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Evil Guy

Gfx Crew Application (evil Guy) Hope you like it

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Name: Kelab Kemp

E-mail: jaskaran_04@hotmail.com


Time designing:

3 years....


Other sites:

im a gfx team member on many sites, on my sites too, but i like makin GFX tutorials.



Posted Imagesorry i had to hurry put them all to one picture

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Hope you like it

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Hmm, even though i don't make the choices, it would be a no from me... here is a list.. of the sigs.. and why..1. Well, I am not sure if they are supposed to be that large, but if they are.. bad... and i think i have seen those beofre..2. This one isn't that bad, i kind of like it, it has nice feel!3.ohh.. fancy.. could use some work, but good, a bit pixely on the inner cirlce thing.. good.. good..4. Ew :) jhopefully that wasn't my tut, becuase i used the same render in it.. no offnce.. lol........... 5.not best quality, could use some work, can't comment much on it.6. well.. the same except you changed the colours7. renders arn't that good, and colours arnt that good.Your getting better, just put more work at it!

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oops i count wrong.. lol unless um.. did you add any? i don't rmember soe of those being there before! is there something wrong with me?and no problem, just want to help :)

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1. I swear to god ive seen those before, like on ifsz or support.invisionfree , where did i see those, im pretty sure i did2. Work on the gradient, text, and scanlines3. Too basic4. Text sucks, backround is plain5. Too plain, horrible filters6. Trying making it invisible backround, and have more of a backround7. Way too plain8. Backround is a little too basic9. Same as 8, are they just copies but altered saturation?10. Basic backroundsorry just had to be a honest :s I didn't really like any of them that much, but if I hadto choose it would be the 6th one, otherwise I don't really like, work on them and make them better.

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I'm going to have to agree with the others. You need to work on backgrounds, more brushing. They are very plain. The text needs to be worked on. Make it blend. You don't have to pick a black render, and then make sure the background is the same color. You're able to mix and match colors and change certain areas of the signature to a different color, while still blending the render. I suggest some tutorials.It's a no from me.

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Other sites:

im a gfx team member on many sites, on my sites too, but i like makin GFX tutorials.

You can't state this without reference.


But for the simple things, you do a good job on. However, you could use some work in the sig area. A template for a website that you made would be nice. And do you have any more creative stuff in the logos area which you made? As for the banners, got any others besides a modification of a previous one?


A "no" from me for now.

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