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Unions Why do we have them?

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Unions that are working for private sectors or with a government contracts are the bad one, not all unions are evil as some newspapers portray them out to be. Unions were established during 18th and 19th century industrialization era to protect over worked and under paid people from further discriminating actions brought on by their employers. Unions strive for underdogs. Unions protect those who cannot protect themselves. But that few bad apples are spoiling the entire basket. Managers and leaders who make their living from union dues and obstinately decline to negotiate in order to deliberately prolong the strike to benefit them are the ones to be blamed. My sister belongs to New York City teacher?s union. If it wasn?t for her union she would have lost her job or, worked longer shifts with lesser pay.I am sorry to hear your friend cannot support his family due to union?s strict rules. Sometimes the rules that were set to protect a worker acts against that very worker. If you would indulge my mind, see if this advice would help your friend out. The state or county sanitation departments are great at hiring workers who are willing to work odd hours. They are unionized as well. But think of it this way, he will only work from 3am ~ 2pm (usually) and he can be home to meet his kids. The reason I bring this up is that I recently helped one person who was in a similar situation to obtain his job this way. Yes, the title ?garbage man? does not ring the bell. But the pay was better than his pervious middle management salary and he was going home in time to meet his kids, rather than sitting at his desk filing until 7pm. Good luck to your friend.

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Unions aren't just to improve workers' wages and conditions. They play a key role in class struggle. When unions fight to get their workers' salaries raised and then they coexist in peace with the bourgeois, then they are corrupt, they're like diazepam, calming them down. And they mainly support the workers' individualism, when what they really should do is to spread solidarity among them, develop their class conciousness by helping workers of other unions who may be in conflict with the employers, teaching the members about social topics of importance, which could discussed in this kind of forums but working-class can't get access to because of digital gap or other reasons.That's what unions are about in my country: developing workers' class conciousness, because "No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc" - Karl Marx.That's my point of view regarding why do we have them.About the case you were talking about, we must agree that if the union is on strike, it's because the employers did nothing about their claiming, and now they can see the power of the workers. I don't know how it works in the States, but in Uruguay they don't earn any money when the workers are affiliated to the union, neither when they're on strike. So, conflicts usually finish fast, specially when strikers have the people's support.So, don't blame the unions. Blame the fascist employers who don't respect your right to association. How many McDonalds have a workers union? I read there was one which was shut down despite being profitable. What else can I say?

Edited by andresf91 (see edit history)

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i hate unions! :lol: they are so anoying. they are never happy with anything the governent ever does. yes i don't like the current government and like the opposition but i mean can't they just give the government a bit of slack at all! continuous strikes and protests and it really gets boring after a while.

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I dunno about UnionsThey are good for collective bargaining- aka the union and a whole heap of angry employees demand better conditions from the employer. and also for those who do not know the system at all, the unions can help you and advise you on if you are getting a good deal etc. at negotiations.but what I HATE HATE HATE is when they go beyond assisting the worker and go to the point where they are there to further their own political motives and try to control everything and call useless strikes to stuff up the country.yes I think unions are good at times, and industrial action is good when things are really bad and the employer is not giving in, but please, union thugs and heavies can be so intimidating and annoying at times.also I have found that once you join a union, they dont let you leave and then decide to charge you astronomical fees for all the help they gave you???A200

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