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Well, since we're supposed to introduce ourselves, I guess I'll just go ahead and do that.

My name is Jamie and I'm from Canada.
I'm not new at making websites, though I am new at this whole 'post to get a free site' thing, so if you'll bear with me. I really do hope this works out, because it'd be really cool.
ANYWAY. On to me.
There isn't very much to say. I'm in high school (whoopdeedoo), 11th grade. The only really interesting thing about me right now is that I'm going to Greece in March for almost two weeks.
It's a trip the school planned, so I'll be going friends and one of my favorite teachers.

Let's see.. well, I have (fake) red hair right now. Green eyes and I'm about 5'3 (unnaturally short for a guy who's practically 17.)
What else?
Well, I'm gay.

On that note, Hello everyone and I hope these will be a fun ten posts (and then more).

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Hi loser :blink:. If you have any questions, read the Xisto Readme of you can just ask us. 5'3" is short for your age, but nothing's wrong with that. There are a lot of gay people on here, so don't feel bad. Greece sounds like fun, I wish I could go there. I'm a freshman in the USA in high school so you are a little older than me. Anyways, enjoy yourself and have fun!

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Hi and welcome to Xisto. I hope you will get hosting as soon as possible; but as a reminder, in Xisto, we always make long, quality posts. One liners are not allowed. :blink: Have fun in Greece, too; I've always wanted to go there but never really went. 5'3" is kind of short because I am almost a whole foot taller than you. But hey, who said height really matters? Have fun posting.

Edited by BordaForx (see edit history)

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Hello loserface58 Posted Image and welcome from Mich, in Michigan, USA. What a handle. Where does it come from? Can I sneak into your luggage when you leave for Greece? :blink: I am 5'3' with green eyes, also. So we have that in common at least. Tell us a little more about your hobbies, likes and dislikes, and what the theme of your site will be when you get hosting. If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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Hey welcome and greetings from Mexico. Wish you luck here and hope you get hosting and what you need here. Its a pretty nice community in these forums, you will enjoy your stay here for sure.Well Have fun :blink:

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welcome, welcome loserface to the infamous Xisto forums! My school is going to greece in '08! and you're gay? almost all my friends are hah. so you wont find any of that bull crap discrimination in these forums. like said above please read the README (link in sig) to become acquainted with the rules. and above all. HAVE FUN!

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