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Humans And Space Theories And Skeptics

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Ive thought a lot about these things over the past few years and have come up with many theories resolutions even the secret to life for that matter but one thing ive always decided is nothing in life is certain. Now humans as my first topic. We are very complex animals but, all in all we are JUST animals the only thing i think that seprates us from the rest of the species of animals on earth is that we have a soul....now does anyone really know what a soul is? Or if there even really is such a thing? No, but i have theories on that as well..now when you die your body is left behind and your soul will leave it, as some like to believe but a soul is what really? I think the soul is the mind iteself but with some complexities. Now animals think, they feel sad happy hungry etc. But one thing that ive noticed is animals learn, but not at a rate of humans. Humans atomatically start mimicking what they see as babys. They want to do everything they see. Animals how ever are usually starting themselves on instinct. Take a deer for example, fresh out the womb they start to walk. Now thats much faster then an infant human, but i believe that this is because they think in terms of instinct while we think in terms of knowledge and expantion. People mite say "Oh but look the birds can think, the crows can use straws too get bugs out of jars" well i think this is instinct as well....They use the natural tools around them to manipulate to get what they NEED, now us on the other hand, we get things that we need as well as things that are just for recreation. You dont see monkeys building skyscrapers, just like you dont see humans swinging from trees (short of george of the jungle) But i beieve that we are set apart only by our thirst to find things out thus making our quest for knowledge our soul.Space - i believe we ourselves are aliens. Think of it in these terms, Humans have abilities of all the animals combined, Maybe not as sharp as some but the human body is capable of amazing things. The way we are built is so perfect that if you took the time to train yourself and become a master of your body you could really do a lot. I.E. Karate, breakdancers, Gymnist,Parkour) Now, look at your hand, relax it with your arm raised, it closes correct? It is like a bug, when relaxed it goes limp the fingers point down and almost in, now grab something, like a soda can. You can relax your hand while it is open while someting is in your hand, again like a bug. You will find a lot of things like tat with your body. we are a super race, humans, but i think we lost our super abilities millions of years ago. Maybe we came to earth from another planet and the only survivers were ingered and became retarded or something (I.E. us only using 10% of our brain) and so we come from super intelligant, powerfull beings that went brain dead, so we THINK were intelligant but were really just smarter then your average bear...litarally. You mite think these are rants from a crazy madman...and maybe they are...but sometimes things like this make more sense then youd like to admit...

Edited by PurPleKuSh (see edit history)

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What the... oh please, you flatter the human race too much.I'd rather not expound on the concept of a soul, for it is not exactly something easily proven by facts alone. However, I doubt that all the other animals operate solely on instinct. True, a lot them, like the simplest jelly fishes, live boring lives doing things over and over again, day in and day out simply because they were "programmed" to. However, there are also creatures higher up the evolutionary ladder that can pretty much do the same as humans, given the chance.A lot of primates, as a matter of fact, are like humans in that we are all born with the instinct to imitate and it is from this instinct that we learn. All of us. Experiments with chimps have proved that they, too, are capable of learning. Heck, even mice can learn! Practically anything whose memory last longer than a goldfish can learn! Well, that might be an extreme statement, I admit, but you get the point.The only thing is that we were able to develop the skill to abstract out ideas. If the monkeys were left alone, got past their screeches, howls and chatter, and developed a higher form of language, then in just a few thousand years, they could probably be building skyscrapers as well.It is interesting to note that the reason we are at our place in the universe is not because of a trait that made us "superior" to all other creatures. Really, we are here because we are lucky. If that comet didn't end the Saurian period, or if the Panama didn't cut off the current from the Pacific to Africa, then we could probably end up as meat on a velociraptor's plate or test specimens of a bunch of chimpanzees.Lastly, I don't dispute the fact that we could pretty much be aliens. However, if we were, then big deal. So would every other creature in this world. Also, I don't get the point about hands, bugs and soda cans. Maybe you could clarify that a little bit more?

