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C++ Or C Whats is to beter?

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um,what u said above were too good...lol:as a college student for software designing ,i think that acctully u are not supposed to compare them C and C++.if you learn C programing language well,u could master other pc language like C++ ,java,vitual basic,C# ...as soon as well.that is to say,C is the base.hope you have a good plan to study pc language.

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Pffft... you're never going to find two experts who agree... Java and C# are very similar to C++, in that they're both derivations of and both contain OO (object-orientated) aspects... I don't know VB well, but I think it may as well... basically, what I'm trying to say is that although some see C as a better starting language because its the base to all of them, others see C++ as a better starting language because OO is introduced almost immediately (and thereby, easier to shift to other common languages like Java and C# which also use OO)......basically look at both sides and choose what you feel will suit you best...

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ok, my view is because C++ is back compatible, it can do all the standard c stuff right? so in that sense, C++ can do all C can do and more! therefore, C++ seems better to me. Hey, and who wouldn't want a programming language with ++ on the end of it? it just sounds so cool!Besides the fact i find classes and inheritance and stuff really useful :rolleyes:

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ok, my view is because C++ is back compatible, it can do all the standard c stuff right? so in that sense, C++ can do all C can do and more! therefore, C++ seems better to me. Hey, and who wouldn't want a programming language with ++ on the end of it? it just sounds so cool!
Besides the fact i find classes and inheritance and stuff really useful

Ha. Not exactly. You can't truly printf(#WHAT_AN_IGNORAMUS) In C++
because std is a template.

if you think about it, OO is not necessary and can be quite mindbreaking
at times. Try combining that, exception handling, and inline assembly.

[br]//The Universe in C++ made and written by Adonai-Adonai God[/br]// copyright the beginning of the world, all judgement reserved.[br][/br]try{ run_world(-10,000)  //don't worry, evolutionists will never know...[br]if( (check_alive(Adam) && check_alive(Eve)!=TRUE)[/br]throw{ "no_humans"} }}[br][/br]catch( char * str )[br]{[/br]std::cout << "I'm sorry God, my infinite master, but you have made an error:"[br]<< end1 << "...there are no humans my lordship." << end1;[br][/br]//I? error?[br][/br]petrify_world();                        //no such thing as an error if I say so![/br]_inline{ mov cs, [0x00h] }        //and I shall make all things anew...[br]}[/br]

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ClanFade, there are as many programming languages ashuman points of view. There are so many because thereare different ways to think of programming.C++ - more user orientedC - more system oriented

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