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Trap17 Site Deletions Does Trap17 Still Delete All Site Contents When Accounts Lack Credits?

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Sorry if there's already a topic for this, I tried looking and couldn't find any... Anyway, does Xisto still delete all site content for accounts that fall behind in hosting credits? I lost my site because of being inactive for a few months a year or so ago and have been hesitant to get back into this when losing all your work can happen at any point. Is that still how the system works? Joshua

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Actually, yes, that is still the case. Accounts are under suspension for the time that the account is in Negative credits. While under suspension, the files are still on the server, but not accessible. Once you earn enough credits to bring your account to +4 credits, the script will reinstate your account to active status. If you fail to bring your account to the positive, and the account reaches Minus 30 credits, the files are deleted from the Server and are no longer available to you at all.Site and account backups are the responsiblity of the site owners. Be certain to maintain a copy of you files elsewhere at all times for security of the files and data. There are features in the Cpanel to allow you to backup files (and Databases). I suggest you do that regularly, or at least occaissionally, depending on how often your site/data changes.And welcome back, Joshua...

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Alright, thanks for the information and the welcome. I think if I do end up spending time here again it will be to use the site solely as a forum. Maybe if I get enough credits to feel safe I'll consider getting another site again someday :P

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Alright, thanks for the information and the welcome. I think if I do end up spending time here again it will be to use the site solely as a forum. Maybe if I get enough credits to feel safe I'll consider getting another site again someday :P

Well if you do decide to come back and stay, remember that once you are accepted for the hosting package, your hosting credits are reset to no more than four credits and probably will be between one and four. So even if you do decide to post around for a while and apply for hosting, and you have 200 credits, they will be reset to four or less credits. I personally would get the hosting and just not use it for important stuff until you have a bigger base of credits.

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