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Well we are capable of imagination and complex ideas...which is far above any primates capabilities. If monkeys have been around as long as scientist say there are, then they should be as smart or even smarter then us if they had the same capabilities of us. But like i said we are very superior, the human body can do a lot given the time and practise, and also determination. We only use 10% of our brain which means that if we were at our full capabilities we would probobly have telepathic skills or some crazy thing like that but right now at our current state we are similar to monkeys...but far more superior.

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I believe in the concept of soul too. A lot of people have already experienced things related to it. We are also a highly complex race that has a huge variety of languages, cultures and races. We're much more than animals will ever be.I'm not sure about the part about us being aliens... I mean, aliens are generally foreign creatures. Are you saying we don't live on earth because we're foreigners?

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If monkeys have been around as long as scientist say there are, then they should be as smart or even smarter then us if they had the same capabilities of us.

Like I said, luck. It just so happened that our ancestors discovered fire, made flint tools or whatnot a little bit earlier than the rest of the primate world. By the sheer luck at acquiring such windfall technologies, they have pretty much squashed the hopes of other primates to evolve and progress. Like I said, again, if monkeys were to be left alone for the same amount of time we, humans, were left in peace, I wouldn't be too surprised if some of them were building spacecrafts right now.

(Apparently, someone likes to reply without reading posts)

We only use 10% of our brain which means that if we were at our full capabilities we would probably have telepathic skills or some crazy thing like that but right now at our current state we are similar to monkeys...but far more superior.

Do your research. What you just gave out is a long-enduring myth, an urban legend, if you will. It is proven wrong here.

I'm not sure about the part about us being aliens... I mean, aliens are generally foreign creatures. Are you saying we don't live on earth because we're foreigners?

I don't believe humans alone are aliens. However, if one were to say that the first few seeds of life on earth came from elsewhere, then it is not too hard to imagine a meteorite carrying organic compounds crashed onto earth quite a long time ago. Then everyone and everything, from the simplest cyano-bacteria to the majestic blue whales would have been alien ;)

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Well the primates have been around longer then us so if what your saying is true..they would already be building spacecrafts. And i say were aliens because i think we werent originally from this planet but maybe from another that we depleted (like this one) and then left to come to earth. But like i said i think there was a crash or something and the only survivors were injured thus losing their previous knowledge so they had too start out as retards (why we dont use our full brain power) so now we are all descendants from super smart people that got brain damage so now were less then we could be. Just one of my many crazy theories but who know?? hahaOh and i did read your post before i replied and you said "If the monkeys were left alone, got past their screeches, howls and chatter, and developed a higher form of language, then in just a few thousand years, they could probably be building skyscrapers as well." and i answered "If monkeys have been around as long as scientist say there are, then they should be as smart or even smarter then us if they had the same capabilities of us."you said if they were left to themselves for a few thousand years...Well they HAVE been, for as long as we were and they havent developed nearly as much as us...no reason for hostility salamangkero, im just thinking out loud hahaha

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Well the primates have been around longer then us so if what your saying is true..they would already be building spacecrafts. And i say were aliens because i think we werent originally from this planet but maybe from another that we depleted (like this one) and then left to come to earth. But like i said i think there was a crash or something and the only survivors were injured thus losing their previous knowledge so they had too start out as retards (why we dont use our full brain power) so now we are all descendants from super smart people that got brain damage so now were less then we could be. Just one of my many crazy theories but who know?? haha
Oh and i did read your post before i replied and you said "If the monkeys were left alone, got past their screeches, howls and chatter, and developed a higher form of language, then in just a few thousand years, they could probably be building skyscrapers as well." and i answered "If monkeys have been around as long as scientist say there are, then they should be as smart or even smarter then us if they had the same capabilities of us."
you said if they were left to themselves for a few thousand years...Well they HAVE been, for as long as we were and they havent developed nearly as much as us...no reason for hostility salamangkero, im just thinking out loud hahaha

