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Impossible-to-answer Questions... title says it all

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ive got some.How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?Get a red sheet of paper, and stare into it. Look closely at the "colour" itself, examine it. Think about what it looks like. Notice after 15 - 30 secs you cant see the colour. Its invisible. Is that what colour looks like?Why do they have frosted windows on the toilets on a plane?and some more...If the Big Bang Theory is true, and all matter was condensed into one extremely small and dense area, then what was outside of the area where all matter existed?Does a mirror have a colour?If it is 0 degrees celcius one day and it is twice as cold the next day how cold is it the next day?If god created everything on earth then where did God come from? Did he just appear one day and decide to create us? Is there a God who created God?Is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?

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1. Most blind people become blind after birth, so, they have an idea of how colors look like. Very few were born blind.2. If BB is true (which I believe) - nothing around it could exist, since a singularity that strong would suck anything into it.3. I've read somewhere that it's silver. Not sure4. That's impossible:) Or, at least relatively - if yesterday was 10 degrees, today is 0, then tomorrow it's going to be -20 by that theory. You can't answer the question without knowing some previous data5. Sorry, I am an atheist.6. Burnt - you would loose conciouseness from overconcentration of CO2 around you and thus not feel anything.

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[1]If god created everything on earth then where did God come from? [2]Did he just appear one day and decide to create us? [3]Is there a God who created God?

[1]The question implies that everything is limited to earth.[2]The question implies that God created Himself, it's also not necessary to ask after asking the first question.
[3]After asking the second question, it's not necessary to ask this question.

To answer these questions properly:
[1]Him creating everything on earth doesn't mean He didn't create anything else that is visible to us. God is capable of being everywhere, He does not need to come from somewhere in order to be there.
[2]Refer to my first answer for His "appearing". And, also, the question is self-contradicting, making it not a question at all.
[3]No. To say yes is to talk about another god other than God, the Most High.
[hr=noshade] [/hr]
When i entered this topic, i was expecting actual impossible-to-answer questions. The only why question is the plane's toilet one—and even that is answerable. You should stick to why questions to increase the chances of making them impossible to answer; not to say that the why questions you choose are impossible to answer.

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If it is 0 degrees celcius one day and it is twice as cold the next day how cold is it the next day?-35.55555555555556 degrees celsius,if its 0 degrees celcius one day, thats 32 fahrenheitso twice as cold would be -32 Fwhich equals to -35.55555555555556 C:D

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Twice as cold would be 0 degrees Celcius, unless you can multiply by zero.Any number times zero is equal to zero, so two times zero is equal to zero.If you convert to degrees Fahrenheit, then 2 times 32 degrees would be 64 deg F. Not exactly twice as cold....

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How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?

Since the day you were born, you were taught to associate names to colors. You pointed at a rose and your mom loving told you RED rose. Whichever color was shown to you, you chose the color and agreed/acknowledged it, be when you were kid or when you grew up. Ever had a discussion over a large beautiful rainbow... Its so hard to come up with exact location, squence or order of the colors in rainbow. Also, I wonder why I always felt one color was much stronger and sometimes I felt a color was missing.r E Many many questions and many many thoughts about it, however we agreed to a lot in general and now I have developed my own understanding of colors in many languages as well. But there is no guarantee that the contrast, expoSuRe of your EYE is same as mine. Minute differences will still remain between what we see... for. e.g. spectacles power, being a 4 eyed guy myself, i know when i tilt my glasses a bit, the entire vision changes... or when i buy a new pair of glasses with updated power with more accurate readings and VOILA!!! the whole world is like brand new!


Get a red sheet of paper, and stare into it. Look closely at the "colour" itself, examine it. Think about what it looks like. Notice after 15 - 30 secs you cant see the colour. Its invisible. Is that what colour looks like?

this didnt work on me, I tell you why. I have a tendency to close my eyes when I Try to think something about the past.. to be more precise, I can either look/stare at the color Closely or "Think about what it looks like.". Please be more precise on the procedure or someone else please tell me how to do it exactly with intervals timing between staring and thinking and if, just incase, an occasional.. only one at the max, a flicky blin'K is allowed.


