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People Who Don't Punish Their Children are bad parents

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Okay, so before I go into why I think parents who don't punish their children are bad, let me give you a little information before hand. A couple of weeks ago, my dad took me and my little sister to hurricane harbor (A water park.) We were going to go to six flags, but the day we secided to go was a 100+ day. So we decided to go to a water park instead. well, over all it was a fun experience, but one thing just annoyed the living crap out of me. My little sister, who might i add gets everything she wants, wanted to go on the buba tub, which might i add is a complete waste of time for the wait. Well, the line was moving pretty fast untill we got close to the platform, where it is the hottest. Well this one family comes in behind us. They looked like complete white trash, dressed like complete white trash, smelled like complete white trash, and most of all their children behaved like they were raised by white trash. Well, the son Dillon, had no sense of personal space, and was completlely up my *bottom* the whole time. Their daughter, who's name i can't remember, would get in front of people. Well Dillon would get in front of us (YES I KNOW IN FRONT) and LAY DOWN. Well, I accidently stepped on his fingers, and he just threw a complete hissy-fit.Well, If I was a little kid at a water park and I behaved like so, my dad would have just spanked me right then and there. But did these parents take any action at all? NO THEY DID NOT! All the fat lard of a mother they had was doing was teaching them their vegitables.Well I turned to my dad and gave him a look that means something wich i will not quote :XD: and he said in english, "It's a lack of home training." Well, I guessed she heard us by the sound she made.Well, Dillon got up and started being annoyingly close again. So, I keept "accidently" hitting him in his thick head with my elbow.So. Don't be white trash. Spanking is GOOD for children! They will behave in public! They will sit still at resturaunts!And you know what? My father spanked me. I turned out fine. IT'S NOT ABUSE!Oh, and another story. We were at Brookshires (a grocery store) and there was this fat lard white trash woman with her son. Well, her son got up out of the cart and just started missbehaving. BADLY!Well, the kid grabbed some tomatos and started squishing them on the ground. And you know what the mother said? "No noah. Stop that noah."Had I taken he same action of the child, i would not live to see the next day (FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING) I would be in soooo much trouble... I hate to see what parenting has come to these days...Well, if you're not that into physical punishment (even though it works the best) i guess you could try grounding or time out (Time out doesn't work very well just so you know.)So why are they trying to make spanking illegal? Can't thy see that people are allready having enough trouble with their kids? HONESTLY!

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yeah, I agree completely. I mean, I'm not even out of high school yet so I obviously don't agree with everything my parents did raising me (and I likely never will), but at least they knew to punish me, because I would have turned out a complete brat if they hadn't... I know exactly what you're talking about in your story, too, nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of whiny misbehaving children in a public place. :XD:

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Yea i agree people who think that giving there kids "spankings" will make there kid turn out bad but they dont realize that spankings help there kid become a better child. When i was smaller my mom give me spankings for the smallest things when i got older i never misbehave. There are some kids who parents just believe that if they don't give there child spanking there kids will respect them more. Which really does not help at all. In an episode of the Boondocks a show on Adult Swim it had an episode were a kid was making a fit breaking everything in the store making a big scene. The mom did not know what to do and started on the main character handed her a belt and showed her what to do with it. Then she whooped the kid with the belt. LOL That is what kids now of these days need.

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And you know what? My father spanked me. I turned out fine. IT'S NOT ABUSE!

Well calling people white trash I wouldn't really call that fine, at least keep it to yourself or phrase it some other way.

Anyway, I do think that a lot of people do need to discipline their children more. Of course spanking may do some good but it could lead to abuse but there are also other ways. There are many different things parents can do like giving rewards for being good instead or take away something when they are bad. Of course some parents shouldn't really be parents in the first place as sometimes they don't care what their children do as you said about the mother at the water park. A lot of these children are the same ones who's parents don't care how well or bad they do in school either which sort of ruins it for their children.

