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2 New Projects

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Yesterday was another great day with the pencil. I doodled all day long and produced about 5 good drawings. Nothing major but just good stuff to have and illustrate. Out of the five I chose to begin work on just two of them, for now. The first began as a doodle just to get things started, and to get the imagination going. Before I knew I had a nice doddle that I felt I could work with.


I have always been into creating the wird abstract doddle, maybe because it comes natural and it doesnt ahve to be something perfect. Along with that I have always been into the graffitti style of art, now it may not be all that great but i'm happy with what I can produce.


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So this piece here is just a simple combination of arrows, shells, tech style blocks, and graffitti lettering. Throw it all together and here is the result. It almost looks tribal, and it almost looks like it's pure graffitti, and im sure it will go well as a tattoo.


This next piece of work came from just watching cartoons. So I began to draw Goku, and I told my self what can I do different. I new I was not going to make many changes but the changes that I made had to make a difference in the style. I began to think what can i do. what would I do different to this character, so then the idea of evolving him into something futuristic came to mind. Then the transformers came to mind but I was like naa thats too much for now. So back to the futuristic look. So I began to make some chnages and here you go.


Goku Evolution is born. We can call it Fan Art.


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The main changes were only applied to his arm and face. He now wears a shilded mask, and his arm is now mechanical. I think that in the future I will have to bring more mechanical aspects to him, and really evolve him into something completely different.


So for now, here are my two latests projects. Next step involves me illustrating them thru illustrator and fromt here simply applying color and shades.


I will keep you allposted as this project moves along.



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Awesome man!, you really have great talent. I really liked both drawings, I saw the first part of Goku and I was like ... well just another Goku drawing, but then I saw the arm, it looked awesome. Your creativity is great! Congratulations.

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Nice graffiti one. The Goku one seems familiar; i'm sure i've seen the original. But if you want some nice ideas, check out some of the works of Hyung-Tae Kim. His style is pretty unique and creative. You can see his work for the games Magna Carta and War of Genesis. Some of the exaggerated parts of his art is what interests me the most, including the 3D perspectives of his art.

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i like the first one. at first i thought it was some sort of text graffiti but i couldn't understand it :lol: i was actually trying to find where the word is. silly me :D keep up the good work.

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some good stuff there garbage especially for hand drawing them, it should be interesting what they will look like when you add a little technology to them. I would recommend using Adobe Illustrator instead of photoshop to go into the final stage of design for these great designs. Goku with a robot arm that is interesting concept as I have never seen that before :lol:.

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this is a very good preview, of what i like to call pure talent,the goku 1 , well is a lil easyer to make, but the first 1 shows to me u got talent,i would love to see more work from u in the future, and maybe if u use and 3d program or some thing try making ur sketches 3d that would be awesome to seewell keep up the good work

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