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Mac Help New with Macs?

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Yea I just got a mac because my stupid Pc was all messed up. It is a Mac Os 9.2.2 And I am so confused? Like I cannot find a different web browser that even works with this someone tell me the best web browser that can work with this Os. It is so confusing it is nothing like an Xp. I wish it was though :(. Any help would be helpful. :unsure: Thankyou.

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Safari, Firefox, Camino, and Opera are some browsers that work with Mac. I use Camino because it is Firefox that is native for the Mac (Camino and Firefox are both made by Mozilla). But remember Safari (the browser already installed on your Mac) is a great browser it is definitely not as bad as the native Windows browser.

Macs are awesome, you'll love it once you get the hang of it. Google "windows to mac guide" or something of the sort on Google and I'm sure you'll find many guides to help with the switch from Windows to Mac.

And I don't know about 9.2.2 but on my 10.4.9 I can open the finder click on the computer Icon (mine is labeled iBook G4 - its the tab at the top of the finder window) then go to Macintosh HD then User Guides and Information and find many guides that can help with the switch as well.

You can visit Mac Downloads for a list of applications complete with the download at Apple's site.

Edited by Smack (see edit history)

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Well sorry but most of those need Mac OsX Or later I am just looking for anything besides I.E. 5.0 :unsure:

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describe the hardware typomage. I hope you bought a Mac that can be upgraded in to the OSX world because no one, not even Apple, supports anything older then that! My old Mac finally died so that wasn't an issue for me, but had it lived I still would've been forced to replace either it or at least the small HD and OS. And that was a couple years ago. It was (still is) a G3 Powerbook 400 (Lombard).

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Well is there anyway to get Mac osx for free? (Stupid Question)Or anything higher then this? ( Mac Osx 9.2.2 )I ma also using a better browser ICab, but still I wish I could use Mozilla Firefox 2.0! :unsure:

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Well is there anyway to get Mac osx for free? (Stupid Question)Or anything higher then this? ( Mac Osx 9.2.2 )
I ma also using a better browser ICab, but still I wish I could use Mozilla Firefox 2.0! :unsure:

Need to know what hardware you're running to really recommend the correct OS version. I'm running OS 10.4.9, but you can't run that version on many macs... You're obviously running a PPC chip, but which one? G3, G4??? I'm guessing it's a G3 in which case you'll want to load up on RAM to max and increase your HD capacity to at least 40GB, I'd recommend 80. Once you've gotten those two things out of the way, you should be able to find a cheap used OS 10.2 or so on eBay or even look at garage sales or Craig's list (post a wanted: OSX 10.2.x ad and see what responses you get). Get a lawnmowing job or something that pays pretty well and save up your money. You'll be able to upgrade that computer in no time!

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Well is there anyway to get Mac osx for free?

Not legally there's not.
The best browsers you can get are iCab and Netscape. Unfortunately iCab is the only one that is being continually updated.

If your PC is screwed up, you could try and order a free Ubuntu CD through your Mac and run your PC off that. It's quite modern. Maybe if your PC is more low-end then FreeBSD will be right for you.

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Well I do have a MAc Osx at my school it is a school computer. Coukd I some how copy it onto my Mac? Would that be possible?

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You probably could if the had it on a disc or something, but I do not know of a way to get OSX onto a disc if it is already installed. You could just buy the disc to upgrade your mac, so then you get the newest version Lepoard, instead of Tiger or w/e OSX is :unsure:

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Leopard isn't out yet. 10.4.9 (Tiger) is the current OSX. Seems a lot of work to go through just because you don't like Safari, if I were you, I would just live with it. Besides, it isn't near as bad as Internet Explorer!

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I dont think he didn't like safari, it was that he didn't have safari. at least thats how I understood it. Safari doesn't come for mac os 9. If I were you I'd wait for leopard and then get that. That is if you have the hardware to run it. I'd recommend at LEAST a g4 with plenty of ram and hd space. If you have an older computer find macos X.1 selling somewhere on ebay for cheap. Its got safari and even though its an older version, it's still osx so its still really good. It's pretty old so you can find it really cheap. I found one for 9 bucks here.

Edited by alex7h3pr0gr4m3r (see edit history)

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Well thanks for all of the help. I guess I will just upgrade to Mac Osx So I can do a little more with the Mac. But I still wish I could upgrade without buying anything.

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