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New Yahoo Browser Based Messnger Is Out

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This caught my eye instantly right here Which basically says the yahoo designed a new messenger in which you can use through your browser. Which also means you don't have to do all that work just to talk to several people. Right now it's in beta and it's very basic looking chat room type application so it's very simple, hopefully as they go through updates and full version they add more things to it and what not.

Here's the link to the messenger


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How good could it be?

At the moment, for Linux OSes, I'm using Meebo.com but I've been told that it doesn't handle Yahoo!'s offline messages, costing me dearly in the social department. I'd be very grateful if Yahoo! Webmessenger still supported that. Emoticons too. Not just the typical :(, :( and :D but also the other "hidden" emoticons like :o3, L-) or :-h. Lacking the luxury of visual contact, emoticons are, pretty much, the only way for me to convey "emotions" which can't be put into words.

I'll probably try this out when I return to the office in 3 days, though. Just to see, first-hand, what Yahoo has been up to :unsure:

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I heard about this from my friend but I don't know why I thought they were going to integrate Yahoo Messenger into the email box. Anyway this idea (even thought it is not new at all... Google Talk?!) is great. It really helps people who, for example, can't install Messenger on their systems. Like the workplace. You wouldn't like your boss to find that you have Messenger installed, not to mention that you might have a limited account that does not let you install messenger. And there nare times when you have to tell somebody something very fast and you don't have time to install the software.

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Well it is common practice in the IT industry that companies are copying some ideas and materials from others. You see when google started working on their new mail service many other mail hosting started increasing their web space also and although google was still in beta I remeber that yahoo was something like 100mb or even up to 250mb but then google came with idea of 2 GB and everything changed. Also the thing is that some ideas like their extesnisive usage of the javascript and making all this work nice has forced their competitor yahoo to make completly new service for mail.Similar thing with this is that google came with idea but yahoo will also implement it there are also many other things for the msn if you are using one and were forced to log into your msn account from computer which has msn either blocked or it is not installed or something else. I know that anyone who uses msn extensivly has experienced such problems.Also improvment in all this is that you can add contacts from the msn network to the yahoo and vice versa which google is kinda out still.

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Meebo is really good, everybody here at where I work uses it to send instant messages. I like the messenger though, I prefer to use it whenever I can... I cant really message comfortably without my emoticons and games.

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it says u can also connect with windows live messenger, does it mean they are working with msn or something? it seems pretty nice though...if u dont have to install anything, then thats cool, but since i never liked the normal full fledged yahoo messenger...i dont think i will be liking this one...im more into msn.

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Meebo is really good, everybody here at where I work uses it to send instant messages. I like the messenger though, I prefer to use it whenever I can... I cant really message comfortably without my emoticons and games.

There was once a time I also used to like Meebo. Imagine, a web-based messenger that can connect to Yahoo!, AIM, GoogleTalk and MSN! In the office, all our PC's are running Ubuntu so Yahoo! Messenger was pretty much out of the question.

That is, of course, until I found out that meebo erases your offline messages, which, for me, led to some violent manifestations of "communication failure" :(

Honestly, I liked the Yahoo! Webmessenger. Although a tiny fraction of my messages are lost, I liked the way it also supported the smileys I have been using for a very long time :unsure:

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it says u can also connect with windows live messenger, does it mean they are working with msn or something? it seems pretty nice though...if u dont have to install anything, then thats cool, but since i never liked the normal full fledged yahoo messenger...i dont think i will be liking this one...im more into msn.

Well in fact yahoo massenger and msn are already interconnected so if you have yahoo messanger account and add person so he or she will be able to see you and also vice verse works fina.

Although you cannot send all the emotions and winks and some other things most emotions work actually I haven't found one that does not.

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I've just tried a few things in Yahoo! Webmessenger and Meebo. It seems that Yahoo! Webmessenger does support offline messaging. So does Meebo, err, at least, now it does.Now, if only Yahoo! Webmessenger also included buzzing and viewing contact details, salamangkero will be very, very happy :unsure:

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I could have thought this yahoo had an online messenger already. But i was wrong like always. I'm using meebo too yet I still have the three main chat programs on my desktop. I doubt I will be using the yahoo online messenger.

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