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A while ago i had this strange dream... It was the end of the world - a huge meteor was going to hit the earth and destroy us. You could see it in the sky, and people were running around screaming and looting shops, which I remember thinking seemed rather pointless since we were all going to be dead soon. Then the meteor hit... only it wasn't this massive asteroid people thought it was and was only about the size of a football. It bounced a couple of times then rolled into the gutter and the whole thing was something of an anticlimax. The point of this little story is that when i woke up & put the radio on, the guy was doing an "on this day in history" feature... apparently about 200 years ago some crackpot philosopher had predicted that this was the very day the earth would end! Obviously he was wrong cos we're still here, but having that dream on that day was kind of spooky. So, coincidence? Or is it really possible to know things that there is no rational explanation for you knowing?

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Of all the supposed physic abilities, from mind reading to telekenisis, and various other out of body experiences, to me precognition is the most shakey, or unlikely, but I don't discount it completely. It's hard to fathom how you can pick up some energy from something or some event that has not happened yet that is not directly caused by human intervention. Precognition of a plane crash for examply, a physic person might be picking up mental input from a terrorist that plans to blow up the plane or something. Maybe the airplane mechanic had a hangover when he was working on the plane and did something wroung, and only thought about it after the plane took off. But since a human did not send the meteor it would be seemingly unlikely that anyone would know it was going to happen. Maybe you saw one of the many "Meteor hits earth" movies, or something that reminded you of one of those movies. Maybe you saw an actor that played in one of those type movies, the mind is really strange about the odd things it picks up from your surrondings and puts in your dreams. It is rather spooky about your having the dream on that particular day though. But probably coincidence.

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