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Naruto Mmorpg a game idea

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Here's a little idea of mine: a naruto MMORPG... Anyone who has seen Naruto will catch my drift: a game where one could move completly free like in the series. I was thinking some hybrid between Ragnarok online and The Elder Scrolls. With perhaps a choise between top view and first or third person. Adding the show's 'techniques' it would be quite something.Ofcourse, having a game built like that costs alot of money, and sending ideas to a big game company probable wouldn't have any effect. Perhaps Atari would do good with a new game xDAnyway, I was just brainstorming here.

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Well, let's see what you've got here:Using the idea of Naruto, when YOU DON'T OWN it is stealing. If you don't know or have any grasp on programming, than you will spend hudreds if not thousands of dollars on programing.MMORPG's are like cop movies. The first two were great and all, but after a while they get old.Huge video game companies like atari will unlikely accept the idea, not only because of the copyright issues, huge companies aren't really into mmo's because small teams of people can create them.

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The problems with royalties over the years will make it improbable that it would ever be made. Knock offs could be made by you and a few friends if you have enough time, but companies wouldn't waste the time in making an engine and a roster of characters for such a ripoff. Ideas on gameplay could be accepted, however.

Huge video game companies like atari will unlikely accept the idea, not only because of the copyright issues, huge companies aren't really into mmo's because small teams of people can create them.

Any piece of software can be created by one person. CP/M, an entire OS was. Counter-Strike had a core team of one person. Many early DOS FPSes didn't really have large teams of people either.

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dude a naruto mmorpg would be the best thing ever because im sick of the fighting games by naruto. whos your favorite character and why do u like that character? my favorite character is probably Sasuke or Kakashi they rock for many reasons such as the fact that they both have sharingon and they know chidori or whatever its called. but seriouslly this idea for a game rocks out loud, 2 thumbs up

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With all honesty, I'd really appreciate a Naruto MMORPG. I mean, the techniques alone would simply be awesome!However, I'd like to join the rest in pointing out how the flaws far outweigh the shining points.The main problem is that Naruto is owned by someone else. If it were just for the fun of gaming, I'm sure such an MMORPG could be easily propagated in the underground Internet communities. As it is, there is a Warcraft map (with a few custom models added) called Naruto Wars. It ain't official so it ain't commercial. It's free. However, if it is gonna be a paid game for commercial purposes, I'm sure a lot of people (read: lawyers; see also: gamers) will have a lot to say on the matter.Also, I'd like to point out that Naruto is not even finished. In other words, your development team will have their work cut out ahead of them. They'll have to scramble around twice a month, whenever a new jutsu pops up, that is, on top of heir regular chores like bug-fixing, updating, refining, etc.Another thing, the Naruto-verse is hardly a coherent or consistent world either. They have LCD screens and power lines but they send messages through birds instead of email. Or, they have fluorescent lighting but they have to store knowledge in an archive of scrolls instead of on a computer (or even the Internet!) It's a world of anachronisms, if you ask me. What makes it difficult is the other aspects not shown in the series. Are their water crafts oar, sail, rasengan, steam, coal, gas or nuclear powered? Do their shops (an essential element of almost any MMORPG) have cash registers, abacus or tally sheets? If you're a guy for finer details, like a lot of hardcore gamers, these things may very well drive you nuts.It's a nice game but, as I have often seen, fanfiction, fanart or, in this case, fan games are probably the pinnacle of un-creativity. It's not a path for real artists but for those who are too lazy enough to come up with their own ideas. Actually, the way I see it, this game only rides on the popularity of the Naruto series, instead of making waves on its own.Of course, that's just my two cents. Feel free to add yours :lol:

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Well,guys..i just g2 say I`m surprised some1 would bring this up :o ...I was dreaming of a mmorpg of naruto-smth like Elder Scrolls,a free world where u can explore and have fun,engage enemies,help ppl,and so...but the thing is..it can be made,but it`d take maybe more than wow 2 make because narut...it is a mass spell game...u need a BIIG world there..because...for example..water users..on higher lvls,and when they get more experience they need a lot of space `couse they can summon water as big as a lake,and flood everything..(the flood thing is the 2nd issue-because some layers may use these spells 2 ruin the game)...and well,u`d need a limit of players,because ut`d be a lot of players rnning everywhere,and u couldn`t use anything without killing some1 u didn`t want 2 kill XD....it`d be very hard 2 make such a game,and almost imposible 2 play,because,well as I said many players would use the jutsu,and gendjutsu,and smth 2 make fun of lower lvls,and if there would be a lvl restriction(for example u can`t attack 20 lvls lower or smth like that)....that wouldn`t be naruto..and,yeah,sure u`d need a HOLLY LOT of money 2 make such game working...so..we can only hope that some1 will finda way 2 surpass the issues and bring the god damn game 2 life ^^

