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Albus Dumbledore

Are You Proud Of Yourselves As Americans?

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I was going through You Tube and found the Music Video for Greenday and U2; The Saints Are Coming and im like o i didn't know this song had anything to do with what it is talking about. Then (im weird like this) questions just kept poping up in my head about things like "Are us as americans proud of ourselves for what we have done in the past. Questions like, Does america think that we showed a great deal of Nationality when katrina hit New Orleans and sent them supplies for building, and living and to have a little bit of fun. Or do we thing we were such idiots and should have let them deal with it themselves.

Other questions that poped up were similar in a way, that the disaster is differemt; like the tsunami that happened over in india. are we as americans proud to help the people who needed help over in india, or would you have rather us kick back and keep our millions to ourselves instead of using it to help them rebuild their life?

So basicly, do you think that we as americans have done good things, or like have we done bad things?

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Well, I think anyone appreciates help when they are in need and don't care who it comes from, Americans or there own people. Overall, I think Americans are doing a fairly well job in times of disaster, but we could do more. As one of the richest and most powerful nations people in our nation expect us to do something. If they are in need (like katrina) then I think they want us to help. I don't think some people would of made it by themselves. They want more help than America is giving. For example, I think they would expect New Orleans to be back to normal, since it has been over a year now since katrina hit. So, I am proud to be an American, but I think I could be prouder.

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well i'm not american so i'm not really sure, BUT i can say that america has had it's trouble moments in the past (racism which is everywhere i guess.... and other stuff like that) but without the USA the world would suffer numberous economic problems, i can't really name them off the top of my head but i probally would say power would be one, USA has heaps of power in the UN and stuff like that......

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I think its the job of all of us as humans to help someone out when they are in need. As Americans I think we should pitch in and help out others in need. Unfortunately, alot of us take for granted the smallest things and it takes a disaster to bring us down to earth and realize that we are not invencible and all of us at one time or another are going to need someone to help us. As far as keeping our millions i am torn between this. Sometimes i am wanting to keep that money and take care of our own first and then others. Alot of time the constant criticism of America by others is the reason for this. The poor performance of the UN and its inability to accomplish anything also makes me lean this way. But, i know that without the help of the US and other wealthy nations that other people would die of famine, disease or just pure racist killing. We have had our problems in the past but i dont think anyone can point out a country that hasnt had some sort of problem.

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I dont beieve that the current presidency has done much in the way of giving the American people a reason to be proud, but in general Americans deserve to be proud, with all of its troubles it is still the "land of opportunity". I am proud of how American troops heroically put themselves in harms way, with the idea that it is the only option in order to promote and preserve democracy in the world. But I am angry at the "powers that be" that put them there in the first place - there is little honor with high command if the true motivator is capital interest.


When Bush is through with his term I will be more proud than I am now.

Can't be long now... oh crap there's another Bush in Florida, look out!

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I dont beieve that the current presidency has done much in the way of giving the American people a reason to be proud, but in general Americans deserve to be proud, with all of its troubles it is still the "land of opportunity". I am proud of how American troops heroically put themselves in harms way, with the idea that it is the only option in order to promote and preserve democracy in the world. But I am angry at the "powers that be" that put them there in the first place - there is little honor with high command if the true motivator is capital interest.


When Bush is through with his term I will be more proud than I am now.

Can't be long now... oh crap there's another Bush in Florida, look out!


Dont let your hatred of one person blind you of all the bad things that took place in Iraq. I am a FIRM believer that we should be in Afghanistan right now but the Republicans and Democrats both voted to send us over there. It wasnt just one person.

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I agree that US presence in Afghanistan is justified. Not all endeavors of US foreign policy are bad. My mind is on Iraq because I know someone there. I also know of some alterior motives behind the US involvelment there, and frankly the blood price is just not worth it to me.I target one person because it takes that person in that position to get the ball rolling. If bush didnt support it, the US wouldnt be in Iraq right now, wouldnt you agree? I think we went there for the right misconceptions, and stayed for the wrong reasons. And now we fight against an insurgency that is practically invisible, among the public of the streets of Iraqi cities. Forgive me for saying so, but this mess is like Vietnam all over again. How long will it take to get a structurally viable state in Iraq, and what will it take to get there? It's so easy to target Bush. He was re-elected, so its not all his fault. People elected him again, which is pretty crazy in my view.

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I am proud to be American the history that hasn't been tainted by fools like Bush. It show how strong we have become not buy individuals, but as a whole. Although most Americans regret about what happen in the past. Although we justified it in one way or the other, or have paid for what we have done.I Proud of the struggle we have fought for to get where we are today. But thanks to bush and his pwoaks (insert bad word here) he has ruined 200+ years of history in 5, 1 if you want to believe the conspiracy theories.I believe in the justice our fore fathers gave including the compromises they made in order for our country to be what it is today. Although it is tainted now, I'm actually embarrassed as to what Bush did just so he can make money for his "friends". If I was a secre service agent I would not take a bullet for his dumbAZZ.

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well personally i dont think americans should be proud of themselves as they are the worlds best at contributing to global warming, they started a war in iraq and then called upon the UK to help them. Also im not american so it doesnt bother me in the slightest way

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lol, when i saw your reply rob i was like :( he's from the UK what's he posting here :( but then i read it and im like oh..and anywho, yes America, has done some bad things, but we are not the one's who started global warming now are we :( Brittan is. They started off the industrial revolution by making factory's to produce more goods for the demand of more goods, which started it and America followed. And not only america contributes to global warming, just because we are the largest contributers to the cause doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't contribute to it as well.bush is an idiot i agree !!! :lol:

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