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The United Nations And Its Role In The World!

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For some time now I have been watching what is happening in Myanmar, the killings that happen everyday. Everywhere in the world there is turmoil and I think the United Nations should take notice and act to bring peace, stability and democracy to the different regions. The United Nations should consider becoming the most important player in the world since it represent the whole of mankind. In Africa for example there are dozens of countries that require help in stopping internal strives and civil wars. Not to mention that the United Nation has the capability to intervene in such situations. Regarding the Myanmar situation I have heard that China and Russia used their veto right to stop any measures that would have helped that innocent monks. They said it was an internal matter but when the government does what it did in Myanmar the United Nations should (must) have intervened. The League of Nations (the former organization) designed to keep peace failed in its quest and the world plunged into a World War which took the life of over 60 million people. They must not let it happen yet again.What do you think?

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It will be a terrible thing when intervening became a pretense of war.There is only one rule that stronger hit weaker, all other words is lie.Don't put the ideology to other country because you are the stronger, I still remember the Eight Power Allied Force attacked China, burned palace of Tsing Empire, robbed cultural relic from China.What word They said that time? To liberate people or to bring democracy?Look at Iraq, isn't it a big slapstick?I think any country have it's own freedom to do what they want, Any other country or organization have no right to intervene when it do nothing endanger anyone else.

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Well, to sum up a lot of things, the United Nations is really weak. Most of its power is in paper form, and it can only do militarily what involved countries volunteer to do. Usually that's nothing. And if they do? Those blue helmets come real handy as target practice...

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I can't believe - I don't want to believe that the United Nations have no power. People are still suffering and dieing and China still opposes any action. It is no longer an internal issue, but a humanitarian problem. The United Nations should act with troops and stop the killings. The vast armies of the US or Great Britain or France or any other smaller army could come fight and finally do something good. Why in gods name should anyone use armies to bring peace? Guess there is no oil or money to be gained like in Iraq. Or I guess Myanmar isn't in the heart of Europe like Serbia is. Nobody does anything when there is nothing to be gained from it. So much for humanity...

It will be a terrible thing when intervening became a pretense of war.
There is only one rule that stronger hit weaker, all other words is lie.

Don't put the ideology to other country because you are the stronger, I still remember the Eight Power Allied Force attacked China, burned palace of Tsing Empire, robbed cultural relic from China.

What word They said that time? To liberate people or to bring democracy?

Look at Iraq, isn't it a big slapstick?

I think any country have it's own freedom to do what they want, Any other country or organization have no right to intervene when it do nothing endanger anyone else.

I don't think it is a pretense of war. There is war already out there and somebody should end it. And it has nothing to do with ideology, but with the fact that people are dieing out there. China isn't as communist as it used to be, but if you were to be beaten or killed in the middle of the street you would really want foreign help.

I have just come across a website I would like to share with you: http://www.uscampaignforburma.org/

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It is a fact that United Nations has no real power. They only make reports and paper work, but when something important must be voted, the reality is that there are countries whose vote locks the decission. That way problems would never be solved. For example, it has passed a lot of time since the first time UN dictated that there must be a referendum for the saharaui people to get out of the Moroccan domain. Morocco always find excuses to not celebrate any referendum... and this way is likely to continue to the end of time. The same with Israel and Palestina and the same in every place of the world. UN talks but the governments don't listen unless they think the same.

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I can't believe - I don't want to believe that the United Nations have no power.

In case you haven't noticed, the real world is scary.

The United Nations should act with troops and stop the killings.

Excellent, I'm sure deploying 2000 troops will make a huge difference.

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Well I don't know about you but currently united nations are more or less puppet of Unites States and more or less like NATO. So they are loging its initial roll. United Nations are destroyed by bereucracy because whenever they try to do some project or collect some money for funding other things and so on they in fact have to give 80% of collected money to the bereucracy of theirs that is their stuff their administration costs then sending people advertising and so on. SO in fact actions they are making are producing reverse order they are not helping to the people but instead they are financing themselves. Also interesting idea of my is that they that is United Nations might just be playground for larger nations Like Russia Chine Germany France United States Of America and so on and so on. What I mean by playground that it is just joining them to easier their political issues and make them more avaialble at manipulating world trade but not ordinary trade and so on. MOre like America says to Russia we close our eyes on your anti terrorist activity in Chechenia and you do not vet0 our attack on Iraq and Afganistan and so on there are so many similar issues to this one. And if you search and watch news more or less and follow what is happening in the world then you will understand what is the biggest and the worst issue of United Nations. It was in fact good idea to start it and it was all for noble cause but later on it just groowe to Big and it cannot hold on anymore. It turns to those who are paying the most. And there is nothing noble in that.I think that idea of United Nations is good however the biggest problem with United Nations is that they lost adn forgot why they were made and lost the iniciative this is big problem and it might even eventually over time collaps them, yes you read it correctly it might collaps them. And if you think this is soem distant future then you are wrong because this might happen sooner then you think.

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In case you haven't noticed, the real world is scary.

Excellent, I'm sure deploying 2000 troops will make a huge difference.

The United Nations do have power, but they don't want to use it. I am sure that Myanmar hasn't got any army that could oppose an armed intervention, but once again the big powers don't have anything to be gained from an intervention. In other words it's not about the power, I'm sure they have troops, tanks and planes, but about the will to do what is right no matter the costs. Human life isn't as valuable as oil or dollars.


I have just watched Hotel Rwanda (really good movie... should have received one at least one or two Oscars, but guess movies like Brokeback Mountain are much better... what is happening with the Oscars?!? but thats another discussion). Another sad story where the UN hasn't lifted a finger... I can't possibly imagine a motive why the UN didn't intervene. No one learned anything from that experience.Still no one gives a damn if his pour neighbor is suffering.

Edited by adriantc (see edit history)

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Another sad story where the UN hasn't lifted a finger... I can't possibly imagine a motive why the UN didn't intervene.

Because all the member countries of the UN don't sit around a table and say "Excellent, let us send troops to that country, even though they will be outnumbered, and this will likely be of no benefit to us, and lets 'restore order.' Who's up for it?" (Everybody is supporting the idea, and they're all outraged that this is going on. However, when asked to volunteer, they look around the room; heads shaking). "Well, we tried." Something of that sort would be going on.

Human life isn't as valuable as oil or dollars.

Millions of people around the world will disagree with you there. Sad, isn't it?

In other words it's not about the power, I'm sure they have troops, tanks and planes, but about the will to do what is right no matter the costs.

So if to many, cost is more important than life, is it a wonder why nothing is done?

Well I don't know about you but currently united nations are more or less puppet of Unites States

Well, the United States would represent about 80% of the military power of the United Nations anyway. They just don't wear the blue helmets which are excellent for target practice. Edited by dre (see edit history)

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Nobody does anything when there is nothing to be gained from it.

I quite agree with this word. No one will send his army only for humanitarian reason. If there is no oil to gain, President Bush would not try hard to let world believe that Iraq has ?Weapons of Mass Destruction? which is not exist from the beginning.


And if China has such a power to opposes any action, the war of Iraq will not happen.


So I think the very point is the benefit not the opposes from China or Russia.

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