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All Resources Exhausted

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I just read a topic asking about what would happen if Oil was exhausted, First of all nice topic but it made me think not only oil but what i all the resources were exhausted like water and land.


I mean at the rate we are going with pollution, Poaching and wastage There will be no other animal present nor will there be water left in the world.

We could sun out of natural fresh air and resort to produce it artificially which would result in pollution and depletion in further resources.


I guess it is all a cycle that If you deplete one source then you end up depleting and destroying everything else. Does anyone think that we are gonna survive for another century? I dont think so.


Population is already high and everytime we get anything done It requires a lot of resources to be used, Whether traveling, health, Even computers.


I mean after writing this post I come to one conclusion We are gonna make this place a living hell


I did not mean to hurt anyone's sentiments so please do not flame me ;)


Cheers ;)

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Nice topic for discussion really nice. Although there are many topics with this thematics. I would say we are really close to exploiting all available resources in the world. And predictions about our current stocks are not good everything is closing to its end. With exception of the nuclear power (energy) which is almost infinite, although nothing is infinite in the todays world. We might start exploiting some other resources which in fact are not cheap as those we are exploiting today but we will extend our agony a bit further yes you're right I said agony because agony it is for the world as a planet and for the human beings to be so dependent on one resource like crude oil or electric power. Evethough there is no any indications that we would see any problems with lack of electric power because this is one of the resources which is almost in abundance. I think that we would survive this dark age of resources depletion as we survived other cataclysm's hitting wither our planet or human kind. We would found new ways of gained certain resources they will be expensive that is mathematical and economical certainty but they will help us. I am considering here oil rock which in fact is largest oil deposite on earth and it is still not that used abecause of practical application. It is some 10 or more times more expensive then crude oil and that is just exctraction without refining process. But companies like shell and some other are already making their moves to increase production of oil trough this means and to prepare for the oilless age for mankind. We will switch from combustion engines to something new. Probably. One thing that is nice about human kind and which has proven itself over and over troughout history of man kind is that we are adoptable specie. We will adopt to almost everything we certainlly need time but then we start living completely normally as if nothing happened. We might just make new breakthroughs in sending electricity over great distances. Which Serbian scientists Nikola Tesla started some 80 or so years ago, but because of lack of fundings project failed. Also there are large plans in next 50 years about universe so we will probably start using sun power to produce electricity which is in fact one of the cleanest ways of electricity production although really expensive it pays out investment exponentially. We might start living in space as we move our borders space and orbital bases might become casual things. Chines are providing us with information that they intend to start ore extraction process on the moon and if we start to harvest space where will our boundaries be. We might become unlimited. So in fact our current problems with resources might push human kind to reasearch and find new solutions to old problems and in that way adjust itself and improves in the process moving its own boundries and breaking its own limits.

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Energy and matter are interconvertible and limitless. They are being constantly converted to one another. There is no actual wastage of energy. But we have to find ways to convert other forms of matter into energy. Otherwise we may use up all our resources before we do that. Anyways green is the way to go. The faster the oil companies realise it and channelise their resources to other better and green sources of energy the better it would be for all of us.

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Energy and matter are interconvertible and limitless. They are being constantly converted to one another. There is no actual wastage of energy. But we have to find ways to convert other forms of matter into energy. Otherwise we may use up all our resources before we do that. Anyways green is the way to go. The faster the oil companies realise it and channelise their resources to other better and green sources of energy the better it would be for all of us.

Yes you are right in your points but you must consider some things. Energy and matter are convertible to each other and everyone of us are doing this each they even if you are not aware of it. But here is the biggest problem we can convert energy to matter and matter to energy almost always actually always but the problem which arises is the entropy as if entropy is increasing then this process is not usuful and does not bring any good to us. If there weren't this problem we would found limitless source of energy.

Because of this one needs to think about entropy and how is entropy of universe increasing one things that will bring to the end and final colapse of universe is limitless increase in entropy till the point when it will colapse once more into one point. ;) Funny sentence though it has meaning ;)

SO because of entropy certain matery converted to energy is irreversible. and we can not take it back in lac words. So we still have to conserve as ultimately we wont be abble to convert nything in the energy.

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We have infinitely renewable, natural forms of energy available to us - that we can't pollute, mess up or destroy. The sun, wind and water can all be harnessed and turned into "clean" energy. And we're actually doing that. We just need to do it more, IMO, because the resources are there and we have the technology to put them to use.That's just one aspect, of course. We still have to deal with pollution, wastefulness and the depletion of resources that aren't infinite and immediately available (oil, for example).I think that we as individuals need to take more initiative. We can't just sit around and wait for somebody else to do something differently. If we do that, then nothing will improve. Everyone can do something: even a small contribution (like re-using your plastic soda bottles instead of just throwing them away) can help. Especially when we encourage other people to do the same.

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Nice Point of discussion, I would love to know what global super powers would do if coal, oil or other power sources were exhausted.People have been saying for awhile now to start using renewable energy source's but there so expensive and most are rather large to be economically worthwhile. Honestly i think the world needs another mass extinction, Cruel i know but Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to the Earth. It has lasted millions of years and we come along and kill it in a matter of 1000 years. Makes you think what life could be like if we had not Foudn Oil or coal or nuclear energy.

