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Echo "hello Board!";

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Just introducing myself. Honestly, at first I was looking for free webhosting. Having browsed through this forum I now think it is a good idea to ask members to post in order to keep their webspace. It's really busy here and I like that!Not much to say about me, as soon as I have my site running I will post its url here. I hope it is okay to have some non English stuff on it as I am from Germany and intend to use the German language. Maybe I will make it a dual language site...

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hi there, it will be fine to have German content on your website. I think its asked that everyone at least tries to write in English on the forums so that its easier for everyone to communicate but you can write what you want on your website in any language you want :lol: Are you a coder/programmer? I ask because of the topic title, if so i assume you write php?

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Thank you shadowx. Yes I am a programmer, however I am much more familiar with asp.net, unfortunately I need to fix some php-sites at my work. As I thought most people here will use PHP I chose a PHP command :lol: I intend to use PHP here at Xisto as it does not support asp.net. That is no problem though as I only need it for very few functions, most of my planned site will be static.

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Hello, and welcome to the forums panicsafe! Unfortunately I think the TOS say all sites must be in English, but if you have the site in English and German then I would have thought that would be OK (best check with a moderator or admin first though).If you need any help with PHP then feel free to ask the various people on the forums, we have many skilled coders here in all sorts of languages.

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Hello panicsafe and welcome aboard, I have little knowledge with scripting, but a nice one with designing. You can learn both, scripting and designing, just by reading tutorials in the tutorials section, or by reading related topics.

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Hello panicsafe welcome to Xisto. What you could do is get a translator script which you could put in your navigation which lets the user select what language they want - like in your case English or German. You could put the language in German as default and allow English speakers to select the English language setting from the navigation. If the admins told you that the site had to be in English you could set the default language to english and allow German speaking people the chance to select the German language setting. or if you were fealing really special and cleaver you could set the language to a geographical setting which would mean that you could set all countries that speak German as a primary language saw the site in German and all the Countries who have English as their primary language saw the site in English, finally all the countries who's primary language was not German or English they saw the site in English as chances are they will eb able to speak or understand it.

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Hello panicsafe Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. You came to Trap 17 for reliable free no-ad hosting, you have come to the right place. People here on the forum are friendly and helpful as well. If you have a question, just ask. Somebody will answer it or direct you to the answer. Make good content posts and you will have credits enough to get your hosting in no time. To answer your German/English situation.

From the TOS

All websites must be in English to qualify for free hosting. We do this to ensure that Accounts are legal and have permissable contents.

If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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