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Gfx Crew And Other Credit Bonuses I think we should get a bonus

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(I looked this up in the search, and didn't find anything. Sorry if its already a topic)I think GFX crew, mods, spam patrol, and other should get a small bonus to there credits per post. So, for example, I post one sentence as a normal user/hosted member i get 1 credit. A GFX crew member or other special member would get 1.5-2. I know its by content and length and stuff, but you know what i mean. I was thinking also, what about GFX and spam patrol people who help out with extra stuff? For example, someone requests a sig/header/layout whatever (each could be a different amount) and i, or another GFX member does it, we should get a bonus of maybe a week of credits or something. Not even a week, but you know what i mean. Another would be if you get the Spam patrol badge and whenever you point out spam and the mods delete it, you would get 7 days.Do you guys/gals, understand? I think it could be a neat concept and could even get more GFX crew members to help out even more and people to report more spam.What are your thoughts about this system and would it be beneficial to trap?

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I'm not sure if this is a good idea. No offense, but the graphics crew currently isn't doing anything whatsoever. Most of them don't even post sigs anymore.Maybe spam patrol, but I'm not sure.But you're right as far as the second part goes, this would be a good incentive for people to get to work. Normal members would be inspired to do graphics, or do more to stop spam, if they knew it would benefit them as well.Shoot, I know I'd be doing a lot more sigs if it got me ANY credits, let alone more than normal posting.I'd like to see what BH or Opa think of this.

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I actually just did a banner today :lol: Doing some revisements that SM thought would be better and seeing how those will turn out. But yeah, same here. I'm busy enough with college majoring in graphic design and to make MORE stuff for people here is not easy. I try to get some stuff done and i work hard on them, but its just hard. Plus now i decided i would help someone make an entire layout for a website and write the code! So yeah, just anything extra would be nice. I'm not trying to be greedy at all. Just a nice incentive i think.

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I give you the simple answer "why get something extra, when you should be doing it already" that's more or less in refereance to spam patrol and all members, with the graphics crew the only real incentive your getting is getting better in gfx design. and maybe a link or soemthing saying who did it. I tried to set up something a while a go about setting up a mini store when the requests were being done that person would get a small amount of credits. However since most of the request were done by non hosted members and it pretty much defeated the purpose of it. Also OpaQue would need to code that into the credit script, which I don't really see happening in the near future. Also the post count has been turned off here (I think) because it start becming a chat room about what changes need to be more or something along hte lines of that.

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I give you the simple answer "why get something extra, when you should be doing it already"

I must agree with this. Why get paid for something that we volunteered to do in the first place? If this idea of yours, Boozker, were to go out, everyone would wanna have an honorary title just for the extra credits and so long as there are others doing the job for them, they coud just sit there earning extra credits for no reason. Did you consider how we would keep track of everyone with honorary titles? If you want extra credits, help support Xisto by purchasing them.

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I must agree with this. Why get paid for something that we volunteered to do in the first place? If this idea of yours, Boozker, were to go out, everyone would wanna have an honorary title just for the extra credits and so long as there are others doing the job for them, they coud just sit there earning extra credits for no reason. Did you consider how we would keep track of everyone with honorary titles? If you want extra credits, help support Xisto by purchasing them.

I dont mean get credits when you HAVE an honary title. Like if this were in place and i posted here, i would not get any credits. But when i do work for the GFX crew and finalize a product/design and they accept it and the topic is close i think you should get a bonus. A good job bonus. Not everyone who posts something and it wasnt even used and they get credits, no not at all. My procedure to get extra credits would be:

- Submit your work to the client
- Wait for Client to accept
- When accepted and topic closed GFX Crew Leader/Moderator is informed
- Credits are then given to the person who made that

The volunteered thing is right, i just thought a nice incentive to the people who actually submit quality work that is used should be promoted and goven a bonus to keep working and making them want to work.

Well the spam badges were never asked for, so therefor, not volunteered. In this case i think a bonus would be nice. And yes, we SHOULD all want to stop spam, but ill admit that i would turn in posts much more with maybe 1 credit per post that was reported spam and then mods considered it spam and deleted. I dunno just an idea. :lol:

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The spam patrol thing might cause conflict with actual moderators though, because we'd have to figure out if moderators get the same benefits, if they don't then members would rather be spam patrol than an actual moderator, and if they do it would have to be clear when and how the benefits are applied and so on and so forth.I dunno...I can't think straight right now...8 hours at this computer has completely fried my brain.

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Well the spam badges were never asked for, so therefor, not volunteered. In this case i think a bonus would be nice.

The spam insignias may have not been asked for, however there was a request in the request section of this forum for a spam patrol userbar. If i'm not mistaken, spam patrol was an idea placed together by a couple/few active members who would usually be the top reporters here at Xisto, which later became an honorary title; thus volunteered. You'd think having a badge would be the nice bonus. When a person volunteers, they don't ask for benefits—they're just glad and content with just helping out (to the best of their ability). If one were to get paid for doing work, they are no longer volunteering; they gain the status of "employee".

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I agree with all previous answers given--that there should be only one rule when it comes to hosting credits calculation; same for admin as same for hosting members (that includes moderators). This way no one person above all others can abuse the hosting credit system.As for the honorary titles, I started so that very frequent members can help the forum and each other by feeling more of ownership of this forum. After all, if you (yes you) are not here what good is the community forum without its members? Moderators are moderators but GFX Crew and Spam Patrols are titles which what everyone should be doing anyway (again, as mentioned earlier) :lol: I don't know about you guys but ever since the creation of GFX Crew, I find more and more people are placing sigs using Xisto gallery and in the forum signature. And that goes the same for Spam Patrol--I haven't seen topic titles like "hey guys, what's this forum all about?" or "hey, how can I host here?"...well except for the shoutbox lol.However, if you feel that these honorary titles are drawing attention away from the important objective--making Xisto the best internet community forum--then please let me know :lol:

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First of all i dont think this is great idea. Like BH said no member should be above others. First of all, i guess you wanted to join GFX crew, no one was begging you!And one thing, 7 days for one reporting of spammer? this wont be good.its nice that you have ideas on how to improve this place but this one isn`t that good.

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