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The Idiot Test

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I was just cruising around addictinggames.com and I found this game call The Idiot Test. I clicked on it and assumed it would be easy, but sad to say, it took me about five tries to finish it (yes there is a finish to it. I hope you see it). Some of the things on the test are tricky and can fool you. So, good luck on it and try to finish it without messing up (for some of you this is impossible).
Here's the link: http://www.addictinggames.com/funny-games/theidiottest.jsp

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It seemed fairly annoying, I did get it done after the third try. Ug, a lot of it seemed the difference between between a square and a rectangle, oh, and having a DVD running in the background so when it said "Don't press the red button", you spend 5 mins watching the DVD and come back to it :(

I must admit that I did have to write some of the sequences down on a piece of paper*, but my excuse is that it is 2AM, and I have been going to bed around 3AM - 4AM for the last week. Not good :(

*Everyone always tells you to use your initiative, until you write a program in C to do your maths homework and distribute it around the class :lol:

Edited by Yacoby (see edit history)

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That was so annoying... I only actually got like two of the tests wrong, but I messed up when getting caught back up, cause I was in a hurry. =\Overall, awesome find! was pretty fun. (The littlest red circle pissed me off. :lol: )

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It took me 3 times to pass the test. One because I read the Quick part for the push the green button a little late. The other was because I clicked on the R the second time to see if it would take me to the next screen faster. Pretty interesting game, I enjoyed it. Of course, husker spelt the title wrong as Idoit test because he is such an idiot. :lol: j/k

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