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I feel for you Sarah. My sister doesn't/didn't believe in hitting her kids but she has 3 kids and the youngest 2 are becoming brats themselves. Babysitting them is becoming frustrating.The kids in question are a 4 year old girl and 1 1/2 year old boy. The girl is basically 1 part undisciplined 2 parts spoiled. She is really smart for her age and that compunds the problem. She wakes up around 10am and takes more than an hour to eat a single toast; any attempt to wake her up earlier or hasten her eating causes her to rebel and go even slower. This attitude carries on into every corner of her personality. Furthermore her younger brother is inheriting her attitude.The thing thats really frustrating is that whenever we were babysitting my mom would say that it's my sister's job to discipline her kids (which is right). But there are times I think an uncle/grandfather has the right to step in and give a good smack.

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I completely agree with you. I'm a Senior in highschool so I do know what it's like to be punished as a kid. And I must say, I'm glad I was spanked for some of the things i've done. It's amazing to me how some parents treat their children. I was actually on a houseboat for a week with a family that had two kids. Now they weren't bad parents, but they never really punished the kids. If the children wouldn't come onto the houseboat the parents would give them a treat to do so (which is a bad idea as it would teach the kid to ignore their parent until they get a treat). I have also seen some very bad kids as well. Like the ones who think they're all that because they can trash can some kid at school and I wish that their parents would have done something about it.I myself would have turned out so stuck up I wouldn't be able to bare myself had I not been punished seeing as I came from an upper/middle class family raised in a lower class neigborhood. Punishment teaches your kids to behave and to be humble.Now I understand people trying to ban spanking to prevent abuse; however, sometimes children need to be spanked, just not in excess, but in severe instances (such as acting out or stealing, or hurting others).So I completely agree with you.

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There was a new law introduced in my country, that stops parents from hitting their children. It is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Children need to be physically punished so they will behave properly when they grow up. Some parents to go overboard, and hurt their children, but no physical punishment at all is a bad thing. They need to know whats right and whats wrong, and sometimes punishments like that are what need to be done.

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Oye, oye! What's with all the name calling in this topic, Mermaid? The vent was not created to unleash your anger out in such a way. Consider this a verbal warning.

But i do agree that a parent should be a parent and take action in disciplining their child when they're acting silly. Of course they shouldn't go overboard, where the child would require medical attention and the parent be placed in jail and have a restraining order. Here's a proverb that fits well with this topic: Proverbs 19:18.

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There was a new law introduced in my country, that stops parents from hitting their children. It is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Children need to be physically punished so they will behave properly when they grow up.
Some parents to go overboard, and hurt their children, but no physical punishment at all is a bad thing. They need to know whats right and whats wrong, and sometimes punishments like that are what need to be done.

What are they going to do, stick a police officer in every house? The law will never work outside of police presence!

I also believe that children need spankings sometimes. They don't understand words or have restraint. Pain is primitive enough for them to get the point that something is bad and it does it decently.

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I hate Children are not Punished.The children generally get spoiled, and refuse to listen to thier own parents.It reminds me of my girlfriends brother.This kid is ALWAYS off the walls, when told to stop he figures it as a game. If he gets hit he laughs and does it more like everything t o him is a game. I'll sit there and wait and wait for her mom to spank him or something, but all she does is say "Stop that, don't make me say it again, and etc" its like she doesn't even touch the boy. Don't get me wrong, this kid can be cool, but hes usually on the annoying side which I cannot stand. It just annoys me that they don't punish that kid at all. If my girlfriend smacks him for doing something she'll get in trouble. Kind of messed up. I'll never spoil my child/children when I get one/them.

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Yeah I feel that my smallest brother is getting too "not" punished whenever he does something wrong.

Maybe ONCE in a while we get so mad at him he gets to know it! But ... 5 minutes later it's the same sh1t...


Why? I try to yell at him but he won't listen to me, and Mom simply "ignores" it all, and Dad's not there usually...


*Sigh* I can practically foresee his future as a punk, criminal, or just plain *BLEEP*. No offense but he can be so "annoying", "greedy" and will always refuse to say "sorry" if he does something wrong.


Nor does he ask "nicely" (the whole "Can i please have *something*" deal).