If the Big Bang Theory is true, and all matter was condensed into one extremely small and dense area, then what was outside of the area where all matter existed?

The big bang "theory" is the scientific understanding of the history of evolution of the universe,in short "what happened". Its like showing a rockET-launch to a little kid and expecting him that there is a living man/men in that kaa'BOOM! Launch. ofcourse, little kids would be least bothered about men or aliens for that matter of fact but the best part is, you show them, they believe it because you showed him/her that stuff on TV. just the way you believed red is "red" and green is "green". Here we cannot educate ourselfs about the origin/"perfect defination"/"theory of relativity" or even solve the mystery of bermuda Triangle. Existence of Luminiferous aether OR luminiferous ether.


if TV and misguiding BOOKS are effectively manipulated - matters like sucide bombers - innocently clean kids, they can grow up thinking that thats gods divine plan and prolly ka-BOOM! is normal way of death. all depends on the past, be it 1 min or 1 decade. I get brain-ragged when I think about these suicide-assh OlerS, not one but in hundreds around the world, some even well educated buggers, different family backgrounds, group suicides, following orders blindly without a righteouS thought...getting FUSED! or BANGed! not a joke.


... tired now, prolly add more later when i bump back into this post. thank you for reading.



Feb 11 2009, 01:52 PM


How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?


Blind people from Birth cannot be defined. A child after being born can be blind after 5 secs... I hope you get my point. But Blindness cannot be talked much unless you are blind yourself.


Coming back to your First Question,

There is all Black. And where there is light, its not black. may be vice Versa. I learn't in high school that colors are the result of reflecting light. Usually "things" are just absorbing all light (filled with all colors ..packed like ZIP file) falling on it and these "things" fail to absorb certain light which reflects.. However, because this reflected light is no longer in the ZIP file of Light, it emits a unique color which our retina in eye(kept alive & classified by heart) can come as a Vision i.e. broad level of color spectrum. Which you can see in a colorful graphic designing computer software or even better, Make One.

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Is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?Intresting Question, the fun lies both ways. But I m curious though, Why are you burning Alive? You must do that to the dead.-Shree

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Here are some questions that i've been asking them myself for a long time:Why do we exist?Are we alone in this galaxy?Why do we have souls?How to find true love for everyone?How many electrons are in one ocean?Is there life after death?Does reincarnation exist?When is the end of the world, and is there one?When is the start of Time?Is there any End of the Universe? (not end like, boom, it's gone, but like.. in a game, when you finish all levels, the End comes. End of the road for example :P)I know that there are some theories about every question, BUT NOT FACTS. More to come next post B)

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How do you explain colours, excluding black and white, and what they look like to a blind person that has been blind all his life?


Assuming blind from birth...


The blind person will not be able to fully grasp what you experience, but what I would try is to use an analogy with sounds.


First I would explain that with sight we can detect the shape of objects at a distance as long as there are no other objects standing in the straight line from the object to the eye using an energy that moves very fast in straight line and bounces off objects, providing a lot of information about their position, shape, etc (light).


Then I would move on to colors and explain that different kinds of surfaces of objects modify that energy (light) and with sight we can detect the different kinds of surfaces because the energy reaches our eyes in a modified form and our eyes have detectors that classify the energy that reaches them.


This is the point where I would use the sounds as analogy. Assuming the blind person is not deaf, she will be able to understand the analogy (obviously not experience it, but at least try to think about it). I would explain that the same way each object produces a sound of a different tone when we hit it and that has to do with the frequency at which the object vibrates, so does that energy we call light come in "different tones" depending on the surface it hits.




By the way, did you know that dolphins have a sense that we do not have?


They send and detect sonar signals that at least in theory allow them to build 3D images of objects around them, including the internal structure of those object, not just their surface (and do not think it is an internal surface, it is all the matter that light cannot penetrate).


