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Server Time Is Off

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I know i've been bugging you guys a lot lately (sorry) but I have a really small question this time (i swear)... the server time on my website is a few hours ahead. How do I change it to pacific time?

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Which script are you using that the time is off? If you wrote the script you can apply universal time zone by using php or other programming language you used, to synchronize with your time zone.If you are using one of popular scripts, i.e. Zoomla or forums script, you can enter the admin settings area and change the time by offsetting with -5 or -GMT your location time.

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The shoutbox, for example, was out of sync with the world last night by about 5 minutes for some reason.It is okay this morning.

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I'm using the php function time() to get the time and yes I know I can add seconds to it to fix the time zone but I use it many times throughout my site and frankly i don't really feel like going to every single page and find every instance where i use time and changing it :PI guess I will do that if I must...

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