I was arguing with my desk mate about this problem a few weeks ago. He believes in the creation theory and I believe in the evolution theory. He also asked me... "If everything evolves and we are just an evolved ape, why are there apes on this planet; why aren't all apes humans... why didn't all apes evolve into humans or at least something better."
In that moment I couldn't give him a rational explanation. But after thinking about it I found one. Here it is.
Lets take evolution theory for granted... Life evolves? But why does it? Because it needs to adapt to an ever changing environment even if that may mean a new predator, an ice age or something else. In other words species need evolution in order to survive, it is a requirement, not a voluntary thing.
Darwin noticed that a few individuals (I mean a lot of individuals... a small number compared to the specie) that have been cut off geographically from the rest of the species evolve differently. And there are lots and lots of examples for this phenomenon... not any large evolutionary steps but very little ones like the change of colors to adapt to the new enviroment or even the change in behavior.
What I want to point out is that something might have happened that triggered the evolutionary leap. A group of primitive apes, a few million years ago might have left Africa by chance and in the process of adapting to their new environment ended up after millions and millions of years being human. Other apes may not have head that opportunity and remained more or less unchanged.
Even today it is easy to see this... Africa is still very much undeveloped compared to the modern standards. They still fight in a endless civil war...
So basically my theory for your question is that evolution needs something that turns it on, just like fire needs gas to burn. And that something are conditions... very rare, special conditions... that is why there are still apes in the world, that is why even though apes exist for more then men does they are not as bright as we are... Our ancestor might just have been much much more lucky then theirs...

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You said, that we are the only ones that have a soul?! What about animals? What do you think is the one thing that seperates beings with soul from those beings without a soul? Don't you think that maybe animals have souls, but are more "blinded" than humans (well, sometimes humans are acctually even more blinded than animals:)). You know that animals feel - if you hit a dog with a stick, he'll cry, bark and do something to show you that he is in pain - just look in his eyes and you'll know that they also have a soul, which is CURRENTLY! more "blinded" than ours...

The next thing is - you said that nothing in life is certain. Well there are a few things that are more than certian and that is:

- we are all born once!
- we all have certain pleasures during our lifetime and certain amount of suffering!
- we all die!

These things are more than certain, so you cannot say that nothing is certain! What one should think about is the reason we are given this chance to be able to think about stuff and be able to do good things and bad things and decide whether we'll be good people or bad people - we clearly have our own free will!

4 things are to be thought of:

- THE EXISTENCE OF IMPERMANENCE (nothing is permanent - that is certain!)
- THE ARISING OF SUFFERING BECAUSE OF CRAVING (when we get something, we always want something else or more of the same! Therefore we are never happy)
- THE CESSATION OF SUFFERING (there is a way out of this suffering)
- THE MIDDLE WAY, or THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH (this way out is presented by the noble eightfold path, which you can find here --> THE EIGHTFOLD PATH

Best whishes

Edited by heavensounds (see edit history)

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There is such a thing as permanence...which can be in many forms such as disabilities, being in prison for life etc. being born once is not certain...think of religion and being "reborn"...suffering is not certain and neither is pleasure...think about people who are born into confinement,poverty, think of people who are born into bliss, such as kings etc...

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We know that apes have been around as long because of fossils, scientists just aren't bringing it out of thin air. Modern humans do not have one ancestor that went back all the way to apes. We have evolved from many different groups of beings, some at which existed at the same times as each other. As others have said, how we are as we are today has been all by luck, thats how life is. Animals act on instinct and some can learn. Remember the gorilla that knew sign language? Remember your dog that knows what to do when you whistle or hold out your hand to shake? Mice have actually shown to think out decisions, for example mice in mazes have been shown to actually take time and think about which path to choose.In one theory, all life on this rock is indeed alien. In this theory, an asteroid hit the Earth and thus was life. From the asteroid came organisms from somewhere else and then those one celled organisms made their way to water... and then you can guess the rest.Have you seen the movie Red Planet (I think thats the name) lately? Cause it's about some astronauts going to Mars and finding an old monument and in it shows the story of alien beings running from an asteroid about to hit Mars and they all go to Earth and thus was us cause our DNA somehow matches theirs except for one little piece of DNA or whatever.Ever seen that show, I forget the name but its an old show in black in white called The Other... or something, anyways in it humans create a device that puts all the 'evil' animals together and what comes out of it? A human. Haha.

