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The Biggest Merger Of All Time Could Happen Between Microsoft And Yahoo

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Since yesterday one of the biggest stories to hit the tech world since the discovery of the microchip has been floating around since the first two reports about it have been made public. Those reports well simple rumors are spreading that Microsoft and Yahoo could merge and create one of the biggest mergers of all time and actually threaten google dominance in the tech world. when the markets closed yesterday yahoo was worth about 48 billion and Microsoft a whopping $300 billion and so the rumor price would be that Microsoft would drop $50 billion on this little deal. Of course everyone from the janitor to the top dogs have denied this and only mention that there are some plans in actions for some tag teaming in order to bring google down a notch. Also if this deal were to go down this would be the most money Microsoft has ever spent on a merger and right now the most they have spent was about $1.3 billion and could bring an actual threat to search market against google and of course the software development. Then of course thanks to this breakign news report did the stock market ever fluctuate between these 2 companies. But the big question would be will it happen? I highly doubt it but who knows crazy things have happen in the tech world in the last seven years.

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This is absolutely huge. I was thinking that this was just a rumor, but a lot of reputable sources are reporting this. I just hope Microsoft doesn't screw up Yahoo!Microsoft shud let Yahoo! exist as a external entity, and not try to integrate it into MSN, Windows Live, etc. Like how Yahoo! did with Flickr and del.icio.usThis is good news for me cause I hate Google, and hope this stops them from "world domination"

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This is pretty big news but if it's going to happen I doubt it will be anytime soon. They'd have to get into detail about what they are going to do with MSN's messenger and Yahoo's messenger, wether to integrate them or whatever. Same with the search engines. I guess they could just keep them separate and share the profits through the merge but I sort of don't think Microsoft would want to do that but I don't know. Google will still be big even if there was a merge and I don't think it will take them down too much unless the combining brings something special to the Microsoft search and tools they have because those who went to Google before still will after.

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Actually I'm sure that Microsoft will keep Yahoo separate, because they have a lot of similar services, (search, mail, messenger, etc.) and the user bases of both hate each other. A Yahoo! Mail user will never switch to Windows Live Mail and a Windows Live Mail user will never switch to YAhoo! Mail. If Microsoft decides to do that, it'll risk most of their users to switch to Google. Microsoft needs to be very careful.

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Yeah I would agree that it would take some time to work out the details, I see that taking a few years just to work out the mail and search engine :unsure:. OF course Microsoft is coming out with their new email set up, yahoo just came out with it's new browser based yahoo messenger client. Of course this could be a scare tactic by the two companies to make google do something stupid :D and buy another company that has legal problems :(.

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I've heard this rumor about this merge a few days ago. I am a fan of Google even thought my email is on Yahoo. I also think that a possible merge would become a hard nut to crack for Google. Imagine what Microsoft can do with Yahoo... The next OS integrated with Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo search, Yahoo games.... you name them. Remember why over 85% of the people use Internet Explorer? Because it comes preinstalled on Windows. So I think the big winner in this deal would be Yahoo. Google is going to have a hard time.There is also a positive side to this deal. From the competition the user will win as long as one side does not win. They have to compete in order to provide us with the best possible services. Google is the number 1 right now and it is threatening to monopolize the market. Good things might come out of this possible merge as long as "Microhoo" does not become too strong...And that's the way the cookie crumbles!PS: If this rumor is true I wonder what Microsoft is going to do with the Live services like the search engine or the instant messenger? It's hard to believe that after investing so much money and time in this they will simply throw that away for Yahoo!.

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Thats what I was talking about. Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger, and Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail, are so widely used by so many people that making users of one service which over to the other unrealistic. Microsoft simply has no choice but to keep Yahoo! separate from the end users point of view. I think Microsoft purchased Yahoo! simply for their customer base

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I honestly think that this will not happen as both companies are huge and yahoo had some law suites against microsoft so if this really happens microsoft will gain by those lawsuites and several other things he will gain all the users of the yahoo so in fact I think that Microsoft does have really good things to go for this merge, in fact in my oppinion more then yahoo. Also I would like to point that similar thing happened when microsoft was overtaking bigger part of the Apple, and gaining by apple releasing his law suites and many more things like monopoly threats with microsoft investing bunch of money in the Apple research projects.Also there are a lot of reasons why it will not affect google as google has hall bunch of projects which are different from the yahoo and two companies are sharing more or less just two services search engine and mail service eventhough google has many and more advanced services likegoogle earth and google video and so on. And difference is that yahoo is doing huge bunch of busnesses google has strong financial support from the advertising community which earns billions for them while yahoo is not based just on advertisement also on the earning from auctions and many other things.Also interesting thing if and when microsoft buys yahoo would be to see how well will microsoft work with such things like advertisement because it was generally evading such thing as selling some space to advertisers you can see this if you have microsoft instant messanger or MSN in which there is oftern picture your advertisement here but usually there is no other picture then that. So you see microsoft will have to learn this new buisness strategy if it wants to challange google which has so much experience in this field of internet and tech buisness.

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