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What Kind Of Intrest Do You Have What kind of intrest do you have

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:( Hello I'm new here, I like to know what kind of interst you have in program's like Golive CS or Dreamweaver MX. I still don't know what the best program is, can you help me out??

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well,i like to try out pretty much any programm that exists,just for fun :( and i like working with sketchup (3d program)and photoshop, and i'm learning flash now...so...

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i like to try out pretty much any programm that exists,

just for fun  :(


and i like working with sketchup (3d program)

and photoshop, and i'm learning flash now...




i agree with you but im having some hard time working the PHOTO SHOP its pretty hard. im getting better at image ready and flash. Once i start taking some photo shop tutorials then im good but for now i will stick to image ready.............

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