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Blue Icebergs

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They are going exstinct --beautiful blue icebergs. Did any one else see the National Geographic where they filmed the giant iceberg tearing apart? i almost cried. There it was--a huge iceberg poking out of the arctic sea, blue, not white, but blue ice, indicating that it was only about MILLIONS of years old....It's was being filmed by a bunch of sightseers, and as if on cue, it decided to flip over, slowly at first, then all of a sudden, the whole things just dissintegrated before everyone's bewhildered eyes. This ancient, almost eternal structure, has 'killed' iteself in a mere two minutes.how did this happen, you might ask? Why is it important, you might be wonering? It shows us what state the world is in, when a million year old iceberg disappears under teh water...how long before everything else disspears under the water, leaving no trace of it ever having exsisted?Everyone 'knows' it happened because of pollution. Nobody does anything about it, though

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Global Warming is the answer to the question "Why is our climate changing so fast?"If we do not find alternative source of energy that can be use without producing fumes those iceberg will go extinct. Vehicles is the number one source of air pollution which causes green house effect. The gigantic ice continent is melting fast that it introduces fresh water to our ocean thus raising the see level and changin our climate.Its ironic that man is the only capable specie that can protect the planet but we have become the destructive force of our own environment and home world.But dont worry these blue iceberg will have their vengence on us. When the violent reaction of nature reduces human technology or slows human progress (major cities destroyed by horrific storms or swallowed by the raising see level) the remaining blue iceberg can relax for another hundreds of years.

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Well I hope aliens attack before Global Warming happens. :P

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Eh common guys I know it is nice as it is blue but it is just H2O nothing more well it may be a bit more but not too much ;) I understand your concerns but I wouldn't be so fast in accusing pollution for everything global warming is in fact process I would say some sort of natural process just over huge timeline like several millions of years. And after certain time this your blue iceberg will come back except that we might just not be here to see it. And it will then disappear again and appear again like it is phoenix and it is in fact. So don't cry out ;)And actually we are doing things to stop global warming actually to stop our polluting but we cannot stop global warming :fart: as long as there are such guys.

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