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Mood Killers And generally just people you dont vibe with.

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I wonder how it is that these people get to us but they just do. It might be this one person who shows up to a group who you don't know but just from the few things he's said so far already know you hate him. Sometimes it's someone you know who is just ticking you off at a particular moment especially when you're in a good mood and they just somehow manage to piss you off enough to kill it.Here's my story: I was chilling at a friend's party, just having a good time, meeting people and we were sitting around a fire and this guy who I guess was a friend of my friend's shows up and I mean, from the first glance I got of him I didn't like his face and he just started whining and moaning about stuff, people, in particular one girl who was at the party who I guess he had a problem with and was just ripping on for like 3 hours. I was playing guitar and he mentioned that the particular song I was playing sounded like I was playing drums and that it was gay. Okay so now you're really looking for beef. Honestly, who comes to a party and disses someone they don't even know? I didn't even respond I just stared at the guy with a "what the *** is your problem" kind of look and he ended up leaving half an hour later. Thank god too cause if I wasn't so emotionally attached to my guitar he would have been wearing it around his head.And uh.. yeah that's my rant. Post your stories up!

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Yeah, um, I hate that kind of person. I mean, I really hate people who just have a beef with people just for the sake of being jerks. Like this one time, some random person gives me a really juvenile insult, I say something back which was a pretty noninflammatory comeback, and he attacks me. I mean, if you're going to dish it, you've got to be able to take it, and why would you even bother insulting some random person anyway?I also hate it when people are whining and complaining about stuff others don't really care about, like you said. I mean, if a person wants to whine about something, then do it to someone who'll listen, I've got better things to do then listen to you. I mean, if the person's my friend and they've actually got a reason to be annoyed, I'll listen, but if it's just someone who wants everybody to focus on them then I just can't stand it. Some people just talk like that to be the center of attention and they don't even have the right to be angry about anything but they do it just so they feel like the center of attention. Pathetic.

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I wonder how it is that these people get to us but they just do. It might be this one person who shows up to a group who you don't know but just from the few things he's said so far already know you hate him. Sometimes it's someone you know who is just ticking you off at a particular moment especially when you're in a good mood and they just somehow manage to piss you off enough to kill it.
Here's my story: I was chilling at a friend's party, just having a good time, meeting people and we were sitting around a fire and this guy who I guess was a friend of my friend's shows up and I mean, from the first glance I got of him I didn't like his face and he just started whining and moaning about stuff, people, in particular one girl who was at the party who I guess he had a problem with and was just ripping on for like 3 hours. I was playing guitar and he mentioned that the particular song I was playing sounded like I was playing drums and that it was gay. Okay so now you're really looking for beef. Honestly, who comes to a party and disses someone they don't even know? I didn't even respond I just stared at the guy with a "what the *** is your problem" kind of look and he ended up leaving half an hour later. Thank god too cause if I wasn't so emotionally attached to my guitar he would have been wearing it around his head.

And uh.. yeah that's my rant. Post your stories up!

That really sucks man. I know what you mean though, a lot of people seem like they are just out to poke at others. You can't really help it sadly, and it ticks me off so much ~_~. I have seen it around my school, and in fact the people I "hang out with" generally seem to do that. Sometimes I feel like they make fun of our have to put their input on EVERYONE who walks by. It really makes me angry and I am sure the people they talk about don't exactly find it too flattering either. I suppose some people really just get their kicks off or are compensating for their own lives by pushing other's down. The best thing to really do is when it happens to you is try not to let it get to you. You have to remember that people are probably doing it because they are probably trying to comfort themselves by making others feel uncomfortable. Cruel. I know. But that is what people do sometimes. I wish I could change it for all the innocent people out there.


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I wonder how it is that these people get to us but they just do. It might be this one person who shows up to a group who you don't know but just from the few things he's said so far already know you hate him. Sometimes it's someone you know who is just ticking you off at a particular moment especially when you're in a good mood and they just somehow manage to piss you off enough to kill it.
Here's my story: I was chilling at a friend's party, just having a good time, meeting people and we were sitting around a fire and this guy who I guess was a friend of my friend's shows up and I mean, from the first glance I got of him I didn't like his face and he just started whining and moaning about stuff, people, in particular one girl who was at the party who I guess he had a problem with and was just ripping on for like 3 hours. I was playing guitar and he mentioned that the particular song I was playing sounded like I was playing drums and that it was gay. Okay so now you're really looking for beef. Honestly, who comes to a party and disses someone they don't even know? I didn't even respond I just stared at the guy with a "what the *** is your problem" kind of look and he ended up leaving half an hour later. Thank god too cause if I wasn't so emotionally attached to my guitar he would have been wearing it around his head.

And uh.. yeah that's my rant. Post your stories up!

Argh i totally get your point here, those people make me sick!
Like - Don't you have better stuff to do? HONESTLY!

It's like - If you're so better than me, if you got better skills / are a bigger or greater person than I am, why are you sitting with me?
Grrr sheez' those people are annoying.

