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Why in the frigging world were they invented for ? To crap all over the world ??? Make it green and white eh ? God they annoy me so much...I was walking home from school and like I had chips....and all of the sudden there were TONS of them....it was like a gust of wind....I guess they wanted me chips but were too afraid to gets em.....all I found were bits of manky feathers in my portions.....Why do they just HAVE to crap on your head...I mean....why cant they crap in their friggin home....instead of leaving horrible green and white dribbly stuff hanging every where.....God they ANNOY me so much.... IWent china...and there were TONS...but oh no they were not normal ones..They were TWICE the flipping size....So I just ran away from them...freaked me right out it did...I guess some people do LOVE pigeons...but I definately DO NOT

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Hehehe... I get your point... We also have tons of them in my cuty, but I guess I don't hate them. I don't like them either... I just don;t think about them... And they DO crap arround WAAAAY too much for their size

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Got no pidgeons around my parts.. well that aint true, we have them in thunder bay but i dont live there and they actually arent over populated so they arent that bad. The only use pidgeons have are to be fed by old people haha :D , but i heard that chinese or japanese people ate them or used them in some foods, sounds gross but cant argue with the asians cause damn their food is so good.

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eww that is mank...Im chinese I Would never eat any pigeon, dog, snake , shark , deer or what ever animal oh and I Would never eat rabbit...I don't even want to eat chicken....but I do because I Am forced to by me mother.."if you don't eat chicken you wont grow any taller" -- that scared me.

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eww that is mank...Im chinese I Would never eat any pigeon, dog, snake , shark , deer or what ever animal oh and I Would never eat  rabbit...I don't even want to eat chicken....but I do because I Am forced to by me mother..

"if you don't eat chicken you wont grow any taller" -- that scared me.


hahaha, how tall are you? im 6ft and my parents dont force me to eat anything well then again i am 18 now, just about 19. As a child i always ate my vegetavles and i still love them to htis day, mmmm brussel sprouts :D ., and chicken making you grow taller? never heard that one but i have heard mothers saying if you dont drink your milk you wont grow taller :D

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6ft what ?? Im like 5ft or something...how tall is 1m 57 cm ? I think that is how tall I am,....Im thirteen,[13] I like vegetables I LOVE SOGGY BROCCOLLI and mushy peas they are well nice...oh and I don't drink milk because it makes me vomit...well I choose to vomit...so I drink soya ,milk....Oh and pigeons suck because they do.

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Pigeons are funny lolWe have wood pigeons near my house and their soooooo fat! :D their expressions are allways sooooo dumb lolI like pigeons for comic value :DAnd Milk is dirty dirty *BLEEP*. i only drink it if theres a ton of chocolate nesquik in it.

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Same as goosetaf milk is sort of...um...I don't know...weird?I hate pigeons..HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE them..so so minging....So annoying....they even flap at you if they are hungrey...they live just about anywhere.....arrrgh and they crap just about anywhere....and EVERYWHERE

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Becca, you are very funnY! LoL! I got to admit this... But I love pigeons.. I get up in the morning and see them in the verandah.. There is this one pigeon which comes up my house daily at around 1 pm .. usually waiting for some grains or stuff. My mom keeps in near the kitchen window. And as for the eating the pigions thing *YUK* no offence but I am a vegge.. I dont like meat at all. It's not like some religion or stuff but I always hated meat. I am forced to eat Eggs by my parents else I would had not eaten that too... But I dont think this has affected my height, I am 6'' Never had problems with my height.. I just manage to be taller than my GF ( thats enough I guess :D )

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Becca, you are very funnY! LoL! I got to admit this...


But I love pigeons.. I get up in the morning and see them in the verandah.. There is this one pigeon which comes up my house daily at around 1 pm .. usually waiting for some grains or stuff. My mom keeps in near the kitchen window.


And as for the eating the pigions thing *YUK* no offence but I am a vegge.. I dont like meat at all.  It's not like some religion or stuff but I always hated meat.  I am forced to eat Eggs by my parents else I would had not eaten that too... But I dont think this has affected my height, I am 6'' Never had problems with my height.. I just manage to be taller than my GF ( thats enough I guess :D )


You like pigeons... o.O See what I mean!! THEY Sort of brain wash you into giving them food every day. What if that pigeon you feed tell all it's piggy friends and they all come to get some foot then your house will be full of nasty crap and stuff...


Pigeons are also so ugly...some look battered and some look like they have been pooing on themselves...god and they reek...they were above me once and I screamed they all depated leaving dirty feathers and ik it really smelt....Oh and I saw them once picking at some PUKE on the floor god....I really feel sorry for them now


Oh and all your 6fted boys... I have a reason for being short....Im a 13 year old girl...

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you think pigeons are bad.. In canada there is a thing called the canada goose. they are like 10 times bigger than pigeons so they *BLEEP* 10 times more. At the park there is goose *BLEEP* ALL OVER the place.. you can't NOT walk in it... And its not like paste type *BLEEP*, it is paste with chunks of solid stuff mixed in there... And those geese stink too.. It is nasty.

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Geese ? :D I was feeding a massive goose thing when I Was 7 and it snapped at my finger... I will never forget that...cruel things they are !!!At least they don't fly above your head and poop on your....probably by purpose. Idiotic smelly nooblies...grrr.

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I guess we don't really have pigeons around here. I think they're more city-dwelling creatures and all we have around here is farms in hickville. I guess I can see how they could be annoying, how you described them, but if Burt on Sesame Street loves em so much, they can't be all bad, can they? :D

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I used to live near the ocean and there was a lot of seagulls. they are pretty much like pigeons too. They also *BLEEP* on your head. But, honestly tho... who actually gets *BLEEP* on by birds? does it really happen that often? I only saw it once in my life... it was really funny too (cause it wasn't me).On the farm there are a lot of mice tho, isn't there? I used to live in the "country" side and there was a huge hay field behind my house and a huge blueberry field across from my house. There was tons of field mice... really samll ones. Like the size of ur thumb.

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OH MY GOD!! I LOVE mice....They are soooo...CUTE...I Don't like spiney white ones. I like the brown ones with big cute ears...awwe... <3<3<3<3Eauurkkk I saw a pigeon pooped on my teachers head before on a school trip...after that it flew off...came back..and pooped on my friends back and tried to peck out sandwichs....it was watching us....Seagulls earrukkk it's another type of pigeon lmao.....With those orrible beedy eyes always looking at you...always looking at your FOOD...

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