Maybe dolphins have something analog to colors when perceiving the structures of objects of different densities.


Can you think about how they "see" the internal structure of objects in 3D?

Edited by freenrg (see edit history)

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Is it better to be burnt alive or frozen alive?


I would definitely choose frozen.


As you start freezing there is some sharp pain, but as this proceeds, your pain sensors gradually stop working and you go numb. Eventually, you start feeling sleepy and loose consciousness before dying, I think, from heart failure.


Burned alive?

No, thank you. I do not care if CO2 will eventually make me loose consciousness. By the time that happens, I will have experienced a hell of pain, an unbearably acute pain. In fact, I think a person burned alive (as in a bonfire, for instance) will probably become unconscious due to the terrible pain before CO2 does anything. Besides, I would not advise that you try this, but, for the sake of the scientific method, you could burn a person fitting him/her first with a gas mask to avoid CO2 entering his/her lungs). :P

Edited by freenrg (see edit history)

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If it is 0 degrees celcius one day and it is twice as cold the next day how cold is it the next day?


Twice as cold...Let me try:

There is something called absolute zero. Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature. It corresponds to −273.15? Celsius. Using a lineal* temperature decrease for the concept of "twice as cold", the next day we would be at -136.57? C (actually, -136.575? C).


* A logarithmic function might make more sense, because it is increasingly difficult to bring temperature down, at least on earth.

Edited by freenrg (see edit history)

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Get a red sheet of paper, and stare into it. Look closely at the "colour" itself, examine it. Think about what it looks like. Notice after 15 - 30 secs you cant see the colour. Its invisible. Is that what colour looks like?

No, the red colour looks like what you see when you start looking at it.


Once you have been looking at red for 15-30 seconds the red cone cells in your retina have stopped responding because they have run out of neurotransmitters, and they are no longer sending their signals to your visual cortex in the back of your head.


So after 15-30 seconds, you have actually become [temporarily] blind to red.

Edited by freenrg (see edit history)

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If the Big Bang Theory is true, and all matter was condensed into one extremely small and dense area, then what was outside of the area where all matter existed?


If the Big Bang Theory is true, and I understand it correctly, it is not just matter that is condensed, it is space itself that is condensed. The rapid expansion that follows is not so much about matter moving in space. It is actually space expanding.


Imagine a carrot cake with raisins in it. When you bake it the whole thing expands and the raisins move away from each other, but they are not moving from one part to another of the cake. It is the cake that is becoming larger and therefore there is more cake between one raisin and another.


Now, the question is about what is outside the carrot cake. There is an oven. God is using the oven to cook the cake. :P


Now, seriously, some cosmologists have created models with multiple carrot cakes, so when they "hit" each other big bangs happen. There are many different models which, by the way, are rather useless, because we cannot test them, but they can help you think about your question.

Edited by freenrg (see edit history)

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I am not sure what I am answering just for fun hehe

Here are some questions that i've been asking them myself for a long time:Why do we exist?

We exist here for death.

Are we alone in this galaxy?

No one can give actual answer this question. From my view there is no because we are not able to find out for that......

Why do we have souls?

It is developed in human beings well than others. It can be described by evolution theory

How to find true love for everyone?

First you have to look what you are ? what could be your thoughts. Try to search who can understand your thoughts.

How many electrons are in one ocean?

Don't mentioned it because you still not able to count your head's hair.

Is there life after death?

No, I don't believe this. Because no one come here after death.

Does reincarnation exist?

Yes I believe this. There are several examples of it and I faced that examples.

When is the end of the world, and is there one?

No, world has no end.

When is the start of Time?

Time has no start and endI

s there any End of the Universe? (not end like, boom, it's gone, but like.. in a game, when you finish all levels, the End comes. End of the road for example :P )

I don't think so.
I know the questions are very vast have to collect lots of knowledge to answer it. I have little one but I tried.

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