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My Pc Sucks

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Ok now this really sucks its been a week now and i cannot figure out what is wrong with my pc. i have tried everything and the pc does not load windows. almost as if the hard drive is mad, but then i replaced it with another harddrive that i have laying around that i now works, and it doesnt work. it turns on but it just doesnt load windows. then it reboots and it continues over and over, same thing happens when i try to start up in safe mode.. so i think it might be something with my motherboard.
so the crappy part of the whole thing is that photoshop and all my works are now all gone. Im still able to get online since we have a mac as well but i have no mac version programs for photoshop or anything else to at least do some siggies... this really bites a big one..

sorry i just had to vent out a bit.

ALWAYS start with the simple stuff. First, get a can of compressed air. Open up the box and blow all the dust out. You'll be surprised what a little housecleaning can do! After you have it cleaned, remove ALL of the cards from their respective slots (PCI cards and RAM) and re-seat them FIRMLY in their respective positions. Please do this one by one if you're at all discombobulated by that process. Then try firing her up. You might already be done!

If you're still in trouble, then you need to do some piece-part swapping to try and eliminate the problem. Do you have a spare PC? I have 3....I realize that's not a luxury most people have, but I'm a repair tech by trade and do this stuff all the time. I would DEFINITELY just yank the memory out and put all new memory in as a start. If that didn't do the trick, I'd replace the video card. Those are the two most common components to keep a system from loading Windows.

We really do need a lot more information too. Specifically:

1. How many beeps are their after you turn it on? The number of beeps will tell you exactly what component is failing usually, but you need your Motherboard Manual for that...I pray you have that nearby.
2. Exactly WHAT is coming up on the screen instead of windows! It is posting? Do you see a memory count? Does it get to the Windows screen and die there?

Please give this wee bit of info a try and let me know how you make out.

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I wil turn it on once again this evening and see exactly what it displays and also ill give you a beep coun tand see if i can find my manual.. but hte manul thing might be a tough one to get since its been a while since ive seen t.

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