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Iran Captures 15 Uk Sailors

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well any1 who hasnt been living under a rock in the UK must have heard about this crisis..

UK Sailors, while patrolling the Iran-Iraq maritime border, were captured by the Iranian navy, which claims they were inside Iranian maritime territory...

OH NOES! :lol::(:(:(:(

the GPS tracking system which was on the UK patrol boat (GPS = Global Positioning System) apparently indicates that the sailors were well inside Iraqi waters, but who knows? After all, who is in charge of the GPS systems, lol? This whole thing might be a plan for Blair&Bush to save face, who knows...Blair is certainly saying a lot of things like "lets step up the pressure on Iran", etc etc. Also, look at this map:


Iraq on one side, Afghanistan on the other...i bet the conspiracy theorists are having a ball right now :lol: After all, the US supplied & trained saddam's forces prior to the first gulf war to do what? Fight Iran....

The other side of the story is that the Iranian government really is doing this to antagonise the west - not a wise idea imo, particularly with the nuclear program, which is why atm im kind of partial to the conspiracy story. If im wrong however, then the UK government should really step up the heat, like call for some embargoes or something...maybe even call for a strike to rescue the hostages. This has of course happened before, when 8 marines were captured and forced to apologise publicly on iranian TV and then released, so the same thing may happen, who knows...

any thoughts? is it part of the big middle east oil conspiracy or is the iranian government just being naughty? should the UK go in and wtfpwn them? Discuss! :(

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Well if they truly were knowingly inside Iranian borders then in a way Iran is on the moral high ground, we shouldn't have been there. We would do the same to an Iran navy in our waters. Now if we definitely werent inside their waters then they have no right. To be honest it wouldn't surprise me if Old Blairy is lying again and we were inside their waters and Blair is spinning things to get the English public on his side. Either way neither side is right and the soldiers should be set free no matter what and the dispute should be settled by the leaders of the countries, not the people of the countries.**EDIT Woot go me! 5OOth post! Yay! Now we may continue the debate!

Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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Seems liek another attempt to go to war with another country. THere is a very simple way to fix this problem. Blair just has to admit that the sailors were in IRanian waters and bame there home safe, but bliar has to be a hero and say they were not in the water, even though I think they probably were, its really that simple. So really Blair is doing something reallyt bads when he thinks he is doing something good. I also have a consipracy theory here. Blair and Bush want to make this a big deal so they can go to war eith Iran and abduct their country and do excatly what they did with Iraq so now we will be in two wars with two countries when both can and should have been compeletley avoided. This has really been angering me, since I bet you the parents of the sailors probably want TOn yBlair just to admit they were i nIranian waters so the sailors can home to their families. Now, I am not saying that was nIran doing is right. THye are not doing anything right here, but again since Iran is one of those strict countries they have rules and regulations like that so they thought that if people were in their waters, that they have the right to abudct them. Really, there is probably no way to prove if they were or were not but both sides need to be Adults here and figure this out in Aduts. Bliar should just admit he was, actually the sailors were in Iran9ian waters, and Iran should just say they are sorry to have to have abducted these people, and they will try and not to do this again. i know this probably will not happen, since both sides are extremely greedy, and rude and do not care about anybody but themselves, but if they were truly smart, they would do this and have this problem settles, and forget about it and have the sailors back with their families living their lives almost as normal as they were before this

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