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Canadian Pharmacies Anybody recomend one?

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My hubby's old age and hard life has finally caught up with him. He's a disaster. The doctors are wanting him to take all kinds of perscription drugs. We totaled up everything they want him to be on, and it comes out to $100 a month more than his entire social seurity check. So obviously, buying them here in the US is out of the question. We will be going to Mexico, but not for a few more months, and I'm not sure he will last that long if we don't get him started on something. If anyone has used and can recommend a good cheap pharmacy in Canada I would really appreciate links to it. My fear of buying online stems more from being ripped off by scam artists, that don't even run drugstores. He needs diabetes, heart medicine, cholesteral, enlarged prostrate, high blood preasure, about a dozen different perscriptions.

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I am Canadian, so I don't have any links for you, but just a quick question about the medications and prescriptions:Are they all from the same doctor? and if so, is there a possibility that some of them can be replaced by a "combined" medication? Also, are there generic equivalents for those prescriptions? Might be able to reduce the cost on that basis.In the meantime, I can send you the next batch of Spam emails I get... j/k :P

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Yes, we went with as many generic drugs as we could, and did have a couple persctiptions changed to cheaper stuff. And a few of his pills are on the $4 Walmart plan, but even cutting everything as best we can it's still more then he makes. I get those spam emails too, but they are mostly for Viagra, and lordy, I want him better, don't want to kill him! :P

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Seems like I recall hearing about some proposed legislation to "regulate" Canadian pharmaceuticals. In a nutshell, this will eliminate any incentive Americans have to order Canadian prescriptions by raising their prices on par with ours. How's that for a corrupt pharmaceutical lobby! Apparently sovereign borders are no match against the drug company's political clout. I would think there would be some way around this for "creative" individuals, and I'll certainly let you know if I hear of anything. Oh, now I know: Claim illegal Mexican status and the US medical industry will literally be at your beck and call, with all the prescriptions you wish at no cost. No cost to the Illegal anyway. The American taxpayer gets to foot the medical bill for the foreign lawbreakers invading our beloved homeland. Oh, the obscene irony!!!

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Good to see you Misanthrope! I do enjoy your input here. Yes, if you want to ruin something let the government run it. I've seen it time and time again. Starting the end of January you will now have to have a passport to come back from Mexico, another added expense for us poor folks who head south of the border for our medications. So it is rather ironic that they can come here and get our high dollar medications for free and we as tax payers can't afford them. Crazy eh? I am still not finding anything on Canadian pharmacies, so if anybody has any other links I would sure appreciate it. Couldn't find any drugs or pricing on the one posted.

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