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Hello Im Will

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Hey, just signed up and this place seems pretty cool. I am 16(yes, i know. Im young) but have been interested in computers for quite a few years now. I have a little experience in both web design and graphic design and enjoy both a bunch.I have a question, though. I am not able to make replies or new topics in the "Internet" forums. I think I have to have a certain amount of credits before I can post but can anyone tell me how many I actually need?Thanks.

Edited by Will.Allison (see edit history)

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Welcome! I notice you have 17 posts already so i imagine you know most of the rules. Just remember the readme is always above the shoutbox if you ever need to clarify anything!16 isnt that young, id guess your older than a few members. Im only 17 myself, 18 in just over a week WOOHOOO!What computer related things are you into? you mention web design and gfx, those are two things i cant do! I can code websites in php, JS, HTML, CSS but i can never design them! Not so good eh?!as for not being able to post in the internet forums im nt sure whats going on there. Im able to and i didnt know of any credit limits etc.. on those forums, seems odd. I would try again soon, with the amount of members and the amount of (usually brilliant) custom codes on the forums strange things happen sometimes.Well thats it really! its 1am and i should be in bed so on that note i bed thee farewell! Enjoy the forums, and if you want it, enjoy the hosting too!

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Welcome, Will.Allison! Nice to see you've come to use Xisto as your webhost! We have some grafix geekz here (no insult SM) that are awesome at graphics. There are some good tutorials and other things. For the internet form. I believe you need 20 posts to post there. Not soure, though. Hope to see you around!

Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks and welcome!

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Hello Will Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Looks like you have become comfortable here already so I will spare you the rhetoric about rules, regulations and readme files. If you need help, just ask, somebody will either answer you or direct you to an answer. If you are looking for hosting, you have come to the right place. Trap 17 has the best free no-ads hosting on the web. If you will be having a web site, what will the theme of it be? See you around the boards. :D

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The only restriction is posting is in the hosted members forum since you need to be a hosted member in order to post there. My only guess was that you were still being validated at the time, but I would try again and see if you can then post there.On that note welcome to Xisto.com, the best place in this corner of the internet, we have thousand of members, hundreds of thousands of topics and posts and some of the best computer support you can think of. I wonder if I should ask to get paid for posting :D, either enjoy your time here on Xisto.com

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