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Who Will Be The Next Us President

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1 im thinking its gonna be hilary clinton. its not like im saying i would vote for her but this is the first woman who has a legitamit chance in becoming presedent of the united states. i think if anyone can end and win this war its probably her.anyways it is prolly gonna be a close vote but she will win i think. somtimes you just have to wonder if the mayans were right and the world will end in 2012 (when hilary clinton will get out of office) wierd huh?

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1 im thinking its gonna be hilary clinton. its not like im saying i would vote for her but this is the first woman who has a legitamit chance in becoming presedent of the united states. i think if anyone can end and win this war its probably her.anyways it is prolly gonna be a close vote but she will win i think. somtimes you just have to wonder if the mayans were right and the world will end in 2012 (when hilary clinton will get out of office) wierd huh?

I don't think she'll win. I don't think she has the best chance for ending the war.

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Although I'm not from the US, I'd probably have to predict Obama, although Clinton (the Mrs) is a dark horse if she gets into the presidential race. Some things holding clinton back is that she's lovable and she also has enemies.

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I'm not from the US, but I would like Hilary Clinton to win. Even though i know very little about US politics, I think it will provide a refreshing change to the US government and how things are run.

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I'm not from the US, but I would like Hilary Clinton to win. Even though i know very little about US politics, I think it will provide a refreshing change to the US government and how things are run.

I'd say it's pretty clear that you aren't from the US and know very little about US politics. Ron Paul, Barack Obama, or Dennis Kucinich are the three amigos that would provide a refreshing change on how things are run. Hillary Clinton is terrible, trust me, it's fine to want change, but Hillary isn't the change you want.

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Well, I am sure Hillary will win (unfourtenately ennough) and I am scared to death. She is the most liberal woman on the face of the Earth, next to Nancy Palloci.Who do I hope will win? Mitt Romeney, Rudy Gulliani, or Matt Huckabee. I really want Mitt to win, but he's not even going to get nominated because he is a morman, and that doesn't fly to well with the Christian right. . . oh well. . . And even though we dont want her to win, the polls say she is ahead, and stupid americans don't know what to vote for, so since they dont like ONE republican, they are going to vote for the liberal. . . They'll learn soon. . .

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Well I will give everyone a realistic perspective on who will be the next U.S president and try to fix all of Bush's mistakes since he first came into office. Although Clinton and Obama are very popular right now and in a perfect world they would win no problem, but in a country with so much political back stabbing, corruption, racism, sexism. They won't win, especially since right now the parties haven't nominated the primary candidates yet, and if those two get past that stage for this election expect a lot of political dirt to be thrown in there directions. I would say with it comes down to it either Romney or Edwards will be the front runners; however, regardless who wins the next president is going to have the most difficult presidency since Lincoln and Roosevelt were presidents. As they will have much repairing to do that I don't think the damage that moron has done will ever be repair in the next 3 or 4 presidents, and of course will they have to decide to end these asinine wars or be like bush and continue them. It is a fact that the generation X kids will suffer big time, but the 21st century generation will suffer the most since political corruption and backstabbing will continue to grow especially on the big issues of global warming, rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer gap increases, and of course oil. Although we cannot predict the future and what could happen we all know it is very bleak for us as humans regardless what these people who are paid to lie about problems that are obvious to everyone else. it will be a matter of time till someone does launch a nuke on someone, and it makes me wonder if the terrorists have won in the destruction of the United States. Are economy is so ruined because of oil that it don't take much to say terrorist attack and gas prices rise and stock market falls. Next year will definitely determine how economy will be like as gas prices will be in the $4-$5 range and there is no escaping it because politicians don't want other sources of energy to be unless it makes them millions of dollars. I wouldn't doubt that the rich and poor gap will grow as more average families start becoming poorer, and I can see that right now with my own family as we are barely getting by with what we make. 10-15 years ago we were doing fine as we had nothing to worry about and would spend like it was nothing and not worry about it, but now due to all the problems this country is having I wouldn't be surprise if the next president doesn't put a bullet in their own head. We all know Bush doesn't care and I wouldn't doubt that he has a plan for when he leaves because he is hte most hated man on this planet and he most likely go into hiding until he gets planted into the ground.That is just the few reasons I will never vote because of lies and crap that come out of these so called leaders, and if it does come down to Clinton or Obama winning, I rather have Obama win it because Clinton is so full of you know what that she will finish what bush is doing and completely ruin this country. I don't care that she would be the first woman president she is more crooked then Condoleezza Rice, and I would think Obama has the right state of mind and really stick it to the real crooks in DC.Aah feel better now after typing that out.

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I personally hope it's Barack Obama (not sure on the spelling here >.>).I consider myself very liberal, and I don't think people should be voting for a gender, a color, a religion, or a party. Having said that, I think people are more loyal to the person that identifies themselves as whatever the people who vote identify themselves as, and they probably will vote for a representative of their group (whether that group is a gender, color, etc.) instead of a person.The reason I hope Obama wins is because he seems to be the sort of person who will not make decisions based strictly on... Whatever it is some of the other candidates, and Bush, have been basing theirs on. The feminist view on the testosterone-fueled war will cause a different sort of evil, but an evil nonetheless. Their god should not have say in what they do, either.I live in Utah, and if Romney wins, all hell will break loose. I hate to be biased, but Mormon leaders rarely make decisions based on logic. We do not need a leader to enforce morality.Maybe I'm completely wrong in my assumptions; I'm not of voting age and I haven't done much research on the candidates. But Bush and Clinton are of the same mold and Romney belongs to the church that doesn't understand the word 'no'.

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I KNOW~!! Obama Bin Laden~!! Oops, I meant Barack Obama~!! HE WON~!! Last night~!! Then McCain made a concession speech in Phoenix, Arizona and everyone was being rude~!

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