SO PEOPLE - DON'T GO EASY ON THEM , OR THEY'LL GET WORSE AS THE DAY GOES! He's even beginning to become rude to my parents... (aka HIS parents :XD:)

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Parents should actually PARENT their children.I'm tired of the lame excuses. I've heard parents claim that they don't want to hurt their children's feelings. Some parents have said that they're "just being kids" when they do rotten things (like pull the dog's ears...or smear peanut butter and jelly all over the wall...et cetera).People who do not want to step up and do their jobs as parents should not become parents in the first place. The child needs to be trained...taught how to be a civilized human being. Parents who don't teach their children to become decent adults...well...they're failing those children. They're encouraging the brats to become bigger, brattier adults. And then those monsters are inflicted on the rest of society.

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I agree. In our country, we have a saying, "Anak na di mo ngayon paluin, bukas ikaw ang paluluhain" (The child you did not spank today will surely make you cry someday)


Really, I think some parents quite dumb for shunning corporal punishment. I think they need to seriously understand that children aren't quite refined individuals yet. As such, the language they understand will be one of reward and punishment, not moral and philosophies.


Of course, however, I am aware that corporal punishment can have many different outcomes.


(1) The parent becomes abusive. This happens when the parent fails to distinguish the fine line between righting a wrong and nitpicking. For example, it is perfectly alright to spank your kid for moving too much, disturbing the people around him. However, you know it is already too much when the parent hits the child for simply shifting in his seat. As parents, no, as humans who once went through childhood, they should know the limitations of a child.


(2) The outcome is not the one expected; fear, instead of discipline, is instilled in the child. I think this one happens when stupid mothers leave the punishment to their husbands. "Oh no, you broke Grandma's vase. Just you wait 'til your dad gets home." As a result, the child associates punishment with his dad, instead of his own wrongdoing. My psychology professor suggested, based on studies done on la brats, err, lab rats, that punishment, if implemented, should be done as soon as possible after the "crime" In other words, parents should spank their child the moment they learn of a mistake.


(3) The child grows up fine, with a firm sense of discipline. As a matter of fact, the child grows up under authoritarian conditions and become authoritarian himself/herself. Or, the child grows up to rebel, not understanding that his parents did not hate him. Nah, actually, I'm just stereo-typing but don't you think these children usually grow up to be policemen, soldiers, school teacher or principals or the epitome of their own parents?


(4) The child grows up fine, not perfect, but fine. For example, Mermaid711 has a strong idea on acceptable behaviors for kids, or humans, in general. She know perfectly well, like any perfectly educated person should, the limits on what is acceptable behavior and, as such, recognizes the fact that some kids need to be disciplined. I'm sure each person has his/her own beliefs on what is right and what is wrong but most of you will probably agree that humanity has a general set of rules that delineate acceptable from rude behavior. Most certainly, it is undesirable to nudge other people's butts, right? :XD:


There are advertisements in television that irk me, especially those of milk. The story usually begins with a toddler who like to eat fried chicken. The problem? The kid's not eating a well balanced diet. The solution? This so-and-so milk that has all the essential nutrients from all the food groups. Methinks those are terrible advertisements in that they promote leniency, no, laxness in parenting. The way I see it, the problem: the kid's not disciplined/trained to eat his meals properly. The solution? A sound spanking, or other, more colorful discipline methods.


On a side note, our country has other forms of punishment, aside from spanking or sitting in the corner. My mom has often regaled me with colorful stories like parents who make their children kneel on a large basin of rock salt, gravel or munggo beans. (Each bean is about as large as a ball bearing, kneeling on a bunch of 'em for extended periods is supposedly painful) Also, whilst kneeling, the child is made to stretch her arms out on both sides. Depending on the version of the story/movie, books may sometimes be placed on her palms and on her head. I'm only too grateful my mom hadn't thought of personally introducing me to the experience.


In any case, the point still remains and I only serve to re-iterate it: Parents NEED to discipline their children through corporal punishment.

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Children generally need to get punished. Its an obvious way for them to learn wats right from wrong. Although you have to remember, some of their just little kids who ate too much sugar

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Corporal punishment, when done correctly, is not harmful to the child.If you go and whale away on your kid when you're mad, then you're probably being abusive.But if you go over the rules with your child, and then tell him exactly what the consequences will be, he has the choice of obeying or disobeying. If he obeys, then he should not have to worry about being punished in any way. But if he disobeys, then you, the parent, had better make good on what you said would happen in that instance. Otherwise, the kid doesn't believe that you'll really do anything to him, and will continue doing what he's doing. And later he'll do worse things.

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