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Fitness Regime Program?

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Hey guys, does anyone know of any site that will chart out specific exercise plans for people. Once heard of a Kennydean Exercises but never found any material on the site.I tried a few sites but all just have adult material on it!!

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Its from Men's Health. I'm in the first 8 weeks but it seems like a good program. It was recommended to me by a freind who is almost done and really likes it. I am pretty fit from running but this program has helped me balance my sides (My right side is stronger then my left causing back pain) and strengthened my core.

With any weight routine, doing the rep correctly with less weight is better then more weight but sloppy.


Hey guys, does anyone know of any site that will chart out specific exercise plans for people. Once heard of a Kennydean Exercises but never found any material on the site.I tried a few sites but all just have adult material on it!!

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I would suggest that you make yourself program because that way you will practice what you want and you can specify which muscle groups you are going for. INstead just doing something someone else wrote which probably might be specified for themselves or for wider public and if it happens that you are not in it then you might have really problem because such program wouldn't suite you and your needs.I suggest that you consolidate with some fitness leader and ask them about each particular excercise and then finally decide which exercises are good for you.

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Well actually I suggest joining a fitness group, its actually more fun to be with others than being by yourself especially being able to get the moral support of others. But If you have the will power to control your consumptions then by all means you won't need to join a group if your not really comfortable with others. Strangely I haven't found any site that probably gives excercising tips for free.

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I would suggest you join a sport you a interested in. You dont need to go searching the web to get a good work out, get fit, or whatever your goals are. There will be friendly sport groups you can goto, and if you get confident enough you could play competitively, and this is a great way to exercise. Or you take the easiest option, and do running. Most people enjoy running. Its simple and free, and great exercise.

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For Running!

Next weekend I'll be running a half-marathon as part of the Denver Marathon event in Colorado. I've been running steadily for about a year mainly for pleasure and weight loss. Both have paid off, I've lost more than 30 pounds and brought my 5k best down to 22:21. I've used Runner's World's SmartCoach online tool for training. The link is here, ( http://rw.runnersworld.com/smartcoach/ ) It's free and it's terrific. You can build any sort of running program from it, from aiming toward running your first 5k, up to 26.2 mile marathon's. Program duration is variable and you can play with it and rebuild it as you make fitness gains as you like.

One of the nicest features is that it's easy to provide the foundation data that the program needs to build *accurate* and useful running programs. If you're doing any running currently, you can plug in a time from just about any length event. If you're not, this can be as simple as going for a one mile run and using that time.

The program provides steady progression with built in rest and recovery to prevent injury and over-training. There are links for recommended cross-training routines. And advice on how to manage and prevent injury as well as a lot of encouraging reading. Perhaps one of the best things about Runner's World is that it will really help shift your mindset from having a regime to something you do for relaxation, reward and satisfaction.


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