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Torn Between Two Shows...

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So I have been getting into Grey's Anatomy a great deal recently and have watched every episode on Thursday since the season three started. I didn't see the first two seasons, but I easily caught up by figuring things out by myself, and asking people who have watched it from the beginning. The whole time i have noticed several simularities between GA and the show Scrubs, now for one I can't exactly hold a grudge towards GA and its writers for the fact that they are both doctor shows, and GA has a bit more seriousness to it than Scrubs, so i do like them both, not equally [scrubs wins over GA], but still i think they are both great shows. Now I heard rumours Scrubs is ending soon, and so I wanted to make sure I caught scrubs in its last season, and i realized today itll finally air Thursday, 9:00 on the 30th....well heres a problem, GA airs on thursdays at 9:00...now at the time i started watching GA I didn't even think about the fact that Scrubs is always on thursdays and it will mesh with Scrubs. That is just frustrating, and another thing that is so very frustrating is that for a long time Scrubs was on thursdays on NBC, and GA was recently switched this season to thursdays instead of Sundays, I detect this was deliberate by ABC, because theres obvious tension between Scrubs and GA...its very unfair. I know that I can easily skip GA and watch Scrubs on thursdays instead, and then watch GA on abc.com the next night, but the problem is my aunt loves Grey's Anatomy and we watch it together every week, how am i supposed to break that chain? I also refuse to miss Scrubs because the sixth season might be the last, and i cannot record it, its just a stupid ridiculous situation.

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Wow. I was really tempted to compare the magnitude of your problem to that of the starving people in Africa but I simply can't because I, too, can relate.My sister also follows shows on two TV stations, which I find odd since one of 'em has really crappy reception over our area. Anyway, here's what she does: every time any one of 'em goes on a commercial break, she switches to the other. That way, she follows the storyline of both shows, albeit roughly. The only thing is that there are times she misses the vital scenes, the turning point, the climax or the orgasm, so to speak. :rolleyes:Here's what I do; I dunno if it's applicable to your situation: I watch one show today and view the teasers for the next episode. Then the next day, I watch the other show, view the brief history and also view the teasers for the next ep. Then I watch the first one again, view the history... well, you get the picture, I hope.I'm not sure how effective it's gonna be but over here, I've been following that and I, more or less, get the story. Also, I do not miss out on much of the climax scenes but I do miss out the minor details, though.Hope that helped, but I'm not exactly expecting it will :)

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Yeah, well, Kioku, you only dwell on the negative.Since you say you can't record it, I don't really know how to help, but recording isn't that bad, is it?

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Well i pretty much have it figured out, if anyone cares. I just don't watch either show. Like if scrubs is on and GA is a repeat i will watch Scrubs or if Scrubs is a repeat and GA isn't i'll watch GA...but if they both are on i just don't watch either. So technically i am being fair to both shows.

Edited by JasperIk (see edit history)

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Well i pretty much have it figured out, if anyone cares. I just don't watch either show. Like if scrubs is on and GA is a repeat i will watch Scrubs or if Scrubs is a repeat and GA isn't i'll watch GA...but if they both are on i just don't watch either. So technically i am being fair to both shows.

Had the same problem but then i got tivo so now i don't have to worry. Also if you don't have tivo and you have more than one tv in your household get a vcr and tape the other show in the other room and you watch the other show and when the show that you just watch is over go get your tape and watch you will have to fast forward through the commercial but that is not a big hassle. Edited by street (see edit history)

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