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The Kingdom

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Anyone planning on seeing The Kingdom releasing September 28th in the US? (I don't know the times when it will be released or if it already was in other countries. I saw the preview in-theater, and I must say It had me anxious to see it right away! :P

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I already saw it a few months ago. It was pretty good. The ending was worth the whole movie. It is the most moving ending I have ever seen in a movie. I don't mean moving as in crying and stuff but i mean just the power it has over your mind and what it makes you think of is just amazing. Even though these wouldn't really be called "spoilers", I put them in a spoiler tag just because some people don't want to read them because they may want to see the movie. They don't really give anything away though:These are the lines I'm talking about:

In the middle of the movie a woman who's husband was killed in a bombing is crying in a meeting or something I forget exactly, but one of the CIA agents leans over and whispers something to her but you don't know what.A little bit later the man who made the bombs is shot and his grand daughter comes and lays next to him and he whispers something in her ear but again you can't hear it.At the end of the movie, one of the CIA ask that person what they said to make her stop crying, and he said "I said, 'don't worry, we're going to kill them all'", and right after that, it cuts to the mother of the child asking the child what her grandfather said in her ear right before he died, and she says "He said, 'Don't worry, we're going to kill them all'"

That must have been the most chilling line in a movie I have ever watched. It's just scary, but I do advise you to watch it. It's a great movie well worth the time to go down to the theater and watch.

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