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About High School Organizations.

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Okay, I just don't get this. I am attending a fairly large High School (it has almost 2000 kids), rated one of the best public high schools in the city, Blue Ribbon Award winner of 1996, City Champions in many sports and academic competitions... but yet the school does almost nothing to support the organizations that bring it the fame it gets. For example, the basic clubs: Key club, Chess club (which I restarted after it died out), Joggling club etc. - there is absolutely no support for them whatsoever. In Key Club we had to fit 20 people in an extremely small room, school officials even refused to put the announcement about our meeting on the PA announcement system section, so we had to buy food for our own money to advertise and get at least someone to come. Meanwhile, when our club got most volunteer hours than other high schools - it was immediatelyh on the A system. Chess club - we had to buy our own boards and pieces which somebody keeps on stealing - and, man, they are expensive. Usually we don't even have a room to stay in and we keep playing in the hallways. Meanwhile we have one of the brightest people in school playing for us, and we have won many tournaments - and - of course - it was on the PA system. Needless to say that Joggling club has no room at all - and we have to buy our own stuff also. Next. Sports. School DOES NOT sponsor majority of the sports - tennis team, ultimate frisbee team, roller hockey team, and many more. Meanwhile when we win it is on the PA system. Our Frisbee team won the city championship last year and moved up to the state level. Well, guess, what? We had to pay for everything - from discs to transportation. Our Fencing team has 4 rated "A" fencers (equivalent to those who participate in olympics) - and - of course - they pay for everything. Girls tennis team also won everything and got the second place on the states competition. But, yet, payed everything to the last penny.Academics. We have an excellent Math team as well as Science Bowl Team. In '04 we won the regionals and placed 6th on the national competitions bringing back 1000 $s to the school budget. And yet we payed for everything.I think, I see a pattern here. Now, WHY does this happen?

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I would bring it up to the school board, get everyone from your organizations to sign a petition and stuff. I know at my school there is much support for school organizations, so I'm sure it's a matter of the school view on things, so I definitly suggest petition the school board and you can even get parents involved too.

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sometimes even if the school wants to extend financial aid to clubs and organizations, there is only so much that they can provide due to financial constraints. i know that sucks but sometimes school administrators have to prioritize allotments of schools funds to those which are urgent and necessary, but even those too cannot be sufficiently addressed because school funds get depleted fast leaving nothing to support clubs and organizations.i dunno if you can look at the financial standing of your school, but it might just be easier to mobilize your school groups to politely ask school administrators if in anyway your funding support for groups can be addressed. there is strength in numbers, and if you can muster enough clout from other clubs and organizations in your school, they might just listen and give your groups what you yearn for. :rolleyes: good luck!and yes, parent involvement is also important as t3jem said. maybe they can organize sponsorship requests from local businesses in your area to help support your school groups. community pride is something you have to tap. ;)

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yeah.. I imagine Me, Myself and I going to my mon asking to write a letter "Hey, mummy, can you write a letter and ask the schoolboar to give me some money to buy some frisbees and shorts?" I just hate this system. There must be an other way around it.

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Our school is the quite opposite, in the 1990's they went on a massive spending spree under a previous headmaster, and extended quite a lot of things, including the amounts of sports they offer. Now their $10,000,000AU in debt!!

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yeah.. I imagine Me, Myself and I going to my mon asking to write a letter "Hey, mummy, can you write a letter and ask the schoolboar to give me some money to buy some frisbees and shorts?" I just hate this system. There must be an other way around it.

hardly the way to do it, but maybe this part in my post didn't stand out: "there is strength in numbers". :) so it is not just a "me, myself, and I" plus your mom... what i have in mind is involving parents (and teacher advisers to your clubs) to do the "begging" in behalf of your organizations. don't your school have any parent-teacher association of sorts? maybe your issue can be raised as part of the association agenda next time they meet.

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let me start by saying wow :) your school has some very interesting teams ultamite frees, roller hockey, and whats the glee club.i thought my school had issues with funding their organizations but my school,due to the principle, is very biast they spend so much money on football related stuff and ignoring about everything else. the football team made it to regionals this year, the first time in 50 years or so, and they got shirts due to the content of it would and only lasted one day. the worst part is that their's a buch of other sports that win big stuff that they dont even get the right publicity. we always thought that the reason for those stuff was because we had little money, but resently learned from our class president its not that they necesaraly dont have the money but they're just cheep. so dont feel bad i think its a general school thing.i think it also has to do how far you can push them to give you stuff, if all the sports that are being neglected boycotted i bet they would give them what they wanted. also they shoulde've not alowed them to get that money from the math team since since the team members had to pay for all the expences.

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