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Help! Forum Error Please Reply

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I'm very sorry for making so many topics, but just now I can't get to my forum because of this!

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare addlinenumbers() (previously declared in /home/omega/public_html/Sources/Subs.php:3671) in /home/omega/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 3721

Help me please!

(PS: sorry for being so dumb)
Edited by AlphaOfDoom (see edit history)

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Please mention what forum are you using and what version, where it is hosteda link to your forum??Please provide an elebroate info on the Forum and then ask for help, otherwise we cannot help you .

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That error is saying that the script is trying to create two functions with the same name. Have you actually opened the file mentioned (Subs.php) and looked at the lines the error suggests (3671 and 3721)?If you have been installing any modifications to the forum, check you installed them correctly, and check what file changes they made. If any edited Subs.php then uninstall the mods and see if the problem goes away.

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Have you actually opened the file mentioned (Subs.php) and looked at the lines the error suggests (3671 and 3721)?

And what would I do then?

If you have been installing any modifications to the forum,

Yes I installed one and that is when it happened.

check you installed them correctly,

Well I just used SMF package manager, you click install and it installs, so I am not sure here....I went into Cpanel and saw the file, but couldn't find an error...so I deleted the file that I installed, same problem...

and check what file changes they made.

I need a lot more exp working forums, trust me with that...

(I only know 'uninstall' with the package manager, but I couldn't get to it with this error, so how else do I do it?

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And what would I do then?

See if the same function is being declared twice (once at each line). As SMF is written in PHP, you'll need to look for a line like this:


function addlinenumbers($a_variable) {

If function addlinenumbers appears twice then the function is being created twice, which won't work.


Yes I installed one and that is when it happened.

So there is either an error in the mod code itself, or in the way it was installed. Have you contacted the creator of the mod and asked why this error might occur, or if it has occurred before?


Well I just used SMF package manager, you click install and it installs, so I am not sure here....

It is likely to be a bug in the mod's code then, or the way it installed itself.


(I only know 'uninstall' with the package manager, but I couldn't get to it with this error, so how else do I do it?

Most mods, even if they can be automatically installed, usually come with manual instructions for exactly this situation. Look through all the documentation that came with the mod and see if there are any manual instructions for installing it. If there are, follow them in reverse and you should be able to uninstall the mod.

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