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Can't Access Cpanel Or anyone elses for that matter

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After I got hacked I had the wonderful job of getting my password back. I did get my password back, however there is a problem. I was only able to get into my cPanel once with the password and my computer crashed (I hate Linux for the browser shutting down randomly), before I could change it. I understand the hacker could have easily changed it. What concerns me however is that I cannot get into anyone else's cPanel on Xisto either, from any of the computers on my home network.


I am guessing that Xisto blocked my IP address for so many failed login attempts. I reset the cable modem, so that maybe I could get a new IP address, but that did nothing. But it is true that the cable modem could have retained the same IP address after it was shut down and restarted. Can anyone offer any insight as to why this is happening?



I will be resetting my password as soon as I amass ten credits. I'm currently at about 4. I take security of my website and Xisto very seriously and will have it reset as soon as possible.

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Ok just for the record, before everyone starts thinking that ghostrider is a hacker, I granted him and jlhaslip permission to log into my cpannel. I let him do this because i needed help.

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ghostrider,Please send an email to support{at}Xisto{dot}com with the followingssubject: Request for IP unblock from gamma serverbody:--server name: gamma--domain name:--cpanel username:--your IP address: (check the web on how to obtain your true IP address--saying this for other people. I know you know it ghostrider :) You wouldn't believe how many people list their IP as message (i.e. Please unblock my IP if it's listed under the block list. I cannot connect to the cPanel from my IP address etc)

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I just sent my e-mail to Tra17 support. Hopefully I'll get this resolved soon. Thanks jhaslip for the credits :-D, much appreciative. I also can't reset my cPanel password. Anyone have any ideas about that?

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Mermaid - Do NOT give your passwords to any members of the Xisto Community, it's one way websites get "hacked". The more people who know your password, the more people who will try to get into your site.

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