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Downgrading A Hosting Package 2

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I've been wondering for a while now, since the amount of days is hardly piece to achieve.Are the days we get for our account fewer when applying for the hosting package 2,comparing applying to the hosting package 1.Theoritical it would make sense, because it requires 20 more credits for the package 2.If we posting a post in the forum do we achieve more days for that post if we having package 1? If thats the case, are there any opportunity for downgrading to a package 1 account?

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Whether you are hosting plan 1 or hosting plan 2, the days of hosting credits are the same. The real factor is how long you have been a member:As you gain member level, the hosting credits awarded for your post decreases. This is not to say that you earn less hosting credits per "words" but to encourage veteran forum members to contribute with quality posts.If you start with hosting plan 1 and upgrade to hosting plan 2, you actually waste extra 10 hosting credits--10 for plan 1 and 30 to upgrade to plan 2.

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But, when do I know I have achieved credits

worthy a topdomain?

I don't understand what you mean here. But if your asking how many credits are needed for a doain name on Xisto i will tell you.


First of all you need 280 credits. But only 250 credits are deducted. The extra 30 are to keep you up with some credits after applying for domain. IMPORTANT:- YOU need to be hosted when requesting a domain name!


But if you were asking me that if you purchased a domain name seperately from another site and wanted to make that the URL of the site hosted here at Xisto, Any amount of credits will do. I mean this by, Either package 1 : - 10 Credits


Or either package 2: - 30 Credits.


Whichever package you choose, when apllying for the domain dont choose something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ( Choose this only if you want the Xisto provided sub-domain


You should choose http://www.mydomain.com/ ( Or .info, .org, .net etc...... )


Hope i helped.

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Your credits are displayed on the index page every time you log-in.

On the forum startpage, when I've logged in are only showing me HOSTING CREDITS in DAYS.


I don't understand what you mean here. But if your asking how many credits are needed for a doain name on Xisto i will tell you.


First of all you need 280 credits. But only 250 credits are deducted. The extra 30 are to keep you up with some credits after applying for domain. IMPORTANT:- YOU need to be hosted when requesting a domain name!


But if you were asking me that if you purchased a domain name seperately from another site and wanted to make that the URL of the site hosted here at Xisto, Any amount of credits will do. I mean this by, Either package 1 : - 10 Credits


Or either package 2: - 30 Credits.


Whichever package you choose, when apllying for the domain dont choose something like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ( Choose this only if you want the Xisto provided sub-domain


You should choose http://www.mydomain.com/ ( Or .info, .org, .net etc...... )


Hope i helped.

What I meant was as you first stated. I am hosted as subdomain now, and want in future make my site as topdomain.

But, how can I translate my hosting days as hosting credits in points?


Thanks for all your help and time. :rolleyes:

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On the forum startpage, when I've logged in are only showing me HOSTING CREDITS in DAYS.

1 credit = 1 day30 credits = 30 days

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1 credit = 1 day30 credits = 30 days

Thanks alot jlhaslip!
I got 9.4 days, which means 9.4 credits, which means 280 credits is a really hard and tuff challenge for getting a topdomain,
when I whining about that the amount of days is hardly piece to achieve.
How many have achieve that little goodie?

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Just a few people that I am aware got the domain plan especially some of the veteran members have gotten the credit domain. Of course I wouldn't that some members had bought their domains and then park the domain here on their Xisto hosting plan. 280 (250) credits is not hard to get if you set up a plan, like trying to earn 5-10 credits a day through posts and what not, and so it would only take about a month to get all those credits. Of course you can purchase credits as well if you don't think you can maintain a stable plan of some sorts to post the needed credits.

Of course the gold mine posts are tutorials or scripts you have made that go into a lot of detail and in that way you can earn up to 10 credits just like that. Of course getting good discussion/debate posts that you constantly post in due to other members replying to and you replying back to what their post that they made.

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As jlhaslip said 1 Credit is one day and therefore to get a top domain it might take some time. Please when posting abide by the rules and don't copy and paste and spam just to gain credits. Remember, When you are warned you can't apply for things. Just keep posting on topics you find intresting in Xisto. Try posting some tutorials and/ or scripts as Sm said. As they may be long the credits you earn will be more compared to posting one-liners ( SPAM!).

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