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Well as every civilization is developing it is searching for sources of power it just matter of time before we make new breakthrough in some other field which will make some new alternative fuel source available to us. However we can find it tomorrow or we can found it in the next 200 years. It depends however, SNiped I think that world superpowers will be ready when time comes. If you check what happened when great oil boom in the end of seventies occurred it was not world superpowers who's economy broken under influence but rather economy of oil producers as after effect was billions of dollars foreign debt to the western countries and instead it should have been millions of dollars like debt for wester countries to them.You see when you have power to play with small countries and when you hvae military political and funding influence then you can do a lot even though you are the one who needs resources. And I think we are the one thing that ought to happen if it weren't us then some reptile specie would evolved probably, you see that it was thing that you could not pass.

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nor will there be water left in the world

By that I'm thinking that you mean clean water? Water doesn't just drift into outer space.

If water somehow did start "disappearing", then most life would end way before that because water dramatically affects global temperature (water has a high specific heat, therefore it takes lots of energy to heat it up, which explains why the earth is able to maintain a fairly constant day-night temperature, compared to something like the moon).

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By that I'm thinking that you mean clean water? Water doesn't just drift into outer space.
If water somehow did start "disappearing", then most life would end way before that because water dramatically affects global temperature (water has a high specific heat, therefore it takes lots of energy to heat it up, which explains why the earth is able to maintain a fairly constant day-night temperature, compared to something like the moon).

Yes but I would like to point out few more things about water. It controls to large extend also CO2 levels actually sea water controls it. So if water would start to disappear then we would lose actually our atmosphere would be so polluted that we couldn't bread fresh air and ultimately we would just fade away from planet Earth.

And in fact the sea does not influence the temperature difference of day and night and this is because high specific heat capacity because it takes longer time period to heat it and then the same time period to cool down. So Sea actually influences temperature of Summer and Winter or even maybe decades or centuries because it has so great mass and heat capacity and it has specific way of movement which inflicts on the heating process.

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Thanks for the feedback,

People have been saying for awhile now to start using renewable energy source's but there so expensive and most are rather large to be economically worthwhile.Honestly i think the world needs another mass extinction, Cruel i know but Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to the Earth. It has lasted millions of years and we come along and kill it in a matter of 1000 years. Makes you think what life could be like if we had not Foudn Oil or coal or nuclear energy.

It is true that all of the renewable sources are expensive but once there will be no non renewable sources left then people will scampering about for it.
I too agree that humans should be gotten rid of for rather than being proud I'd rather be an animal. But as I don't have a choice I try to help out in any way possible.

By that I'm thinking that you mean clean water? Water doesn't just drift into outer space.
If water somehow did start "disappearing", then most life would end

I did not say that water "disappears" I meant that after all the pollution and wastage, There will be no pure water left and all that we will be drinking will be sewage water with all kind of muck in it, Even I know that water doesn't disappear but it does disappear in a way, Don't you think?

Cheers ;)

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Thanks for the feedback,
It is true that all of the renewable sources are expensive but once there will be no non renewable sources left then people will scampering about for it.

Well Universe is huge expanse and I assume that we would always be able to find some way of acquiring for our civilization resources needs. Sometimes in one era they will be more expensive and in other they will be cheap and abundant. However,

I too agree that humans should be gotten rid of for rather than being proud I'd rather be an animal. But as I don't have a choice I try to help out in any way possible.

I wouldn't agree that we should all become animals you might think of it as natural selection although it is really cruel one and mean and everything else. We still have to live. And have you ever heared for Voluntery Human Extinction Movement. I am not fond of such organization however they exist and they have many members really. Maybe you and this other guy who wrote this might consider joining ;) joking that take it too serious.

I did not say that water "disappears" I meant that after all the pollution and wastage, There will be no pure water left and all that we will be drinking will be sewage water with all kind of muck in it, Even I know that water doesn't disappear but it does disappear in a way, Don't you think?
Cheers ;)

Yes but even when clean water becomes scarce as in many desert parts of world. We still have ways to clean polluted water maybe not from radiation and other nano pollutant but against any micro pollutant water can be cleaned and reusable. In times of war we were drinking water from the river in which from time to time dead bodies were and from underground wells. We were just cooking this water and then drink it and no one cought any sort of disiese.

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All resources where to run out. How can that happen? When ever you use a resource and use it all it up. The waste is another recsources, which over time will change back to it's orginal self. Alright, let's say all resources where to run out. Humans would probably have to use better technology. Solor power, hydro power and wind power. But those wouldn't be enough to keep everyone warm. That would probably mean more poor people, and mroe rich enjoying it all.

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All resources where to run out. How can that happen? When ever you use a resource and use it all it up. The waste is another recsources, which over time will change back to it's orginal self.
Alright, let's say all resources where to run out. Humans would probably have to use better technology. Solor power, hydro power and wind power. But those wouldn't be enough to keep everyone warm. That would probably mean more poor people, and mroe rich enjoying it all.

Yeah I agree with you that we could hardly use all our resources to the point that our technological advantage cannot follow and find new resource this has never happen in the history and I assume it will not happen now. Even though we are using more resources then ever and we are wasting more.

I wouldn't really agree with you that we would use better technology it doesn't have to mean neccessery however we would use technology we have and solar power and wind power doesn't mean new nor better technology it just means clean and alternative. I would say fusion would be new and innovative and also clean technology or even Cold Fusion.

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