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Hey Daddy O Saint Michael Reviews Ocean 13

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Well as I mentioned earlier in the shoutbox that I was going to catch two movies and the timing was perfect thanks to the the lackluster movie called Fantastic Four which started at 6:40 PM and ended at 8:10; Ocean's 13 started at 9:00 and so I had plenty of time to go home let nature call and still hit the second movie theater (the two movies played at two different places) on time. Well now to start off my review and remember in order to see this movie you needed to see the other two for it to make any sense. Also on a side note I would like to mention that I got hooked on the Ocean Movies when I saw it on HBO (I think) at my aunts house, when I was on vacation and I never seen the first two movies in the theaters either which I somewhat regret although I was in Iraq for the second movie.Now for the review, although this is not really a spoiler in the sense if you looked at the cast list, Julia Roberts and Cathrine Zeta-Jones are not in this movie, which is kind of sad because both are great actors and I think they would have done a good job. Although my mother mention that Julia had another baby while this film was either being made or after it was finish, still they could have fit a Ocean's baby in the movie somewhere. To start off this movie was great in every way regardless what those critics say or those so called movie experts, the dialog was great, acting was great, music was great, story was awesome, and the flow of the movie was perfect. It is a shame with all that star power in this trilogy it didn't make more money...Well I guess I was wrong after doing some research of the Box office intake;Ocean's 11 = $183,417,150Ocean's 12 = $125,544,280Ocean's 13 = so far it has made $70,429,741Well ok so far it a taking a good sum of money but check out how much the first two movies have made world wide and trust me it is scary:Ocean's 11 = $450,717,150Ocean's 12 = $362,744,280Nothing for 13 yet but most likely you will see it once the movie has finished its run, but back on the start power; To me though we got some of the best actors money could buy and most get paid in the $20 Million dollar figure for most of there movies, but like I always say most people don't know a good movie when they see it. Nonetheless, this is a great movie in fact the whole trilogy was great, I watch Ocean's 11 on dvd so many times I have worn it out and have to get another one lol. Although I was barely aware of this but these movies are based off a 1960's classic movie and I believe it was Called Ocean's 11; but what makes this movie great that the original writer/director (not to sure on the directing) redid it and I believe he is proud of what today's actors have done for a classic movie.I gave this movie a 10/10 because it is a perfect in every way some people don't like it because it maybe to wordy, but thats what makes this movie great, worth the money and when it comes out on DVD worth it as well. Although I don't mention any spoilers in my movie reviews, I will mention only this one

and that we get to see Linus's father

, and also you have to be about my age or older but you might recognize that actor if not just remember the name then google it.Well that is my review I hope everyone goes and see this movie because it is good and should become a classic in no time.

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I have to admit that Ocean's 12 was pretty disappointing, so I wasn't very interested in seeing 13. From what I've been told, though, this one has the same feel as the first, which makes me happy. I really enjoyed the first movie, which was even better than the original.

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I absolutely loved Ocean's 11 and 12. The brand of film is just amazing. I love the style of it. George Clooney and Brad Pitt are amazing together in these movies. I especially like the soundtrack to Ocean's 12. I haven't seen Ocean's 13 yet, but I'm sure it will be on par with the previous two.

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