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Its a great idea but my two cents echoes that of other people: It would cost a HELL lot of money.See, Blizzard wasted much money on WoW but they are now literally printing money off it since it has over 10 billion players now. That translates into a gazillion USD into their coffers annually, while in fact their development team only needs to do updates and create new patches once in a while.See, WoW succeeded in the sense that it has a much wider fan base, i.e. its universal. Many people would identify and recognise an Orc rather than a Konoha ninja. WoW doesn't need to create a niche fan market, it MAKES people become fans.With a Naruto MMORPG, things are very difficult to implement. First, you have the fan base to worry about. Though Naruto anime/manga has a sizable fan base, not all will necessarily play the game since many just like the manga.Secondly, and MMORPG would stray from Naruto's authentic feel UNLESS the company collaborates with the actual Naruto anime company/Bandai to do voice overs, songs, music creation, effects, techniques and jutsu. One cant simply think up a technique every 3 months, right? You have to maintain the authentic feel that makes people like Naruto in the first place.Thirdly, it would be a developers' NIGHTMARE. Naruto world has all sorts of jutsu and techniques. And do note that there are whole bloody area of different countries with all sorts of different cultures, villages, technological advances and such. The economy, political and social system is already very vague in the manga, how do you suppose they make it into a game? The idea is good, but the implementation would be almost impossible.

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The Answer

Naruto Mmorpg


Replying to Unstoppable

Try going to



My friend has a game that you create your own character, level up, and battle with others online.

My fav part is how you perform jutsus. You type in a hand sign (the 12 basic signs are represented by a key) and it is done. The only bad part is you must catch it when it is online. If you get there and it is online you should see s gold link that says Now Live! Click to play. If not check back later.


This is possible for Kman08 to create and present this game thanks to Byond.Com.


Hit me up at dragonblaze13 @at@ hotmail.Com


-reply by Vanzell

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I think we are moving backwards here. Shouldn't we be trying to be more creative than we previously were? See I know huge rpgs are fun because of the giant interface and the possibilities but if we dig deep into why we are role playing then we can see what we want. See a normal kid watches naruto, sees some fight between Itachi and Kakashi where Itachi puts Kakashi into Tsukiyomi or something, and the kid thinks to himself that what he saw was really awesome. But what can the kid do about his admiration? Nothing. All the kid can do is watch more Naruto, he can't as of now, take part into anything related to naruto because of the obvious fact that his parents made him...not Kishimoto XDAn MMoRPG lets you move around and gain levels but that isn't all that Naruto is about. Naruto is about character relationships and attitudes and plot twists. You can't experience the thrill in all these lines if all you can do is level up and fight each other. So what is the substitute? Pencil and Paper! Woot.I think we should have an rpg where people write their role plays, and they battle each other with a set system for battles. This isn't revolutionary by any means I know of a ton of sites that work like this, but I'm just saying doesn't that sound better? Either way, making a whole game would nearly be impossible since we don't own any part of Naruto and bla bla, so why not just take a turn into creativity. I mean, define RPG. It is a role playing game. What role playing do we get to do if all we are doing is clicking on a location, and attacking and leveling up? I think that's a bit boring for anyone past the 7th grade because we are capable of much more creativeness. I would much rather design a character emotion-wise and fight-wise than just level him up and walk around. ~Just Meh Opinionz

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Well first of all "X" if I may call you that ;), I would think that there should be pvp in such a game. I don't know what it is about games without pvp but those that fail to provide any sense of friendly human vs. human competition fail to incite the slightest bit of inspiration in me. Why this is I am not sure because I am not a volatile person O_O you'd think I wouldn't mind a game meant only for character advancement but in the end I think games without pvp are pointless. I mean think about maple story, it's fun and the graphics look fine to me, but what is the point? A LOT of people play it and I don't exactly understand why they do because for me it's a waste of time. If I can't risk my character's life against another person somewhere then what's the point in making and building up my stats or whatever? Levels are fine when it comes to combat but when the combat is restricted to only that against a computer generated little pip that does only so many moves. Also I do not have any pips to send you but if others could try to fork over what they have then I'd be happy to test out your result. I'd warn you though I'm not an ardent fan of all works that lack pvp, those games that lack multiplayer versus modes have to be pure genius to gain my attention and devotion. Like Zelda ;)

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new game idea - naruto online mmorpg gameNaruto Mmorpg

if they had a naruto game mmorpg I would play it all the time but they don't exept naruto arena .Com

-reply by chandler

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Naruto MMORPGNaruto MmorpgI would probably sleep on that game, because I'm huge fan of the series. For me, the best Anime ever andProbably one that is really,really good for MMORPG. Clans,ranks,ninjas,villages,criminals etc. :0 INCREDIBLE! I support idea COMPLETELY :D cheers.-Marko

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featuresNaruto Mmorpg

you should make a feature where your character can create jutsu.

 also u should be able to react, talk to, or have an npc character (I.E. Jiraiya) train u.

third u should be able to make your own clan with it's own kekkai genkai

fourth u should be able to make variations to other jutsu

-reply by milton


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