If you don't know them personally - Look on it as a POSITIVE thing :)

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I know exactly where you are coming from. *sighs*


I have similar experiences -- it is sometimes unnerving because there are situations when I develop a purely instinctive (nonetheless strong) like or dislike for individuals I hardly know. Of course, you'll never really "know" anyone "completely" - for people with whom I interact with on a more long term or regular basis, I have noticed my opinions about them being variable, and different at different points of time. That's probably because my perceptions of those people are changing on the basis of experience - so someone I absolutely cannot stand today may be easier to get along with tomorrow - the lack of consistency in such things makes me considerably uncomfortable.


Currently, I try to ignore my basic instincts and consciously chose to be non judgmental. Once you've met enough people and had enough of the experience, you might come to the following conclusion - first, that pondering or devoting time to forming an opinion about someone else isn't usually worth the effort, there must necessarily be something better to do with one's time or energies, and second, that this is a versatile world - thus one must allow for the existence of a wide variety of people, and not worry about it very much (read: tolerance).


Usually, though, there's nothing you can do about a spontaneous reaction. I make specific efforts to think about other things, or distract myself, and it has worked so far. Even with my limited imagination, I can easily imagine people finding me perfectly retarded, unworthy of attention, funny, weird, or "sick", and I would hope that they also find more pleasing things to devote their attention to. Since I must do what I expect of others, (*grin*), I adopt the simple bottom line that I will not form an opinion about another person unless I am pushed to, and paying no attention is a good way of dealing with immediate unpleasantness. Ignore what you don't like - one's time is limited, we owe it to ourselves to use it well.

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I haven't experienced anyone I genuinely dislike butting into my group of friends and killing the mood. But I do know a certain boy from my class that's constantly trying to fit in with us. We are kind to him- but he knows we're not great friends.My example of him:Once I was invited to a party at my friends house (A nerd party so basically just a sleepover and the screening of Scary Movie 2, lol). The plan was to leave school at the end of the day and head towards Pizza Hut, and then onwards to the local Cinema (Pirates of the Caribean 3). So, the guy keeps asking us what's going to happen, and we keep brushing him off saying nothing's happening. He eventually persuades us to spill the beans by promising he won't be jealous and he doesn't want to come. In the end, the kid gets his mum to phon mine and get her to make me bring him to the party. Two words, BAD PARTY; the kid spent the whole time being awkward, not being able to eat the food, not enjoying the film and then complaining about it- and then talking all night, to himself... :D

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LMAO! I'm sorry but the way you explained that was hillarious. I Have been in a similar situation FAR TOO MANY TIMES and when I was younger, Buddy would've worn my guitar for a hat, or underwear, whichever. But now, I have a totally different approach to people like that.I try to just completely ignore control-freak people like that, (because I know they seriously thrive on harassing others), and when they do get in my face, I raise my hand in a 'whatever' position as if to push them away from me without touching the person & I say (regardless of how they have verbally attacked me) "keep your difficult energy" and walk away from them with an ENORMOUS grin on my face, purposely ignoring whatever comes out of their mouth after I've said that. It works out great because by the time the person reacts, (my gesture usually stuns them for a bit because it's so unexpected), I'm long gone and he/she looks like the idiot he/she is, talking to him/her self, and I really don't care what he/she has to say, considering I never wanted to speak to the person to begin with.It's much easier said than done at times, but i just refuse to allow people to manipulate me with their negativity. I (like everyone else), have enough of my own issues to work through and I seriously can't be bothered to aquire anymore. I believe that by engaging in any interaction with a negative person, I would just be enabling him/her to provoke me, and it would then be my own fault, because I was warned by that feeling of serious dislike to avoid the person in the first place.

Edited by Archangel_Baw (see edit history)

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mood killers galore at high school

high school BS, hierarchy, love triangles, etc etc etc I hate these things and I suffer from them


So I'm a smart kid at my school that girls like but nobody will ask me out because I hang out with the un-cool crowd.. If you were in my situation would you deal with the BS and stick with your friends or wander out into higher social groups just to get some girls :P


The pressure of high school is immense. Nothing compared to college or a job, I am sure, but it still has it?s pressures and hardships and responsibilities. And it is so much fun anway. I mean, one minute, I am stressing over my Algebra 2 exam that I most certainly failed.


I still have homework to do afterschool but I always find myself worrying about how i'm viewed and stuff, I just want to open up and be Reekun, you know?


I don't mean to suggest they do this consciously.


Like someone can be the hottest guy in school, smart as a dime, fit as a fiddle, and yet still be unpopular as all heck. If he's the funniest guy in the class the jocks will still ignore him. The cheerleaders will still ignore him and go for the jock with no personality.


Nerds would find their unpopularity more bearable if it merely caused them to be ignored. Unfortunately, to be unpopular in school is to be actively persecuted.


The brains of high schoolers do not develop for empathy unless they have been through hell and back, and what will they do if their futures are at stake?


For example, this jock was picking on my friend and I reported him anonymously and got him suspended for 3 days. Take that Mark.


I would like to publicly announce that love triangles in high school are gay. Happiness before high school drama!!!

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I have been one of those that after listening to someone I just met I can tellt hat i dont like that person. I apologize be cause that is not something nice, but it just drives me crazy how some of these people are mood killers and sometimes just very annoying.Simply by the way they talk to you and the manner that they speak. for some as if they know everything about everythng and what they say is right. But me I usually stay quiet this way I avoid any conflicts but I also do try to get along with the persons.

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