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What Is The Us Coming To? My thoughts on the death of our Constitution.

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I personally believe Bush and Cheney should be impeached RIGHT NOW. Every day that they are in office, we lose a little more of the Constitution.


Do you enjoy the first amendment? Well nowadays, you can be arrested for asking a controversial question if a larger entity doesn't like it, even if you have proper credentials. Case in point, read http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . A reporter was arrested for asking a Giuliani press secretary about 9/11 at the press secretary's command, even though the reporter made no physical contact and had the proper credentials to be there. Be careful what you say people, you could be a DOMESTIC TERRORIST!!!!!1111


Do you enjoy the fourth amendment? Yeah.. that's kinda gone, too. This protects against unreasonable search and seizures. Too bad the NSA has been illegally listening to your phone conversations and monitoring your internet activity for years. They know it's illegal, it's been known that it's been done for a long time now, but they don't care because they are arrogant and Bush/Cheney have given them the power. Once again, gotta watch out for those domestic terrorists.


Do you enjoy the sixth eighth amendments? Yes, the important ones about trials. Here is the official text of the sixth amendment:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."


The eight amendment pertains to cruel and unusual punishment and how its illegal.

Those are gone too, and you can thank the Military Commissions Act of 2006 for that. This bad boy can decide that you are a domestic terrorist (unlawful enemy combatant as they call it, and yes, this applies to US citizens), detain you without telling you why for as long as they want (speedy trial eh?), and then give you to a military tribunal to decide your fate. So basically, you're probably going to Guantanamo Bay, where they can use whatever tactics they want on you (the geneva conventions is NOT a defense with this act). Without the Geneva Conventions defense, the US can do a number of things to you to get the information they want. If you want to read the act fully, google it, it's there, it's about 90 pages, but directly in the act, it is stated what IS legal to get information out of you. Just some of the things include rape, torture, scientific experiments. Seriously if you don't believe me, go read it yourself, it's right there in the act. So now, after you've been denied the right to a speedy trial and are tortured until they get what they want out of you (remember, you don't know why you're detained and you don't know what you're getting charged for), then you get to go to trial in a military tribunal to decide your fate. This is absolutely disgusting.


But that's all OK, this isn't a fascist nation, the power is divided. Too bad the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2007 was passed. With this, President Bush can declare martial law (forget the insurrection act) and take charge of the National Guard WITHOUT STATE GOVERNOR OR CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORIZATION if he feels that public order has been lost. So basically, if he wanted to, he could take Michigan's militia over to Oregon where he feels that a public gathering of protesters have become out of order without consent of anyone. He makes the decision solely.


But Bush still isn't the sole leader, right? Not exactly. On May 9th of this year, the Bush administration has released a directive called the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive. (next excerpt taken from roguegovernment.com)

"In this directive, Bush declares that in the event of a Catastrophic Emergency the President will be entrusted with leading the activities to ensure constitutional government. The language in this directive would in effect make the President a dictator in the case of such an emergency.


Further on in the document it states the following.


The President shall lead the activities of the Federal Government for ensuring constitutional government.


This directive on its face is unconstitutional because each branch of government the executive, legislative and judicial are supposed to be equal in power. By putting the President in charge of coordinating such an effort to ensure constitutional government over all three branches is effectively making the President a dictator allowing him to tell all branches of government what to do."


Based on what I've already said, do you really want Bush to ensure something is Constitutional? Does he know what that means?


So while most Americans are being dumbed down by watching American Idol (the most popular show on TV!), other countries have decided to spend their money intelligently. While we've spent about $418 billion on the Iraqi War, other countries have spent money on education. The United States is now only the 28th most literate country in math and science.


Reports also say that the Canadian dollar (now $.97 to American $1) will be equal to the American dollar by the end of 2007, so the economy is booming.


And I haven't even touched on foreign affairs. (Just to be clear, I support our troops wholeheartedly, they have 1000x more courage than I do, but I do not support the war.)


Congressman right now are working on impeaching Bush/Cheney before they do anything worse, heres to hoping that gets done. By the way, only 32% of Americans believed Clinton should have been impeached in 1999, 39% of people today believe Bush should be impeached. It's obvious that Bush is being judged by ratings and personal beliefs and not by the standard of law in which our Constitution is based off of.


