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Deja Vu Why do we get them?

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Im too confused some times about this experience of deja vu . First when i had it in my child hood , i just thought it is some feeling that i alone get , one day i shared the same with my friends and then only i came to know that it is called "Deja vu" till that day i really dont know the name even . After i came to know that many people have the same feeling, first i thought at times i my self bring that feeling , then only i came to know that it come automatically . What i have to know now is that , is it good or bad ? does this have any consequences. ? Can some stop this ? If some one have answers for these please let me know

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Deja vu is a very strange and weird feeling, that's for sure. I have had it a few times, You will be doing something or talking to someone and bam! You get the feeling you have done this all before. Like the movie Ground Hog Day.

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Im too confused some times about this experience of deja vu . First when i had it in my child hood , i just thought it is some feeling that i alone get , one day i shared the same with my friends and then only i came to know that it is called "Deja vu" till that day i really dont know the name even . After i came to know that many people have the same feeling, first i thought at times i my self bring that feeling , then only i came to know that it comes automatically . What i have to know now is that , is it good or bad ? does this have any consequences. ? Can some stop this ? If some one have answers for these please let me know

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I'm also experiencing those called Deja vu, it's really creepy, but also sometimes I like that I'm experiencing them, it makes me feel strange that everything is not so simple ;] Usually I just think that at some moment it seems that it already happens, I just think that it was a dream, I already done this moment in a dream, but I just fool myself, and usually am surprised for several more moments and later forget about it, but I like the feeling if it does not happen to often. :D

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