question, looks like I will just have to keep going under in points....Thanks for the help though.

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