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Hs Diploma Or A Ged?

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I personally am a year behind and I'm about to turn 18 in January where I'm able to get my GED if I wanted to.I'm a Junior in HS, i'm not sure if I should wait it out two more years or go get my GED in January.I've heard some places won't accept GED's now.Opinions?

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Well, I guess that all depends on what your post-graduation plans are. Although a GED is supposed to be equivalent to a high school diploma, in many cases it isn't. If you're planning on attending college, then most would take a high school diploma over a GED. If you just want to go to a community college or technical school, then a GED should be okay. But you'll probably be taking a lot of the same classes that you would in high school for the first year or so. If you're planning on going straight to the workforce, then expect to work minimum wage jobs if all you've got is a GED. But you could possibly work your way up to a managerial position.

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It may be tough, but in my opinion you should stay in high school. Quitting school, even if you do go ahead and get your GED can look like you are a quitter, that you don't have the determination to buck up to adversity and stick out your education. Sort of like taking the easy way out. Even if your immediate future plans could be accomplised with a GED, those records will be with you for your entire life. It may not hurt now, but what about 10 years from now? I don't want to be too hard on you, not knowing the whole story, but what are the reasons that you are behind in school? Maybe you actually need more time and more education. Maybe there is something that you still need to learn. Be honest with yourself, and analize your situation. Are you really applying yourself in school? Or goofing off? There are a lot of reasons one can fall behind in school over, problems at home and other distractions, but sometimes it is no one's fault accept your own. My vote goes for stay in school.

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I would highly suggest going for diploma. Although both of them show that you achieved the goals, the diploma also shows that you went through the time and training. That counts for a lot more because of the dedication involved.Being able to count to 100 and sitting through weeks of a class that teaches you are two completely different things -- as a manager I would much rather have the person who has shown beyond a doubt that they put in the time and effort necessary; it shows that you would probably do the same in the workplace.

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as a manager I would much rather have the person who has shown beyond a doubt that they put in the time and effort necessary; it shows that you would probably do the same in the workplace.

a lot of companies don't require you to show proof of your education. especially ones that only require a high school diploma. personally, i feel high school is a waste of time if you can pass the tests required without spending 3-4 more years in high school coming out of jr. high. that's 3-4 years out of your life when you can be doing something more productive or if you know you aren't going to go to college or just don't have the ability to go through 3-4 years of high school(some people can't). to me it's all the same. there are positives and negtives to both sides. i feel if you have to ask this question in the first place, my recomendation is a g.e.d.

neither one is rocket science. if someone isn't planning on going to college, getting a g.e.d. can mean learning a trade that much faster rather than spend countless hours learning about the basics. what i DON'T recomend is not learning the basics at all. i wouldn't get a diploma or go to the g.e.d. classes just for the diploma or certificate or because it's needed for a job(it's not usually!). i would get it just to learn the basics and be a little more well rounded as an individual. but! i know a lot of people who never graduated from high school who seem to be smarter and more educated than some people who have.

rpgsearcherz- if you're a manager and would rather have someone work with you if they have a diploma, that is pretty scarey because i have met some really stupid people come out of high school with a diploma :D as a manager, you should really just judge by his qualifications and what the person can actually do rather than a piece of paper. that is my opinion.

i went through high school and some college. i was always told by people that an education will get you a better job. those were all lies. although they can HELP, it's FAR from gauranteed. for most jobs...is science class gonna help me? no. is a history class going to help me? no. is an algebra class going to help me? no. is a creative writing or advanced english class going to help me? no. is a p.e. class going to help me? no. is a religion class going to help me(for those private school students)? no. the classes FAR from help someone in every day life. the exception is that going to school every day for years takes discipline and creates a routine. this could help someone when they do finally get a steady job. but even if someone never even graduated or even completed the g.e.d. classes doesn't mean they are stupid or doesn't have discipline or doesn't have what it takes to actually do their job well.

personally, i feel we are all fed a bunch of lies as kids just to satisfy the expectations of society.....even the expectations of parents and family. now a days, if a person doesn't graduate, they are made to think like they are failures in life. it's pretty sad. school is not a bad thing, but it's not for everyone and i hope society and people change to accomodate those people where a standardized education is not the only option and if they do anything but a standardized education, they will not be looked down upon!

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a lot of companies don't require you to show proof of your education. especially ones that only require a high school diploma. personally, i feel high school is a waste of time if you can pass the tests required without spending 3-4 more years in high school coming out of jr. high. that's 3-4 years out of your life when you can be doing something more productive or if you know you aren't going to go to college or just don't have the ability to go through 3-4 years of high school(some people can't). to me it's all the same. there are positives and negtives to both sides. i feel if you have to ask this question in the first place, my recomendation is a g.e.d.
neither one is rocket science. if someone isn't planning on going to college, getting a g.e.d. can mean learning a trade that much faster rather than spend countless hours learning about the basics. what i DON'T recomend is not learning the basics at all. i wouldn't get a diploma or go to the g.e.d. classes just for the diploma or certificate or because it's needed for a job(it's not usually!). i would get it just to learn the basics and be a little more well rounded as an individual. but! i know a lot of people who never graduated from high school who seem to be smarter and more educated than some people who have.

rpgsearcherz- if you're a manager and would rather have someone work with you if they have a diploma, that is pretty scarey because i have met some really stupid people come out of high school with a diploma :D as a manager, you should really just judge by his qualifications and what the person can actually do rather than a piece of paper. that is my opinion.

i went through high school and some college. i was always told by people that an education will get you a better job. those were all lies. although they can HELP, it's FAR from gauranteed. for most jobs...is science class gonna help me? no. is a history class going to help me? no. is an algebra class going to help me? no. is a creative writing or advanced english class going to help me? no. is a p.e. class going to help me? no. is a religion class going to help me(for those private school students)? no. the classes FAR from help someone in every day life. the exception is that going to school every day for years takes discipline and creates a routine. this could help someone when they do finally get a steady job. but even if someone never even graduated or even completed the g.e.d. classes doesn't mean they are stupid or doesn't have discipline or doesn't have what it takes to actually do their job well.

personally, i feel we are all fed a bunch of lies as kids just to satisfy the expectations of society.....even the expectations of parents and family. now a days, if a person doesn't graduate, they are made to think like they are failures in life. it's pretty sad. school is not a bad thing, but it's not for everyone and i hope society and people change to accomodate those people where a standardized education is not the only option and if they do anything but a standardized education, they will not be looked down upon!

I know where you are coming from to a point, and I have seen people as well (with Associates' even) who are flat out ignorant (mathematically, verbally, pretty much every possible way). But I have experienced that those who have not completed high school are above and beyond the average ignorance level. Those basic courses help learn a lot about the world and about other people.

For those who do not plan to go to college I can understand dropping out, but again they are only limiting themselves in terms of what they will achieve. People often mention people like Bill Gates and how he is a college dropout -- he also came from a very rich family, where money was not an issue even if he never worked (contrary to popular belief, Bill Gates was in fact *not* poor). People who try to relate him to not needing college might as well be saying "Paris Hilton never went to school and she has a rich lifestyle so you don't need school to get money."

Then again, I push towards making more of yourselves than just being average. Then again, some people do not have the same wants and needs as I do, and we are all different. Just like all jobs are different -- some will require college, some not. Some require "connections," some don't. So judging someone by whether or not they would hire based on G.E.D vs Diploma is a little ignorant. It all depends on the job, the requirements, etc.

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