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Css Scroll Bar Styles Change the color of your website scrollbar

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1. Must have limited to good knowledge of CSS.

2. Must have limited to good knowlege of HTML.



First of all, there are 7 different elements of a scrollbar.

a) Scrollbar Arrow Color

:rolleyes: Scrollbar Darkshadow Color

c) Scrollbar Track Color

d) Scrollbar Face Color

e) Scrollbar Shadow Color

f) Scrollbar Highlight Color

g) Scrollbar 3dlight Color


Bassically all that you need to do is change the colors like you normally do with any sort of CSS. Therefore, if you want the arrow of you scrollbar to be black, simply use this:

scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000



If you want to structure them then simply do this:


Body(scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000;scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF;scrollbar-track-color: #000000;scrollbar-face-color: #FFFFFF;scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000;scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000)

Well, if you choose to use the above colors then you'll be stuck with a scrollbar that looks a bit like a Zebra, but you get the idea. Well, I hope that helped.

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Just a reminder that the styling of Scrollbars is an Internet Explorer constuct and will only work in IE-related browsers.Also, the scrollbar styling code will not validate in the w3c or Html Tidy systems.

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