Don't you dare call me Anti-American, because our leader is the most Anti-American of them all, essentially raping our Constitution and profiting from the deaths of our soldiers (heard of Halliburton? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halliburton). The current administration has done a terrible job and our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.

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There is nothing Unamerican about asking questions. I'm not going to flame you or anything for bringing up points that we should all at least think about.However, I have a few opinions of my own *smiles*Bush is not the perfect President. I seethe and fume every time the immigration debate comes up because I cannot believe he could be so wrong about the whole thing. And I screamed like a banshee about the whole P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act thing. (That one was not entirely on Bush, though, so I reserved plenty of outrage for the rest of the responsible politicians.)But at the same time: politicians have been chipping away at our freedoms and liberties for YEARS. The U.S. Constitution was designed to limit the government, not the people. The document is meant to tell government officials and leaders exactly what they can and cannot do. For the most part, anyway.Is the government authorized by the Constitution to regulate my toilet's flow? Nope. But they do it anyway.Is the government authorized by the Constitution to tell me that I have to wear my seat belt? Nope. But seat-belt laws have been on the books for years.The government does a whole lot of things that it does not legitimately have the power or authority to do. It's why I'm a Libertarian. :)So: while Bush does in fact tick me off sometimes (though I agree that we did need to go to Afghanistan and Iraq and kick terrorist butt on their own soil instead of defending ourselves against them on ours), I have to look at the larger picture. He and his cohorts have contributed to the mess, yeah. They picked up where the last batch of politicians left off.But unless we as a whole start electing politicians (at ALL levels - not just the President) who actually abide by the Constitution, we're going to continue going downhill.

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The only candidates I would like to see in office are Ron Paul and Barack Obama. Hillary is too corrupt, and I can't stand any of the other Republicans. I am impressed by what Ron Paul says, but who knows if he'll go through with it. Either way, he isn't going to win the Republican primary, no matter how much internet backing he has. I honestly don't think Republicans stand a chance in the upcoming election, but it'll be fun to watch.

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You have been reported to the U.S. Bureau of Morality for being a possible terrorist.They are watching you.Need to go flush things down the toilet? ...wait cause they screen that too. Cameras everywhere...Seriously though, I agree, both should be impeached. Our country has lost so much prestige since Bush has been in office. We've become a global blunder and the money in the government is going up our politicians' noses!

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Ok, I absolutely respect your opinion, but I'm going to tell you mine. I don't think that Bush and Cheney should be kicked out. I actualy support Bush (so hard to find these kind of people nowadays). I think that the people in America are partly to be blamed. We rely too much upon our president to make the right decision. Although what it seems like we are doing is bad and hurting us, the long term effect should be much better. And who voted Bush to be president? The people of America. My teacher showed me a pretty cool fact a while back. In the 2004 election, 40% of the people that voted, voted for Bush. Only 35% of Americans voted. (the 35 and 40 might be mixed up here, I don't remember). But that means that only 14% of all Americans voted for Bush. If people didn't like Bush, then why didn't they all vote against him! If everyone in America voted, then Bush may not be president right now. Now I'm not blaming the people that voted against him, they did good. My opinion is as long as you vote, I'm happy. I don't care who you vote for but as long as you vote! Like I said, I like Bush and I think he will gain respect a little ways down the road. Most people don't like him and, quite frankly, there is nothing you can do about it. The mistake was made in 2004 by many Americans. Just my opinion, if you want to bash me, feel free

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I think the US is in for a rude awaking, and I live in the US, there is more violence here now than there has ever been, people killing people for there shoes, and over parking places, the VT tragedy... It's just all so scary :-(. the scaries thing to think about is the people that are over seas that are wanting to destroy the US, and all it stands for. Which what does the us stand for now? Big Business? What a Second all of our big business are going over seas!! Ugh, we need a new president to stop the tranfering of business over seas.

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Alex Jones is a very good journalist, he made InfoWars, that's why they arrest him.
Because of his researches about how the system works, they need to get rid of him asap.

The whole 9/11 thing was just an excuse to reduce the power of the Constitution, so leaders can have their own ways.
Just like children in a toystore, they want all the toys and use them on everyone they can.

People, not just in America, are in need of an awakening and see what governments stand for nowadays... I can tell you, they stand for everything except for the people who voted for them.

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