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I Am Too Impatient To Make 10 Posts Today.

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hmmmm well this is swaping?? u better write something here..cuz i dont think that this is acceptable in Xisto.com:Dif u really wana make ur 10 posts today then write something USEFULL

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Do all of the 10 posts have to be usefull? Does this one count? Anyway this will make post 11.

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Can I repost something I posted somewhere else?

Random muses from a ranting fool,
Drivel spilt by a doodling tool,
Shouts and songs with no direction
Keys pressed without any conception
A monkey forced to type by a shakespeare junky
Boy isnt creativity funky?


Anyway I would like to request webspace. I can't figure out how to do that somehow I feel trapped. It is 9:00 and I havn't had supper yet.

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My last post was over three lines and the post counter didn't go up ???

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Mabye because you're posting useless spam, and some admin/mod/important person came around and halted your post raising. Please be productive in your posting, don't post just to get hosted, post to be a part of the community. Keeping your account active (or getting one in the first place) should be more interesting, and a good experience, instead of being a job.Sincerely,Tha Panda

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Well if it is too much work I would look for alternatives. Angel towns said they added wmz files to my my allowed file list. Unfortunately I still can?t upload them. :D Anyway I posted some more thoughtful stuff in the computer section under languages. Atleas a little more thoughtful but know one responded yet. :D I am more interested in a science/mathatics/space form. Maybe there are other people here that are interested in this stuff. Time will tell. My favorite discussion group is http://newmars.com/forums/. My favorite newsgroup is sci.math, sci.math.symbolic, and the matlab news group (What was that called.) Anyway I look forward for a positive experience her but I have been trying to find suitable webspace since 2:30 it is now 10:13. Things aren?t going well yet. :D

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I think their is a word count or something. I think it takes many little posts to count as one post. Anyway this section is venting so their should be some freedom in content right?

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My sincerest apologies, I failed to realise the sub-form you were posting in. The Vent does not raise your post count- which I realized the hard way. Again, I hope you'll accept that.. I was wrong. (Get your camera, this is a one time thing) Panda

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*********************************** :D


This is clearly spam please do not do it again....I am not wining, but you see...doing funny characters and not writing anything in a post...that is spam...


And about the 10 posts gets you a host...It's about being active....to me it seems as though your only posting for a host? And wont stay active after that. OR am I wrong ?

Edited by Becca (see edit history)

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