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Gas Prices In Canada arent that expensive

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Fuel prices here in Canada are more expensive than they have ever been and there is no limit to the increases we can expect for Carbon-based fuel since the Supply/Demand equation has a firm grasp on its pricing. Well, that and Taxes, which consume a third of Fuel costs... :)

Here is a link to a article which puts the price of Fuel into perspective for you. Of course, these other liquids won't run your car, but I wouldn't drink gasoline, either...


Interesting results, for sure, eh?

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so it really isn't anywhere near as expensive as the others, the reason we all complain is because we have to buy so much more of it that we do for other things, so for example, when you buy perfume, you buy one or two or maybe three at a time, making it seem not as expensive, but when filling up your gas tank every week, you fill up with several more gallons, week by week, it ads up, so if u drive less, it wont seem so expensive, or ofcoarse you could get a car with a better mpg rate, anyways, nice finding.

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I remember filling up in Canada...thinking something similar to price per gallon. But it was price per liter. Boy I ended up filling twice in price compare to U.S.NYC is currently serving $3.21 per gallon for regular unleaded around my area. I don't see any price break in near future. Although I do not respond or react to a chain email like "subject: don't fill out gas on this day" but recently on May 15, I participated on not filling up. According to this chain email, United State's giant oil companies probably lost $22 million dollars. That's only by having some close to 500,000 people not filling up this day, across the nation. $22 million dollars a day by just half million people not filling up?? That's crazy! But I'm glad I was part of "sticking it to the man" protest :)I understand that U.S.'s high gas price since we import gas from Canada as well, but why would Canada pay so much? Oh I know, it's probably the same reason why oil enriched country like Iraq not having clean running water and not enough gas for its own citizens--something went wrong down the chain of command. They say s#!t flows downhill...I guess this is the perfect example.

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I understand that U.S.'s high gas price since we import gas from Canada as well, but why would Canada pay so much? Oh I know, it's probably the same reason why oil enriched country like Iraq not having clean running water and not enough gas for its own citizens--something went wrong down the chain of command. They say s#!t flows downhill...I guess this is the perfect example.

Well, I think Mr. Haslip mentioned that the tax on fuel is around 33%. That would surely account for much of the price difference right there. I've driven in Canada many times and I'm not convinced that all that tax goes to maintain the roads there, but what do I know? Bureaucracies always cost a lot to run, so that's probably a good part of where all that money goes as well. Also, due to their very low population density up there and the fact they still have so much asphalt to maintain, there's just less money to go around, so naturally the cost per person is going to be higher.


I think it's disingenuous to compare a commodity that people use every day to travel, like gasoline, to a substance like perfume, where just a couple ounces may last for years. It's just an example of how the media spins lies and half-truths to convince the mass population of one view or another. You may as well compare the price of gold vs the price of tin. Well, they're both metals! Why the heck is gold so bloody expensive? Oh, well, when you compare the price of gold to the price of palladium, it's quite a bargain. Forget about the fact that the supply of palladium is nearly non-existent compared to gold or that demand is higher for one then the other...


The only thing I got out of that "report" is I'm sure glad I don't have to use perfume, printer ink, champaign, or, heaven forbid, blood, to fuel the engine of my car! (Though at times I feel like I'm paying for it with blood!) I wouldn't want the media to talk about things that matter like what the actual costs are associated with bringing oil out of the earth, refining it, and bringing it to my local fueling station for my consumption. We wouldn't want to inform the public of the costs associated with that, then we might actually have a clue as to why the oil company revenues are at record levels and are higher then most country's GDPs! (That's Gross Domestic Product) John Q. Public might start asking questions about why the government(s) pay such ludicrously high entitlements to these oil companies (can you say, "Corporate Welfare"?) when their funding for alternative energies such as bio-fuels like bio-diesel and H2 (both can be considered as solar power) is only a tiny drop in the bucket in comparison. Why, JQP might actually wake up to the fact he's being soaked and taken by greedy special interests and he might actually get together with his friends and revolt against the whole corrupt system!



Vote Ron Paul -2008!

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The Gas Prices are the highest they have ever been. And they will only go up. I'm in Upstate NY and gas is around $3.15 a gallon. It might not sound bad but when only a few years ago gas was only $1.50 a gallon it's shocking. We in the U.S Shouldnt complain. Every Country in Europe is over $4.00 a gallon. Some Parts of England Gas is over $8.00 a gallon absolutly ridiculous. Some countrys are still paying under a dollar a gallon like Venezuala. It must be nice to have gas that cheap.

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If you really think about it gas prices aren't that high. It's just that we are, in the developed countries, used to low priced gas. Yes, the oil barrons are padding their belts, and yes our governments are having their fun too, but it all sincerety you'd probably have to admit that prices can, and probably will, be much worse.

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Let's do the math...The Local price here for Regular Unleaded is $1.269 per litre,times 3.78 l per US gal , so $4.80 CDN for a US gallon of gas,times the currently high exchange rate of approximately .915 puts the price of a US gal of gasoline at $4.365 in US dollars, just for reference...and it comes out of the ground less than a 2 hour drive from here, the refinery is a 4 hour drive away.It is not Imported ...

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Man $5 for a gallon of gas in Canada and to think I have it bad, well not really last I check where I live is $3.07-.09 range. To what buff said about the gas break I am an a agreement with that, although they did claim it wasn't going no further then like $3 and some change, well that's pass that because refineries are closes down for repairs, we got terrorists attack in African refineries, Middle East pretty much gone to hell. So with all these problems ever increasing I see gas spiking to the $4-5 range the way things are going. The gas crisis back in the 70's was small compared to what we are dealing with now, although not enough gas stations have closed down yet for that to happen. However, what really gets me is the fact that gas companies are still building stupid gas stations to make money of course I say because people are selling land that people used to play softball and football on, to this morons. More or less this is a rant about the fact that where I live they are butchering some great spots for people to use for stupid gas stations, especially when they build a new one right next to one that is running :). But as the saying goes the richer get richer while the rest of us get screwed.

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Well, I don't know how to explain this phenomenon, but here in WA state, the most expensive gasoline can be found in the city that has all the refineries, Bellingham. Our gasoline is made either at the Bellingham refineries or in Billings MT from either Alaska oil or Alberta oil. Either way, the price, excluding tax, is a simple result of supply and demand. Demand hasn't gone down, but our refining capacity has. You can blame who you want, blame the oil companies for shutting down perfectly good refineries or blame the government for not prosecuting them for monopolistic practices or RICO Act violations. But *BLEEP*ing about it in a forum, while entertaining and informative, won't accomplish much. Now go call your local elected official and tell them what you think!

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and it comes out of the ground less than a 2 hour drive from here, the refinery is a 4 hour drive away.

I often wonder about this. Here in Ontario, our gas prices are lower compared to those in Western Canada. And yet
I am further from the refineries? I have given up on trying to figure it out. The more I think of it each time I fill up
my vehicle the more frustrated I get. There seems to be absolutely no rhyme or reason as to how they get their final
number that they put up on that sign.

This weekend my husband was able to get gas at 89 cents! The next day it went right back up to 104 :)
Edited by logansmeadow (see edit history)

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