Edited by Smack (see edit history)

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I think that the human race is here because we are suppose to be here,and the other planets are just stepping stones of the future that we do not know yet.The beginning of time can be debated for an indefinite amount of time from the theory of the big bang to god creating the heavens and the earth.The theory of the big bang is a good one and has the most scientific evidence.The idea of how the matter got there to create such a thing seems preposterous.I have trouble boggling these two ideas in my head as they are completely unanswerable at this point in time for the human race.As many theories have been made many have also been found to be false advocacy.I mean what could possibly happen when you die?What everything goes black and you have no memory of any past events or you continue on into another life that only once you are there you will then understand that you were once in a previous life.I also have another little idea that sometimes I think about when the grass is burning haha j/kHere is something I always wondered about the migration of humans. If we were lets say...on the continent of Europe and the people told us that we would be eatin alive by sea monsters if we entered the sea and that the world was flat. We would say they were stupid, well now we would, but back in the day things would have been a little bit different.They did not understand the oceans and they did not see the world in anyway that we can.I believe that there is one source that has allowed us to advance and change our view on the world and that would obviously be technology.Yes, from short trips in the ocean to long trips across the ocean to another world.Then that brings me back to technology has allowed for a large increase in the speeds that we can accomplish things, especially traveling speeds.I believe that as traveling speeds we will begin to discover more and more in space and it is very possible that scientists are absolutely wrong about what other planets are composed of.They could just simply be "rocks"(not literally rocks) and we could eventually travel those areas quite easily and discover other life smarter and more intelligent or less intelligent ,and we could do what is needed to populate their planets.

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I believe that as traveling speeds we will begin to discover more and more in space and it is very possible that scientists are absolutely wrong about what other planets are composed of.They could just simply be "rocks"(not literally rocks) and we could eventually travel those areas quite easily and discover other life smarter and more intelligent or less intelligent ,and we could do what is needed to populate their planets.

In almost every case, whether it is an instrument actually on the planet, or a telescope looking up from the earth, scientists use some variation of an instrument called a spectrometer. Spectrometers take a signal from whatever they are looking at (whether it is a rock, or a cloud or a whole planet or a star or a galaxy or a nebula, etc.) and spread the signal out into its components. Most spectrometers work with light and are a lot like extremely good prisms; they take the light coming from some object and separate it out into its colors. This is useful because it turns out that every element on the periodic table only gives off light of a few certain colors. So if we spread out the light coming from some object and see only certain colors, then we can match thoses colors to the elements that produce them. It's as if everything in the universe has a hidden fingerprint that we just need to learn how to read.

Source: Curious About Astronomy
We know what planets and stars are made of because of the light it gives off. :unsure:

Oh, and time is just relative. It has no beginning and no end.

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Lol... Started out as retards.... No mean to offend, it just sounded really funny. I like your theory. Of course there are many many theories, some sound convincing and others dont. I really dont understand why we are the only ones in this planet that have evolved this much. That definitely makes me think that we are not from here. I wonder what this planet would be like without humans.

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Yes the the theory that scientist's do know what planets are composed of is a good one,but as I was trying to say is that because they are made of these things it does not mean that it is all they are because we will not know until people actually go to the planets. Lets say Jupiter for example is a gas planet,and they say that the center is ice and rock but if you cannot see these things other than through the lens of a spectrometer then how do they know for sure that they are right, they don't know for sure and that is why it is not a law. Many theories have been proven wrong and thing like this could just be another one of those many.I do not believe that humans are living on any of these other planets but It could be another life form that has adapted to that way of life.What about the gas storms on those planets?and the thick atmospheres that we cannot see through?I also know one thing that scientists do not have an answer for and that is death.

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