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Making Ourselfs In Game

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well i was wondering instead of playing playstaion2 y notbe in in itiwas thinking of making a game wear humans can be in the game ivebeen thinking this for a long time untill finally some japnes guy inventedthe way it worked is ude have to get in this machine and and this laser thing would circle around u and ude wear some gogge ls and ure in the game preety what do u think

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It's just virtual reality... that's not that impressive, 'cause they've had this sort of thing for a while.And besides, why live in a virtual world? There are plenty of cool things to be doing outside of games!And please learn to use proper English. First of all it's just polite, second this isn't IMing, it's a forum, you don't have to spit out as much as you can in the shortest amount of time, and third, you'll get more hosting credits if you use longer words. :)

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If you have the virtual make your character make look like yourself in real life it would be just fine becuase if we just had a big virtual world it would take a way all the social aspects of life and now, I consider that bad.

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In fact sony has almost gone further than VR with its matrix machine.. allow me to quote..

IMAGINE movies and computer games in which you get to smell, taste and perhaps even feel things. That's the tantalising prospect raised by a patent on a device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain - granted to none other than the entertainment giant Sony.
The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims.

As it says it could have medical applications however i think Sony are more interested in using it to create a matrix like world for gamers. The basic idea is to use ultrasound to modify brain waves and as i understand it this would simulate a sort of dream environment, like in a dream when you shoot someone you feel the recoil here the shot etcetera and this is similar to how it might work as i game i would imagine. Instead of using goggles i guess you would wear a headset across your head and it would take you into the game, im not sure how you get back out again though... that could be interesting. I think this is what Onyxgem was thinking of, its definitely interesting!

the entire article is here: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18624944-600-sony-patent-takes-first-step-towards-real-life-matrix/

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hello friends,i think shadowx has given us quiet an interesting starting point to discuss... first of all i would like to tell you my dear friend shadowx that as you have mentioned that there will be impulses sent to your brain directly and these impulses will be very instantaneous and short lived...so it would not be like that once you wear the headgear then you are out of this world and into the game...you would very well be aware of what is happening around you in the real world....the impulses will be short lived and instantaneous just to create a little bit more anxiety, excitement and real feeling...so the player can himself stop the game and its not as if someone else would be required to stop the game....i think that answers your doubt my dear friend...actually it was once shown on , i think most probably, discovery channel...it was a headgear with leather straps in cross fashion over your head...there was some instrument on the inside of that strap which gave electrical impulses similar to those sent to our minds when we have any feeling that is there in the game...by the way i am only concerned if there can be any damaging effects of that on us....like when you play a video game for a lon stretch, like 3-4 hours at once, for some time after that, when you close your eyes or in general also it feels like there is some part of the game still with you...i am just thinking that what would happen when you stand up after playing this kind of game for some time....in which your brain is given electrical impulses...would your brain function properly...i cant say...but i would like the government to check that aspect thouroughly before allowing any such kind of thing...ok bye friends...keep writing..

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the impulses will be short lived and instantaneous just to create a little bit more anxiety, excitement and real feeling

Ahh thats interesting, i thought it was continuous stimulation to the brain to effectively take the game inside the head of the user, but i guess to simply enhance the effects would be good, though i too am worried about long term effects. Some people can be greatly affected by feelings like anxiety and fear, it could cause quite a lot of illness like mild schizophrenia in the minority and more general effects like anxiety attacks and nightmares and general stress because if you believe, to a certain extent, that someone is trying to kill you, which is likely in most games, yu culd get really damaged and scared in the long term!

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Haha, the other day I was babysitting and the kids were watching some cartoon that was about just that thig! :)I think people shouldn't waste there time on this kind of thing when they need to be social :)Besides, haven't you ever heard of SecondLife or Kaneva? Why create a virtual you, when you can use programs like that to create a better you?

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