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Mururoa its a disgrace

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:P Mururoa

Has anyone heard about Mururoa? It's an old testing site in the south pacific, occupied by the Franch government, where the [crime] of underwater nuclear testing has been taking place since the 1970's.

They have tested numerous nuclear devices off the coast of small pacific islands, causing numerous problems in those areas.

1. pollution- nobody eats fish cauught near Mururoa; everytime they set off an underwater bomb, there is an eartquake somewhere in the world.

2. health- people in nearby island are dying from cancer more and more, people swimming near there are getting radiation poisening

3. gigantisism- species of parrot fish have been known by scientsists to have tripled in size from radiation.

4. lies- the french governemt conintues to deny any and all of the before-metioned problems, even though they are being backed up by scientists all the time.

There is to be more testing in this area, i believe, and the Freahc government will not be governed by scientific law...

link-- http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/france/mururoa.htm

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Wow! That is one big problem. I assume that other people are doing things to stop this. :P

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I have read that article you have posted and they have just explained there that nuclear testings have stopped and that surveillances is needed of those Ilands however the military activity want stop which is kinda logical as it is military site in fact. Also this animal gigantic species are somewhat scary if you have watched the movie Godzilla and if you consider that such thing might actually happen that the hall population of gigantic let's say sharks might deveople or something more possible then Godzilla itself. Also I would like to point out that the facts you have mentioned are nothing new to the science world because these are shell I say natural affects of the nuclear bomb explosion and there are several sites in the USA with such affects so not only it is disgrace for France every other country which had to test nuclear weapon had to find appropriate site for it and to test it there so to say. I would say that the biggest disgrace lies still on the united states because they had committed far the most nuclear testing on the earth. And have polluted teh earth with far more radiated particles then any other country either with Uranium waste or with nuclear probes. If you check just how many sites did USA had in the times of cold war everything will be cleear to you/

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