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Problem With My Website Internet Explorer Aint displaying my web page properly

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I am currently redesigning my website like I mentioned in a previous post (where I complained about images not displaying properly and which I have fixed). I have made quite a lot of changes in this new design startting from using percent to denote the width of the pages (used pixels previously. I dont like this though as it limits the size of the webpage to a specific pixel count on the screen. I prefer this since the web browser auto adjusts the size of the web pages based on the screen horizontal resolution) to changing a whole lotta things ( redesigned lots of the Images and also added rollovers and thinking of using DHTML scrollers too.)Well, my problem here is the fact that Internet Explorer 7 which I am using in my Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows XP professional and Windows Web Server 2008 aint displaying the web page properly. I have tested them on Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Netscape Navigator 9 and everything worked just fine.I noticed that Internet Explorer isnt displaying or rather is distorting some of the tables in the web pages and apart from that, it isn't obeying the percent (%) I used to denote the width of the web pages. The page will always overlap more than width of the screen while this is not suposed to be so.Please help me have a close look at the web pages on Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox and netscape navigator and see if there is something I am omitting in there.If you know any code that I can insert in Internet Explorer to control its behaviour (someone told me there is a code or something I can insert in Internet Explorer's head section to control the way it is distorting the tables and also make it respect the page width in %), I would be glad if you can paste it here. This thing is really giving a whole lota headache.Thanks in advance for your anticipated help.Anxiously waiting...

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It would be a whole lot easier if we could view the source code. But do you have any cellpadding and or cellspacing defined for the table(s) or any padding whatsoever? What are in the table cells and do they have any padding or margin themselves? What exactly are you trying to pull off as a whole with what you currently have? I am ignorant of this other topic you have posted, but if it has a preview of what you currently have, such would be helpful.

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Are you having problems with the site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which is the domain you requested to be used on your Hosted account here at the Xisto? I have used FF2, IE6 and IE7 to view that page and see no difference between them. Unless you have a different page that you could share the link for? or the code?
Serving different CSS to Internet Explorer pages is done using search:IE Conditionals. If you need a sample or need more information, post back here or send a PM and I can post a sample of code I use.

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My bad, i forgot to put my link in there.
View it here: SymCom WebDesigns.

Below is the source code. it is quite a very long code. pardon me pastin it here. I havent even finished the page yet and the code is this long.

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But do you have any cellpadding and or cellspacing defined for the table(s) or any padding whatsoever? What are in the table cells and do they have any padding or margin themselves?

there is no cell padding whatsoever and no cell spacing too. the margins for all the tables in my website is 0.
Notice from truefusion:
Switching to codebox.

Edited by odomike (see edit history)

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Well after messing with the coding for a bit I place the problem on the table widths and all that good stuff; I can say that your header is the only part of the code that looked fine, however, once I got to the nav coding thats where it broke down from there. I would suggest re-designing it again but this time leave out the javascript and use absolute values instead of percentages or go full CSS; based on the design you have, use this template as your starting point.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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True the page looks horrible!I'm no expert but would like to suggest a point that I've learnt through experience. When having problem understanding tables (especially if they are nested), Set the border attribute of each table one-by-one to a high value(say 8). This can really help understanding which is the table that is distorting the entire page.Always save a copy of the orig code so that you can always revert back in case things go messy!!! :XD:

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Well after messing with the coding for a bit I place the problem on the table widths and all that good stuff; I can that your header is the only part that looked fine, however once I got to the nav thats where it broke down from there. I would suggest re designing it again but this time leave out the javascript and use absolute values. Or goo full CSS and based on the design you have, use this template as your starting point.

Thanks so much saint Michael. I have actually downloaded the CSS your link provided but for some reason, I just wanna use my own CSS. I have started re-designing the page afresh and trying to monitor it closely to know exactly where my problems started.

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Do not use -- height="141" --Different browsers interpret it differently. Also Depending on the screen resolution, the table can get distorted. Either use all values in percentages or write length in px for all values. But never combine both.If you are using height as 141, it might look neat for the 800 x 600 but if the visitor is using a res of 1024 x 768, that particular size may remain same but the rest of the table will get expanded thus distorting the overall look.

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isnt it gonna look kinda weird if I have to use take for example the 141px height, if I use, say, 14% as the height, it means that I am giving that particular table 14% the height of the screen and that also means that whatever I am putting in that page has to be restricted to the height and width of the monitor screen.Right?

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Yup. It's benefit is that the user won't have to scroll horizontally. The visitor gets a full view of the table in one glance.But CSS would be better. You can set the width in percentages as well as define 'minimum width'. Don't know much about CSS though (just what I've come across customising themes in WP), but there is an attribute 'min width'. That should give you floating columns I guess.When I first created my site, I did it using tripod.com Then I whacked the entire code, removed all traces of ever having used their site, put up my ads and hosted somewhere else!!!Even pages.google.com can be helpful. Once you get the basic framework right, you can always make minor changes instead of creating everything from scratch!!!

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When I first created my site, I did it using tripod.com Then I whacked the entire code, removed all traces of ever having used their site, put up my ads and hosted somewhere else!!!Even pages.google.com can be helpful. Once you get the basic framework right, you can always make minor changes instead of creating everything from scratch!!!

Well, I prefer to create my websites from the scratch so that I can rightly and proudly tell anyone that I created that site. It is not like I have to start editting something someone else created. Apart from that, it enables me to learn from my mistakes. Anytime I find a mistake in my codes and I am somehow able to correct this, I am never gonna make that same mistake again.

I did use CSS in the page. You should have a closer look at the header codes. You will notice the CSS codes there.

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